Categories > Games > Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic > How Others See Her

Part V - Juhani

by ChibiRuka 1 review

Juhani's thoughts and feelings regarding Revan.

Category: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bastila Shan, Canderous Ordo, Carth Onasi, Mission Vao - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-01-06 - Updated: 2006-01-06 - 827 words

Revan was the most amazing woman I had ever met. As a child on Taris, she was my beacon to a better life. She was the one who had inspired my dreams to be a Jedi. I remember so clearly how she stood above the rest of her companions. How her walk spoke of her great confidence. Never had I seen anyone who shone so brightly.

When she found me in my grove, my personal place of dark power, I knew right away who she was. She had shown me her face on Taris, and her beautiful features would forever be etched in my memory. So when she offered me salvation-a path back to the light, I could only follow her, as I had done on Taris.

Kiranna was always a shining beacon in my life. A model that I could follow. When I had heard of her fall to the Dark Side, I could not believe it! She was my saviour, as well as the saviour of the Republic. How could she turn on us? I do not know if her fall influenced my own; or perhaps it is the Cathar tendency toward strong emotion. My world had almost been shattered when I had heard of her fall, but when she came to me on Dantooine, I saw the light . . . the aura that surrounded her had returned even brighter than before.

"Why . . . why have you spared me?" I asked as Kiranna deactivated her lightsaber.

Kiranna's face held the same look it did when she rescued me on Taris. A look of sympathy. Not of pity, but of understanding. "I just want to talk," she told me.

I could not believe it! Why would she come here if not to kill me? She was so much more skilled than I, even in my darkness! I had thought I could crush one such as her with my dark power, but she overcame me easily. I felt even more inadequate as a follower of the Dark Side than I had as a follower of the light.

Kiranna's radiance beamed to me as it did in my time of darkness as a child. "The Council will forgive you," she assured me. Her words were spoken with such faith that I could not deny them. I argued that I had fallen too far. "Anger? Show them that you're above such base passions!"

I could see my path back to the light. It was like she was holding her hand to me, telling me to join her. That if I only took her hand, all would be right once more.

I was happy when the Council granted my request to join Revan on her mission. I walked beside her and although she was only a Padawan and I had become a Jedi Knight, I learned from her. I watched her carefully, observed how she carried herself. Observed how she always chose the path of light over the quick and easy path to Darkness.

On the Starforge, I had followed Revan through wave after wave of Sith and Dark Jedi. I pledged my life to her protection, but there came a time when she knew it was time to part ways.

"Juhani," Revan said. She stood before the door that would lead her to her destiny. We both felt it. She turned around and faced me. Her face was as serious as I had ever seen it. She placed her hands on my shoulders. "Thank you for being such a loyal companion," she said softly. I knew what was coming. "Behind this door . . . Bastila is there. I can feel her."

I nodded. I knew that Revan and I would never have such a relationship as the one she held with Bastila. We would never share such a powerful bond. "I know," I said softly. I could feel tears brimming in my eyes. I knew it was time to part.

"I need to do this alone. You can't help me any longer. I need to face Bastila . . . and then I have to face Malak." I nodded. "Go with Carth back to the ship and be careful. We don't know how many more droids and soldiers have replaced the ones we've already killed."

"Kiranna," I said as she lifted her hands from my shoulders and turned to face her destiny. She looked back at me.

"Yes?" she asked.

"I think I love you," I admitted. "I know you likely do not feel the same way, but I thought I should tell you. I hope that you will be alright. I hope that you can redeem Bastila as you did me."

"Thank you for telling me, Juhani," she said, a smile passing on her lips. She turned around and kissed my forehead. "I hope I can redeem Bastila too. I think I can." The door in front of her opened and I hoped it would not be the last time I would ever see her.

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