Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You play with Fire, It's gunna burn You

Part 21

by x_Charlie_x 0 reviews

Part 21. Sorry if i don't update as much for a while... I'm quite bogged down with College work right now.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-09-16 - Updated: 2007-09-16 - 1445 words - Complete

Part 21
Amy’s POV- ‘Take my f*cking hand and never be afraid again.’
I’m just putting the finishing touches to my makeup when I hear Gerard’s car pull up outside and two seconds later Frank is calling up the stairs for me to “Hurry the f*ck up!” Nice.
I look over myself in the mirror. I was wearing tight jeans, kittyboots, one of my dressier black tops that still wasn’t that dressy, a little blue heart pendant and a touch of black eyeliner and mascara so I’d look semi smart while we were having our meals amongst all the loved up couples. Mikey and Charli had decided we were going to go to Frankie and Bennies which was literally right next door to the cinema, not that they’re in any way lazy at all…
I walk downstairs and smile at Frank who’s waiting by the door for me with Gerard. The front door’s open and I can see Mikey and Charli making out in the car behind them. I roll my eyes, shout goodbye to Bob who replies with a ‘have fun’ and lead the way to the car. I knock on the window then climb in the back so I’m sat next to Charli and Frank is upfront with Gerard.
“You’re so pretty.” Charli says to me in greeting.
“Oh erm thanks. You too.” I smile. I was getting nervous now. The film they’d chosen to see was a horror and although I wasn’t terrible with horror films I was liable to get a bit more frightened than everyone else. Especially at the cinema. I sit the ride out in silence with gnawing anticipation in my stomach. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. I mean what if Frank thinks I’m a complete wimp and never talks to me again? Ok now I’m being stupid. Frank already knows I’m a complete wimp and it hasn’t stopped him from talking to me or kissing me. In fact he even tried to kiss me when I was a wimp with a busted lip…
“Amy? We’re here…” I snap my head around to look at Gerard who’s giving me an odd look. I feel a rush of pain in my neck where I had jolted it by moving my head so fast and raise a hand to try and kneed out the pain. “You were miles away.” Gerard adds, a kind smile now on his face rather than the cold assessing look of before. I find the door handle and slide out of the car, still rubbing my neck, and make my way over to the ticket machine so I can get my ferry ticket.
“My treat.” Frank says, barging me out of the way, making me stumble rather ungracefully and drop my £1.40 ferry ticket money. I bend down and pick it up off the floor, straightening to find a ticket being waved in my face.
“You’re really not very good at doing this gentlemanly thing.” I complain with a scowl in Frank’s direction. He just grins that ridiculously huge, manic, face consuming grin of his.
“Well… You’re not very good at doing the…” he hesitates a moment to actually think of something, “…gracious acceptance thing.”
“It’s hard to be gracious when someone’s just tackled you.”
“Slight over exaggeration there.”
“Hardly!” I pout. We’re following Mikey and Charli down the tunnel to catch the ferry now. They’ve got their arms round each other and seem deep in conversation.
“Let’s pretend we’re like them. Just for tonight.” Frank says, following my gaze to Mikey and Charli and their obvious happiness and content.
“What do you mean? Tall? We’d need stilts or something…” I ask even though I know full well what he means. He means pretend we’re together. Pretend we have more than our awkward kiss once every few weeks, usually at the worst timed moment ever. Pretend we’re together.
“You know what I mean. We could pretend we were dating. It could be quite fun.” He says with a wink. We hand our tickets over to the man who clips them and returns them to us with a very bored expression. Then we board the ferry which had arrived at the same time we had.
“Dream on.” I reply as we take seats opposite to Mikey and Charli. I claim the window seat and look absent mindedly over the harbour to where we would be arriving shortly. “Fine, but no funny business on your part.” I say with what I hoped was a stern look.
“Or yours.” He returns. I dignify it only with a roll of my eyes. Charli throws me a questioning glance as soon as Mikey and Frank are absorbed in conversation, I shake my head and she smiles. Girly intuition aside sometimes I think this girl is full out psychic. Then again it could be that Frank has just grabbed my hand in his, interlacing (or locking) our fingers together and running his thumb over my knuckles.
“Are you guys together?” Mikey blurts out which interrupts his own stream of heated dialogue when he notices our hands.
“For one night only.” I reply, mimicking those stupid TV shows.
“Right.” He says with a frown.
“As in we’re not actually properly together.” Frank explains, “We just thought we’d act the part in this double date thing your amazing girlfriend set up.” Charli blushes slightly at Frank’s random praise and we grin at each other with confused, disbelieving looks on our faces. If simply holding his hand made him this deliriously happy I wonder what he would be like if I… Not going there!
All x-rated thoughts of Frank are pushed from my mind as we take the familiar path over to the open air shopping precinct that houses the cinema. The anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach is back and I hold on to Frank’s hand more like a life line than anything else. This was a bad idea. I’m going to make a complete fool out of myself.
Rank shifts slightly so that his mouth is right by my ear and mutters “Stop worrying.” His warm breath whispers against my skin and I hold back a shiver. Damn his ability to read me like a book. I wonder if he can tell I like him… well I suppose I had kissed him, at least twice now, that was quite a bit of a sign. Mind you he’d also kissed me and I was still clueless as to his feelings surrounding me. I think he likes me though… I hope he does. “I’ll protect you.” He whispers heroically and I slap him lightly on the top of his arm.
“You’re such a nob.”
“Obviously. Oh you owe me popcorn.”
“Great, a nob with a good memory.” I reply sarcastically but I stop complaining when he buys my cinema ticket.
We find our way to the right screen for the film. Charli somehow manages to muss the huge neon pink number 7 sign she’s stood right next to and asks us where screen seven is but eventually we get in, get seats and settle down. We make fun of the adverts, many seem to include semi naked women for no reason what so ever, and make fun of each other. Mikey feeds Charli a piece if popcorn so Frank immediately mimics him by saying “Come on Amykins open wide, imagine it’s my…” Hopefully no one hears the end of this sentence due to the distraction of me chocking up the popcorn he’s just shoved into my mouth as I try to coverer up a bout of laughter. Charli and Mikey don’t seem too impressed though. I think we ruined the romance.
They get their own backs though when Frank finally tells me I look ‘nice’.
“Hey Charli, you know what? You look nice.” Mikey says, placing a lot of emphasis on the last word.
“Oh Mikey that’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said.” Charli fake gushes with her hands clasped over her heart and much eyelash fluttering. I struggle not to laugh as Frank doesn’t look best pleased and sure enough a few minutes later he mutters, “I meant it though, you look good.” I’m about to comfort him with a variation of ‘I know’ but I’m cut off as the lights dim. I tense up and cling to Frank’s hand for dear life.
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