Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Within Temptation

Within The Lie

by darks00 3 reviews

Delilah tries to break through Julius' personal 'barrier' that he made himself...

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Published: 2007-09-18 - Updated: 2007-09-19 - 1085 words


A panic attack almost feels like an athsma attack, I was told. It feels like you can't breathe. It's when stress gets so much, that you feel so weak, that you just break down and cry. It takes alot out of a person. It hurts the head so much...

I learnt this from Scarlett. It was one of the lesson plans, just in case in a mission someone was going to have a panic attack. But, Julius having one? Something wasn't right.

Julius had nothing to be stressed about, did he? He would have told me, he always told me. He's the confident, funny guy of the academy. He is still sleeping, and I am just holding his hand while he snoozes. I could hear is un-even breathing, his chest going up and down slowly. He was still attacked the the oxygen mask.

I wonder how long he's going to sleep for...

Julius, one of the top spies was in the hospital wing. Defense-less, like a child. He broke down before me. And now, the main question that is bugging me: why does he have those scars on his wrists?

There's only two explanations I can come up with. They look man-made to me. So one, he could be being bullied/abused by someone, or two, he's abusing himself.

Julius? Abusing himself? Yeah, right. But Julius getting abused by someone else? I doubt it, he's too strong to let someone push him.

Both of them make no sense. I knew I needed answers from Julius when he woke up.

I jumped in surprise when I felt Julius' hand grab onto mine harder, and his breathing turned to struggling moans. He then opened his eyes, slowly struggling.

"Hello, Sleepy-Head," I joked with a smile.

Julius smiled.

"You have a bad headache from that panic attack, hey?" I asked him.

"I didn't have a panic attack. I just...I just..." He stuttered.

It was hard to hear him with the oxygen mask. Julius noticed this, so he took it off and repeated himself. "I didn't have a panic attack."

"Well, why did you break down?" I questioned him.

He rubbed his right arm (his injured arm), not knowing what to say. His head was down, as if he was ashamed of himself, and his blonde hair fell before his eyes till I saw them no more.

"Julius," I said, grabbing both of his hands in mine.

When Julius refused to look or even acknologe that I was talking to him, I let go of one of his hands, put it under Julius' chin, and lifted it up, forcing him to look into my eyes. He was struggling not to look into my eyes, so he closed them. Sweat was falling from his face.

"Julius, I need you to talk to me, okay?" I told him slowly as if he was a child.

Julius looked like he was thinking of what to say and/or do.

"Delilah, please, don't make me lie to you," he begged.

I raised an eyebrow. "Then don't. Tell me the truth."

"I can't." He told me.

"Why?" I asked him, "I thought we are bset friends."

"We are...Or, that's what I thought," he muttered.

"Julius, we are. You are the closest thing to me." I said with sincerity in my voice.

Julius hesitated, making a sob noise. "I can't trust anyone anymore. Where my heart is was torn out of me. All I am is an empty shell."

"Julius, you're scaring me. This isn't like you."

Julius finally opened his eyes, and looked at me. His eyes darkened. "I'm sorry. That's why I've been isolating myself from people lately."

"Did something happen to make you feel this way, Julius?" I asked him.

"Life," he whispered.

"I have something to ask you, this is important, so please listen," I told him, carefully chosing my words.

He looked at me with sadness in his now blood-shot red eyes from tears.

"Why are there scars on your wrist?"

Julius jumped in surprise. "Oh, I by accident cut myself while doing dishes..."

"You're lying."


"You're lying," I repeated with hurt in my voice. "There's three scars, Julius, three. They look man-made. Is someone hurting you, or are you hurting yourself?"

"I need time alone," He said suddenly.

"Fine," I said, knowing he was too stubborn to speak.

I went to the little stand by Julius' bed, grabbed a pen and a paper. I gave it to him.

"I know you love to write poetry. I bet you feel like writing something right now, huh?"

"...Thanks," he said, accepting the pen and paper.

"Don't get me wrong. I will be back, and you will tell me the truth," I told him, then I left.

Before I left, I noticed Julius started writing his poem.



Broken Wings

A friendship best forgotten
The core is too rotten
It can't be put back together again
So sharp at the friendship's end
Too sharp of ends to put back together again

Don't want it to end this way
But there's nothing left to say
When love turns to hate
And despair is your fate

To be loved, yet not feel it
Too feel nothing but the night
It is so surreal
But it is very real

To be hugged and not feel
Feel the love that is real
That is me
And what it will always be

I once had wings to fly
But now my hope is now dry
My wings are tathered and broken
I am now forsaken

You're gone
I don't know what went wrong
But you took everything that was me
But you don't see
You took everything that I use to be

You don't see through my lies
My own clever disguise
What you don't know can't hurt you
But to hurt me that it will do

I see you there
But you're not with me here
You abandoned me so long ago
And I want you to know

I can't feel you anymore
Like I use to feel is no more
Yet I want you to know...

I still love you and always will
Even though love's winter chill
And the pain you put me through

I still believe in you
And I know what you will do

I know you will fix my wings again one day
And we will fly together
...For ever hand-in-hand


xxDarkness' Kidxx
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