Categories > Movies > Dracula 2000 > Corey Feldman Vs. Dracula

Corey Feldman the Black Cat

by IlovetheCoreys 0 reviews

A showdown - Corey Feldman vs. Dracula...

Category: Dracula 2000 - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-10-21 - Updated: 2007-10-22 - 471 words

/"All the lonely nights I spend alone
Never around to love me
You're always gone
Cause you're hangin out
Breakin' the rules
Oh the man has come
Looking for you
You're a rebel now
Don't give a damn
Always carrying on
With the gang
I'm trying to tell you boy
It's a mistake
You won't realize
Til it's too late"/

/"Don't understand
Why you insist
On ways of living such a dangerous life
Time after time you stay away
And I just know that you're telling me lies"/

/"Black cat
Nine lives
Short days
Long nights
Livin on the edge
Not afraid to die
Heart beat
Real strong
But not
For long
Better watch your step
Or you're gonna die"/

/"You're so together boy
But just at a glance
You'll do anything
If given a chance
Scheming, plannin lies
To get what you need
So full of promises
That you never keep"/

/"Don't you tell yourself
That it's okay
Sick and tired of
All of your games
And you want me to stay
Better change
Makes no sense to me
Your crazy ways"/

/"Black cat
Nine lives
Short days
Long nights
Livin on the edge
Not afraid to die
Heart beat
Real strong
But not
For long
Better watch your step
Or you're gonna die"/

Corey Feldman then said,
"Dracula, I challenge you to a showdown."

/"Don't understand
Why you insist
On ways of living such a dangerous life
Time after time you stay away
And I just know that you're telling me lies"/

Dracula replied,
"I accept."

The Felddog growled like a jungle cat, then rushed forward. So did Dracula. They soon gripped each other's shoulders.

"Give up, Corey."

"Never," replied Corey.

/"Don't understand
Why you insist
On ways of living such a dangerous life
Time after time you stay away
And I just know that you're telling me lies"/

Corey then made the first move. He raised a hand and scratched Dracula in the face. This caused him to fall backwards.
Corey then did a few backflips and then landed neatly on the roof. Mary, Solina, Valerie and Lucy were in shock. How and where the Felddog learned such moves was beyond them...

Growling, Dracula got to his feet.

"You are resisting."

"Looks like."

Dracula then did something he usually did to the girls. As Solina, Mary, Lucy and Valerie looked on in confusion, he held out his hand....

"Come here, Corey. Come to me," he said.

Corey purred in reply,

/"Don't understand
Why your Brides and you insist
On ways of living such a dangerous life.
Time after time you stay away
And I just know that you're telling me lies."/

He then smirked.
The Brides looked at each other, confused. A dangerous life? Was that what Corey thought they were living?

"I don't understand your ways, Dracula."
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