Categories > Anime/Manga > Fruits Basket > That Fateful Day

Chapter Three

by Silver-kun 0 reviews

Lyra starts to realize that she is falling for Ritsu.

Category: Fruits Basket - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Ritsu - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-10-10 - Updated: 2007-10-10 - 904 words

Chapter Three
A faint blush rose on my cheeks as we walked in silence. Just a mere few minutes ago, I had triggered a curse that was obviously a secret according to Ritsu. He was so cute as monkey...

"Ano..." Ritsu mumbled beside me, his voice was calm with only a hint of anxiety, "Lyra-san..."

"Hai?" Hearing the monkey's voice, I looked at him with my hazel eyes.

Ritsu's hands were absently playing with his shirt as he remained silent. My guess was that he's thinking of how to put his thoughts into words, but I couldn't myself as I smiled. Ritsu-san looked so sweet and adorable when he's like this. Heat rose on my cheeks as my blush deepened. Why was I acting like this?

I never blushed in front of boys like this...

"Ano...Where do you live...?" Ritsu asked quietly.

Suddenly my smile faltered, as did my blush and I looked away. For some reason, I didn't want to tell him, but yet, I wanted to. Hearing a slight whimper, Ritsu trembled, indicating a start of another spazz attack.

"Oh, no, sumimasen, Lyra-san! I-I was heartless to ask you such a personal question, but I...I just wanted--"

"It's ok, Ritsu! Ritsu-san!" My voice was drowned out by his ranting wails as he cried.

Was he always like this? Feeling ongoers staring at us once more, I couldn't think of anything to do, except pull his ponytail...hard. Reaching out, I quickly grabbed a strand of his long hair and pulled it. He immediately yelped with a start. Rubbing the spot on his head where the lock of hair met his scalp, he looked at me.

"Ritsu," I hissed dangerously, "just calm down, ok?"

He nodded. He was about to apologize once more, but I put a finger to his lips.

"Ritsu-san, it's ok. You wanted to walk me home, ne?" I asked, my voice becoming more nicer.

I liked Ritsu a lot, but his spazz attacks were a little annoying... A smile grew on Ritsu's lips as if I had read his mind. He took my hands into his again.

"Hai! I want to make sure Lyra-san gets home safely, after're new to the city, aren't you?" He asked in a squeaky voice.

It was true, I am new and it's been years since I had someone to walk home with... A sad expression formed on my face. I didn't bother trying to hide my sadness as Ritsu became concerned.

"Lyra-san, did I upset you again? Gom-" Before he could finish, tears burned at my eyes once again and I found myself resting my forehead against shoulder, "Lyra-san..."

A lot of confused feelings washed over me as I cried silently into his shirt. Instead of pushing me away, Ritsu slipped an arm around me and he held me, comforting me as I cried. He whispered words of comfort to me for next few minutes until I finally calmed down. He gave me a heartwarming smile as I looked up at him.

"Sorry," I whispered, peeking up at from his shirt.

Ritsu just smiled more, "As long as you're feeling better, Lyra-san, it's ok."

This was when realization had sunk in. I was attracted to Ritsu, almost to the line of forming a crush on him...Or was it more serious. Now blushing at the thought, I quickly pulled away from him. I pretended to brush off my skirt as I tried to clear my head.

How could I be crushing on Ritsu when I've only known him for two days now?


I glanced at him again, but I quickly looked away and started heading around the corner, "I...I live down this way..." I said.

Nodding briefly with a smile, Ritsu followed me. Trying to think of something else to say, I cleared my throat.

"So...Hatori-san...Who is he?" I asked in hopes of starting up a conversation.

"Oh," Ritsu's face lit up and he brushed his bang back, "Tori-nii is the Sohma family doctor cousin."

His cousin? I wonder...

"Does too?" Curiosity was in my voice as I asked that question.

This Sohma curse was really interesting and intriguing. From what Ritsu had told me, the Sohmas who are cursed change into animals of the Chinese Zodiac when hugged by the opposite sex.

Ritsu-san nodded as we continued walking, "Hai, he's the dragon."

Dragon...That is...Awesome...But aren't dragons mythological? I wanted to ask if Hatori-san actually turned into a dragon, but I was immediately interrupted as we approached an apartment building.

My stomach fluttered nervously as if it were filled with butterflies. Ritsu looked between me and the apartment complex.

"Is this where you live?"

I nodded at his answer. Quickly turning to him, I smiled faintly.

"Ritsu-san...Well...I guess this is...good-bye, ne?" I whispered, my faint blush returning.

Chuckling, Ritsu smiled and he leaned forward. His lips brushed against my forehead as he planted a kiss on it.

"Good night, Lyra-san." He said quietly before walking off.

He walked away, his sandy brown hair flowing behind him. He soon disappeared in a crowd of people. I was left, dazed and staring after him. Maybe I really am starting to fall in love with Ritsu Sohma... Blushing darkly, I entered walked up the stairs, making my way to my apartment.

I hope I'll see him tomorrow...
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