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by keyblader_twilight 0 reviews

As time passes, Riku looses more and more control over his emotions. Sora and Kairi are worried for him but hardly ever talk about it and soon an escape appers to Riku but will he take it?

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Ansem,Sora,Riku,Kairi - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-09-24 - Updated: 2007-09-25 - 360 words

Riku sat on the paupu tree, thinking. Footsteps sounded behind him and Sora came jumping over the tree. "Hey, are you okay?"

Riku tried to look insulted by the question. "Of course." Sora glared at him. Of all the people, only Sora could tell when he was lieing. "No. I'm worried."

"About what?" Does he ever stop asking questions?

Riku could only shrug. "I'm not sure. I just have this sense of...I dunno," Riku turned his head away form Sora.

"Riku, don't shut me out. I'm your friend. You can talk to me about anything," Sora said, eyes fixed on him.

"Sora, there's some things I can never tell you."



"It's about the darkness, isn't it?"

Riku didn't give a reply to this. How had Sora figured it out? Was it really that obvious? "If I were to tel lyou something...something bad, would you still think of me the same way?" Sora gave a confused look but nodded. "Sora, I won't lie to you. While you were asleep, I felt so free. I could do whatever I wanted. I made my own choices, no one else. And being back here..." He couldn't go on.

Sora nodded. "I get it. You miss the freedom. I guess that's what the darkness offered you."

"I also did it to protect you and Kairi." At this point, Sora finally understood everything Riku gave up just so he and Kairi were safe. "I wuold do it again too, without a second thought," Riku added not daring to make eye contact with Sora.


"Hey guys!" Kairi called to them fomr the beach. Riku jumped down and they started to walk over to Kairi when the island gave a sudden shake. Sora fell down and Riku helped him up. It shook again and Kairi screamed. A dark portal was opening up underneath her.

"Kairi!" Riku yelled to her, jumping down to the beach. Another yell came form behind him and he saw Sora being pulled in as well. "Sora!" He tried to run to help him but a pain errupted in his head and the next thing he knew, he was out.
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