Categories > Books > Harry Potter


by SamuelBlack 11 reviews

Looking back, I may have made the decision to get on that ship a mite to quickly. You try being stuck on a ship with two independents, a whore, doctor, merc, priest, mechanic, pilot, one seriously ...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Sci-fi - Characters: Harry - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2007-09-30 - Updated: 2007-10-01 - 906 words


Harry Potter: Serenity

A fanfiction by Wyldfire

Disclaimer: I don't own either of these respectable stories, Firefly or Harry Potter. I am not profiting from this story, just my own enjoyment.

Author's note: Well. I've taken all of your suggestions for a Harry Potter/Firefly story to heart, and here it is. This is what I managed to come up with. I've only seen one story with the same basic premise as mine, but, trust me, I promise you, they will have nothing in common. Enjoy.

Chapter One


S'not so bad, really. When I first came to terms with the fact that I was going to live forever, I may have been /slightly/overwhelmed.

You can't live eternity without going slightly insane. Happens to the best of us. Happened to me, too, about the time that all my old friends started dying. I /may /have gone on a slight killing spree, but, eh, it comes with the territory of being immortal.

Luckily, I'm past all that murdering stuff. It's not all it's cracked up to be, y'know. Money wasn't that good either. Killing people for money just really isn't my cup of tea.

Kind of like eternity.


That's a joke. I've gone through so many different lives and identities so far that it doesn't really feel that bad. You find ways to compensate. Mine was acting. Not acting in the traditional sense, but acting /normal/. I've been businessmen in major companies, mercenaries in others... Hah. I even tried politics once.

Yeah. That didn't work. Ended up killing my opponent.

In all fairness, I was drunk.

And he was a pureblood.

What...? He insulted my honor!

Okay, maybe just my mothers.


Alright, so it was actually just a slight slur against muggleborns. So in a way, he insulted my mother since she was muggleborn, which, in a way, insulted me.

Hey. I'm immortal, I'm allowed a little bit of twisted logic.

I will admit, eternity does get boring after a while. Got pretty interesting a couple centuries back, though.

Y'know, with that whole world-ending bit.

Woo, scary.

Wonder what would have happened if I hadn't left? /Technically, /I can't die... But I still have basic human needs. Would've been interesting, that's for sure.

Life on a space ship sucked, though. Nowhere near as luxurious as it is now, that's for sure. Cramped inside a small ass ship with a fuck load of refugees?

Yeah, fuck that.

Hard as hell to hide the fact I was immortal too. Had to continually keep a glamour up so it looked like I was aging.

Stuff stayed pretty interesting after that, for a while at least. Got to watch the muggles set up a flimsy government, wizards trying to set up a separate hidden government... Hah. Funny stuff.

Y'know, muggles aren't really as oblivious as most wizards think they are.

Surprisingly, the muggles /did /notice when a core planet disappeared!

Shocking, isn't it. So yeah, now the government knows about magic and there's some secret joint chief of staff or something. Like I said, politics aren't really my thing.

Made my way in the verse for a while, made a nice little fortune, and just sat back and watched the chaos.

Best times of my life.

Then the Alliance came. Corrupt bastards. Iswear to God, the wizard who thought that up has to be a relation of Fudge.

Fucking immoral pieces of shit.

The outer planets didn't want to join, don't blame them, so they resisted.


So, naturally, I enlisted. First and foremost, I am always a soldier. Being Harry Potter, some dickwad is always trying to knock me off.

You'd think the immortality thing might give them a hint.

Fought against the Alliance, naturally, we got crushed. Didn't use a whole lot of magic. Muggle war, so I fought the muggle way. They got some powerful fucking weapons now.

Scared the shit out of me, let me tell you.

Shadow's just a fucking rock now. A whole planet's just... gone.

Scary shit, mate.

So, yeah, I fought. Honorable discharge with the rank of Captain. 14th battalion. Had my own little nice group of miscreants.

Some good people in that group.

Most are dead.

They either died during the war, or they died afterwards, mysteriously disappearing.

Like I said, immoral bastards.

After the war was over, I changed identities again. Became a nice little import/export businessman and bought myself a floating island. Always wanted one of those.

So. Here I am. Lost track of the time, and it's already six or seven years past the war. Bored off my ass.

I'm feeling the need to socialize again.

Looking around Persephone, I'm wondering what insanity drove me to this decision.

Persephone. Decent world. Some bloke named Badger thinks he owns this fucker. Small time shit head. Amusing, though.

I don't really know what caught my eye when I looked at that ship, but I found myself walking towards that Firefly. Looking up, I saw it's name. /Serenity/.

Fitting. The Captain of the ship is an independent. Brown coat and all.

Some cute girl is standing next to him, too. Awesome. Independents and hot women. Best two things in the universe, in my opinion.

Besides Fire whiskey, of course.

Thinking back, I may have made the decision to become a passenger on Serenity a mite to quickly.

What the fuck am I talking about?

That girl was really hot.
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