Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > The Voice

The Darkness

by 1234 0 reviews

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2007-09-27 - Updated: 2007-09-27 - 363 words - Complete

So, this is Super Sonic, huh?

Dark, isn’t it?

Is this place even real?

Heh, for all I know some guy’s sitting a computer typing this stuff.

I’ll never forget the first time it happened. It introduced me to Tails, incidentally.

The flash as the Emeralds returned to the Special Zone… what a rush. Freedom. The power to do whatever I wanted.

Whatever I wanted. The stuff I would never tell anyone. The slightest annoyance, the smallest irritation, would be his call. His victim.

My own personal monster.


But, that’s not all, is it? He’s something like me, but not me… Some kind of doppelganger, or something else? Something that shouldn’t have been, definitely.

But it is. And now I have to deal with it. Even though that’s hard to do. How do I fight something that doesn’t exist when I do? And the few times I’ve faced it… Outclassed springs to mind.

I couldn’t defeat it. Not in a fair fight. And it has never fought fair. Its too powerful, it couldn’t fight fair if it wanted to.

Who has stood up to it? Shadow? For a few minutes, yeah. Doctor Zachary? He bored it into defeat. Anything else lasted one shot from it. Its unstoppable.

Which is why it was so useful, at first. I mean, you’re staring down an army of Metallix, hey! Lets just go Super and blow ‘em all away! And I did. Every time.

That was my mistake. I thought it was mindless. Or maybe it had my mind with all the brakes off.

Man, was I wrong.

Its everything I ever hated. So I am everything it hates. Maybe its right. Maybe it is better than me.

Doesn’t matter. I’m the one in control (usually), so I get final say. Not some psycho nutter from hell.

People always think Robotnik was/is my biggest enemy. But, I guess, when it comes right down to it, we all fear the darkness inside.


Whatever happens, I’ll deal with it. I’ll live with it.

Come what may.

Let the ball roll.
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