Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Walk Amongst the Stars Because You Shine Like One

Chapter 22-Flying and Frank-Aug. 6

by rejected_smurf_god 3 reviews

The day for Kendra to leave has come...LAST CHAPTER!!!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-10-18 - Updated: 2007-10-18 - 1274 words - Complete

Today was the day that I left for Jersey. When I woke p today I felt happy, yet sad. I was alone for the first time in a few days. Brendan was not lying beside me, fast asleep.

I made myself a bowl of cereal and I slowly chewed it as I read the newspaper. It had an article on Fall Out Boy in it. As soon as I saw the sorrowful look on Pete's face I threw it away and put my cereal away. I found I couldn't eat anymore.

I finished packing my stuff and carried the remaining boxes into the moving van. The van took off down the road toward the apartment I had purchased in Jersey.

At around noon I ran out of things to do and I collapsed on the couch and read Lord of the Rings. I hadn't even gotten 1 page in though, before it bored me and I placed it on the table beside me and turned on the television.

My sister, Jodee, came in about 10 minutes later. She sat next to me and sighed.

"Do you really have to go?" she asked.

I nodded and patted her shoulder. "I need to, JoJo." I whispered "But I'll write you and come see you."

Jodee nodded sadly.

"Will you be here for my graduation?" she asked.

I nodded "Of course. I'll be there for your graduation. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Jodee nodded and gave me a smile "I'll miss you." she whispered.

I hugged Jodee close. "I'll miss you too, JoJo." I murmured.

Jodee and I pulled out old home movies and watched them. We saw videos from when we were younger.

"There's Devon!" Jodee exclaimed pointing at my highly hyper-active friend. "And look it's Lee!"

I smiled at the blonde boy in the screen. Such good times gone.

The video flipped over to when Pete ahd stolen the camera and had recorded me doing ballet. It brought tears to my eyes when Pete swung his arm around my shoulder and exclaimed into the camera,

"Ladies and Gentlemen may I present Kendra Moore the greatest ballet dancer in the whole world!"

The 13-year-old me blushed and looked at the floor in the video. Jodee sighed.

"What happened to Pete?" she asked quietly. "I only see him online now."

I wiped my eyes. "He's been busy."

Jodee nodded "How's Brendan?"

I paused. "We broke up. But he's good."

Jodee nodded again.

I picked up the remote and turned off the television as a 15 year old me, 13 year old Jodee, and a 16 year old Pete swung on the swings in our backyard.

"Enough home movies." I whispered. I turned to Jodee "What do you want to do?"

Jodee shrugged.

"We Pete a visit?" she asked stating it as a question.

As much as I wanted to say no I thought it was probably best. I had a feeling Pete wasn't going to come see me off. I nodded.

"Ok, let's go." I said and soon me and Jodee were walking down the middle of the street toward Pete's house.

I knocked on the door and Andrew, Pete's younger brother, answered. He was about Jodee's age and was almost always smitten with her.

"Hey Kendra!" He exclaimeed, he looked over at Jodee. "Hey Jodee." He stated in a quiet voice. He blushed red.

"Hi Andrew." Jodee said smiling. "Is Pete here?"

Andrew nodded "Yeah he's upstairs in his room."

Jodee slipped past him and pulled me up the stairs into Pete's room.

"Petey!" Jodee exclaimed flopping onto the bed beside Pete as he slept. Pete jumped up and looked over at Jodee. "Jodee! Hey I haven't seen you in forever!" His eyes found mine. "Hey Kendra."

I gave a little wave "Hey."

Jodee, Pete, and I hung out in Pete's room. Pete taught Jodee to play a few chords on his bass guitar. As I watche dthem I couldn't hep but wonder what it would be like to have kids. But I forced those thoughts back as I glanced at the clock. It read 2:30.

"Shit, I have to go." I exclaimed.

Pete looked up "Let me drive you." He said.

I smiled at him. "You don't have to." I said. Jodee nodded at me.

"Let him." she stated.

I tried to protest but Jodee wouldn't let me say no finally I gave in and shrugged. "Alright."

Pete drove me back to my house to pick up the remainder of my stuff and then he drove me out to the airport. My parents wished me good luck and Amy, Leslie, Patrick, And, Joe, Brendan, Rebekka, Ryan, Spencer, and Jon called me from the hospital where Patrick was to tell me good-bye.

They called my flight number and I looked at Jodee and Pete.

"I have to go." I murmured.

Jodee hugged me. "I love you sis." she whispered "Don't forget me."

"I love you too, JoJo. I'd never forget you."

Pete was next and he wasn't afraid to hug me.

"Come see us, ok?" He whispered to me.

I nodded "Of course."

I hesitated before I left and then I leaned forward and placed a kiss on his cheek. "I love you Pete." I murmured and then walked towards the gate.

But I still heard his words echo back to me.

"I love you too."


The flight was uneventful and plain. My iPod died halfway through and I was forced to listen to the fat guy next to me snore. It wasn't fun at all.

When I arrived at the apartment I had trouble getting my suitcase up the stairs. Finally, when I was going to give up, a young man a few inches taller than me came out of his apartment and offered his hand to help. He told me that his name was Frank Iero.

Soon, after I had exchanged numbers with Frank, I got settled in and started unpacking all my boxes. I got through about 3 boxes before I came upon the box Pete had packed full of my clothes that I had left at his house. I was almost done with the box when I saw a piece of paper on the bottom of the box. I silently pulled it out and read it quietly,

"Dear Kendra,

"I understand you're probably angry at me for ignoring you because you're with Brendan. I don't try to break your hear, I swear.

I smiled at the last line.

"I guess what I want to say is that I love you and I don't want you to leave me ever but I can't change your mind. I know you. You never change your mind."

I wiped a tear away from my cheek.

"I wanted to marry you, I'm pretty sure Amy told you that, but becasue I'm a total idiot I found out you had moved on when you really hadn't so I avoided you to not show how much my heart ached from not being with you. I realized no one could take your place. So, natually, I tried to forget that. That's how Rebekka came into play."

I sniffed and wiped my eyes trying to get rid of all the tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Just remember this Kendra, no matter where you go or what you or I say or do I'll always love you. Never forget that."


I folded the letter and gently laid it on the dresser next to me. I picked up my phone and stared at it and then I dialed the number.

"Frank? Hey."

THE END!!!!!!!!!

I'll post the prolouge for the third one tomorrow!!!
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