Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > to the end

to the end part 15

by buried_in_black 3 reviews

This happens all the time And i can't help but think I'll die alone

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres:  - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2007-11-04 - Updated: 2007-11-04 - 1304 words


Alex’s p.o.v

The building had a 3 story high ceiling! Gerard carried me to the front desk and put me down softly so he could sign some papers. People were coming out of rooms while others entered them. They were all dressed like they had just jumped out of a plane. ‘No…he wouldn’t’ Gerard came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted up; carrying me to the room marked ENTER FIRST TIMERS.
“What is this place?” darkness enveloped us as he carried my into the room. Suddenly, flood lights were flashed on and the darkness dissipated. A man entered the room holding 2 of the weird suits everyone else was wearing.
“You’ll see Alex” I sighed and trusted Gerard wouldn’t get me killed, whatever it was that we were doing. He gave us each a suit and told us that there were dressing rooms over to our left. We thanked the man and each went into a dressing room.
“Gerard I can’t get the damn zipper” I said through the separating wall.
“Hold on a second I’m trying to get mine”
“Well get out here well both just zip each other” we both walk out and I motion for him to turn around so I can zip up his suit. There was a small symbol on his right shoulder that stopped me dead in my tracks. It was a tattoo. I brushed my fingers over it, tracing the lines. He felt were my hand was and spun back around to face me.
“I thought you were afraid of needles?”
“I am”
“Then how come you have a tattoo?”
“I'll explain later. Let’s not let this ruin our good time okay?”
“Alright but your gunna tell me later”
“I will” he whispered, as he lowered his face to mine. He was so close I could smell the coffee on him. I wanted to just move. ‘One inch just move one inch’ instead I wrapped my arms around his back and zipped him up, bringing us closer together. Gerard slipped his hands to my hips and slowly spun my around so he could face my back. His hand traveled up my side and to the zipper. One hand clasped around the zipper, the other on my back. Trailing his fingers up the middle of my spine where the zipper would go, he brought the zipper up after it. When the zipper reached my neck he stopped before pulling it the 2 inches it needed to be fully closed. He replaced his hand with his mouth and kissed my neck. Shivers ran up and down my spine until he stopped and pulled the zipper up.
“Alex” he whispered into my ear.
“Yea” I whispered back, turning my head to face him.
“Are you ready?”
“As I’ll every be” he took my hand and led me to the door on the other side of the room. Outside it wasn’t as bright but it still hurt my eyes just because it was light. He walked out to find a helicopter waiting for the passengers. Apparently, Gerard reserved one for just us. We climbed in and buckled up. Safety first! Hand in hand we flew over the city. Vast expanses of building and concrete slipped past us as our journey came to an end. We were near what we called the “suicide bridge"
We landed near the bridge and I was led out by Gerard. It was only about a block away from the bridge. When we neared the bridge, my body stiffened. There were men there holding harnesses. I knew what was coming. We were going to bungee jump off the suicide bridge.
“Gerard no I can’t.”
“shh I’m here. You’ll be fine. I promise”
“Aright. But I’m still not sure” he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, holding me tight to himself. His cologne calmed me and his embrace made my nerves calm down enough to walk properly. I was disappointed when he pulled back, even if it was only slightly. He took my hand and tugged softly towards the jump site. ‘Lord have mercy upon my soul’ the drop was enough to make the most fearless man cower.

gerards p.o.v
She looked like she had seen a gosht when she looked down the bridge side. I pulled her back and swung her over to the guys with the harnesses. She stayed stiff as a board while they attached the various straps and locks. When they were finninsh putting the tight harness around us they took us over to the side and showed us the locks set up on the concrete pillars.
“see ya cant fall. Everything is safely sucured.”
He spun us both around and attached the clasp to our harnesses. I stole a glance at alex and she looked like she was about to start hyperventilating. I pulled her close and embraced her, hopeing it would help with the nerves. She didn’t completely become unridgid but it helped. We were to get on the other side of the bridge ledge but I don’t thing alex would be able to so I picked her up and got us over to the other side. Her screaming from the surprise attack rang through my ears like a bell going off a millimeter from my ear. I set her down carefully and waited for the guys to tell us it was clear to go. The green lightwent off and I turned to alex. She was clutching to the side with a death grip and had her face buried in her arms. ‘she must really be scared of heights. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea’
“alex, do you just want to leave?”
“no! what would make you say that?”
“well your cowing in fear”
“oh yea. Uhhhh r-ready?”
“yea. Are you sure your going to be able to do this without having a heart attack?”
“I don’t hink so but ill risk it” she grind up at me and stood shakily, careful not to look down. I wrapped her once again in a tight hug and held her close. I made sure she was looking at me and not down at the plumiting drop. The men were getting annoyed at our hesitation and flashed the green light again. I kissed her forhead and sent us flying off the end. She opend her mouth to scream but it got coverd with mine. She relaxed and grasp my jacket from the surprise of the kiss. We were almost to the end of the first jump when we pulled away. A faint click hit my ears a second before I realized what was happening. The clip on my harness had come undine and was now straining to keep me secured. I had to do something or alex would never let go. If I held on to her, her rope would snap. I had to tell her.
She reluctantly let her hands slip away and a tear run down her face. She thought I wasn’t going to make it but respected my wishes. When her touch was absent ly mind kicked into high gear and I worked up enough energy to save myself. The ground was coming towards me fast and the wind was deafening as it whipped at my sensitive ears. There was only about 20 feet till hard waters would engulf me,and taking my second life.
“Here goes everything”


hehehe another cliffhanger!!!!

does gerard die?

tune in next chapter to see!!!!!
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