Categories > Original > Horror > Horror Hospital

Automatic Death

by SWS020 0 reviews

Cell phones have been proven to be a leading cause of death

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-10-31 - Updated: 2007-10-31 - 489 words - Complete

Jilly sat out on the front step of the middle school glancing up at the high school further up the hill. She let out a small sigh and ran her hand through her blonde hair. “Hey,” Lance smiled and sad down beside her. “Oh hey” She smiled. “We’re going to be up there soon.” Lance stated. “Yeah I know. I think I’m going to dye my hair.” Jilly said with another sigh. “Really? What color?” Lance asked. “Dark brown, I want a different look.” Jilly said standing from her perch. “I think you’d look good which ever way.” Lance blushed. “Really?” “Uh yeah…Jilly I…will…will you go out with me?”

Jilly smiled down at her left hand, playing with her ring she prayed that they’d make it out. “There’s no one here.” Lacy said coming out of the front desk. “What does that mean?” Jilly asked standing up straight as Lacy’s phone began to ring. Taking it out Lacy flipped it open answering “Hello”…”Mal calm down…what? Our fears? No! Not Jason” Lacy let silver tears fall down her cheeks as she listened to her best friend explain to her what was happening. There was a loud crash on the other end, a scream and soon the phone lost signal. “Malary? Mal…MALARY!” Lacy screamed and let the phone drop from her hand.

“I’m getting out of here.” She said and rushed for doors. “Lacy NO!” Jilly said but she couldn’t move. As soon as Lacy stepped in between the automatic opening doors, Jilly began to cry hard. Lacy stopped right between them and it didn’t take long for them to slam right on her and for her body to slide either way. Jilly shook her head crying, until she felt a cold air come from behind her. “She had it coming.” A voice said. “What?” Jilly spun around but only found the sight of her boyfriend. “Jilly” He said and quickly held her. Crying into his should she said,

“We’re they only one’s left aren’t we?” Lance simply nodded. “Brooke and Malcum?” She asked. “I found them, it was Nancy she did it.” Lance didn’t know what hit him until he saw Jilly stop suddenly. Looking down at her chest he saw a large gash mark across it. “Jilly” He whispered. “I…I guess your th...the only one now.” She let out and gasped for air. A light kiss was all he left for her as he picked her body up. Coming to the doors, he wondered if he should take the risk. “You got what you wanted, you’ve hurt me enough. Just let me go.” He begged. Soon the doors flew open and Lance made his way to a place where the rash promise he had made to his friends would guilt him for the rest of his life.
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