Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Not Who You Expected!

I cant stop bumping into people today

by XxXLittleMcrAngelXxX 3 reviews

Urm People Bump into people YAY

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-11-06 - Updated: 2007-11-06 - 3227 words

Gerards pov.
I groaned I am so tired I love singing in concerts but having to get up at 7 every morning cause of school isn’t great when all your limbs are like dead.
Coming, I said in a muffled voice. I heaved myself up out of my bunk, grabbed some clothes and stumbled to the bathroom at the back of the bus. I had a quick uncomfortable shower and washed the black dye out of my hair got out dried my now brown hair straightened it, put some eyeliner on and put on my school uniform. Which consist of basically the uniform we wore in the video “I’m not ok” but the trousers are black and the blazer is black and the tie is not red and blue its red and black. Very fashionable. Ok this might sound stupid but I am a 17 year old school student but most people in the world think I am 30 but I am not, I’m in a band called my chemical romance all the other members are the ages they are said to be. The thing I don’t get is they made me the oldest member in the band when I am actually 8 years younger than frank. So I am a 30 year old who is actually 17 hum doesn’t really make sense. Well it started when I was about 13 my 22 year old brother Mikey asked me if I would sing in his band and I said yeah. Then the band started becoming famous. I dyed my hair black for when we played and cause of my height and how I looked people thought I was like 25 or something, I missed loads of school but my mum didn’t care because her two kids were like famous. We never told anyone my real age cause our manager Brian said that it would be better if people thought I was an adult so people couldn’t like bug me at school my work was already suffering from the year I was away, the only subject I am any good at is art which is good cause I can do that when we are on the bus and have nothing to do. I have a different name at school but it’s not that different its Gerard Mathews its gay really gay. My real name is Gerard way thank god. So yeah that’s how come I am still in school. I hate it but I’ve only got another few weeks so that’s cool, I get beaten up loads and I only have one real friend she is called Kylie.
I walked into the kitchen with my hair still dripping slightly.
Hey gee, mikey said grinning at me
Want some breakfast.
Not really I’m not that hungry
Now Gerard a young growing boy like yourself should be eating a healthy breakfast it is as we all no the most important meal of the day, frank said as he walked in.
We all started laughing as I grabbed a coffee and a cigarette. Mikey shook his head as I lit the cigarette he hates me smoking but I am hooked its franks fault. I then pulled out one of the crappy plastic chairs and sat down with my cigarette and coffee. Frankie was soon sitting on my lap and poking my head. Very annoying.
Frank I think you should get off gee now or he will be late.
..Again.. I said under my breath
Ok…….but for a price, he said poking my head again
I sighed and just got up frank fell to the floor with a yelp. Bob who had just walked into the kitchen burst out laughing as frank got up muttering angrily.
Woops sorry Frank didn’t realise you were still sitting there. I said grinning, mikey started laughing.
Funny….. NOT, frank cried he then walked over to the couch, sat down and turned on the TV.
Gee time to go you want me to walk with you. Mikey asked
Yeah gee. Mikey can hold your hand when you walk across the street. Frank said glaring at me.
Shut it shorty,
OY I am not short I am just…..just…..
We all laughed.
I am walking with Kylie today but thanks for the offer
Bob and frank both looked at me and grinned. They were always teasing me about Kylie but we are just friends. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my school bag shoving it over my shoulder.
Bye guys
Bye gee, Mikey called
HAVE FUN WITH KYLIE IF YOU NO WHAT I MEAN, I heard frank yell trough the door I just slammed shut.
I grinned and walked away from the bus. It takes about 10mins to walk to Kylie’s house and then another 10mins from there to school. I was about to walk up her drive when someone jumped on my back.
AHH SHIT, I yelled as I fell onto her garden path. I heard giggling and looked up to see Kylie laughing at me. She smile and did a twirl so I could see what she had done to her uniform today she always adds her unique style she had a chain belt around her skirt which was wonky and she was wearing fishnets. Her shirt had been ripped at the arms and around her stomach her tie was very short and she was wearing black gloves. Her bleached blonde hair which had black streaks in was a high and very scruffy pony tail.
Oww you bitch, I said as got up brushing the dirt off my jeans.
Hello to you to my lovely Gerard way.
She said smiling.
Hello Kylie Hudson aka bitch
Sorry I just had to.
I glared at her
I laughed
You’re forgiven Kay (her nickname)
Yey so how was the concert last night you look tired. She knows about the whole rock star thing.
It was great but yeah I could fall asleep right now
Awww poor little gee.
I no but I will sleep in English
She grinned and grabbed my hand and started swinging our arms and she then started skipping and singing mama. I just shook my head and raised an eyebrow as she skipped along dragging me with her. We got a few whistles and some get a room’s but we don’t care a lot of people think we are dating but were not. Kylie finally stopped skipping when we got to the school car park. We looked over to see the “popular group” standing by there convertibles. Kylie started waving madly and shouting HI at them. The looks on there faces made me burst out laughing. They then started walking towards us.
SHIT, Kylie yelled these were the people who beat me up. RUN gee RUN
Still laughing I started running I’m not too bad at running I guess running around a stage all night has its upsides. Kylie on the other hand can’t run at all. We heard heavy footsteps behind us and I looked around to see some of the jocks running after us. OH GAWD, I yelled I grabbed Kylies arm and started sprinting I was dragging her along and she was cursing as her legs like started giving in. We turned around a corner and Kylie ran straight into someone carrying a lot of books. They both went flying to the ground screaming and Kylie dragged me down with her. I whacked my head really hard. Shit, I moaned. I then felt a weight on my leg I looked down to see Kylie lying on my leg. I frowned and sat up.
I was feeling dizzy and my leg was going numb, so I poked Kylie’s arm she groaned so I poked her again, she groaned loader, so I like poked her again really hard
OW FUCK. She yelled opening her eyes. That hurt you gay wad!
I grinned at her and she grinned back.
She got up and dragged me up with her. I then looked down to see the person we knocked down picking up her many books. I bent down to help her pick up her books and muttered sorry. When I was like thrown back wards whacking my head AGAIN. I then heard Mat the main jock say
Christina are you ok did the fag hurt you?
Ohhh we had bumped into the most popular girl in school Christina mat’s girlfriend, head cheerleader, head of the dance comity she has never had a detention before, she is really pretty and yeah I like her a lot even though have never spoken to her she calls me names like most of her friends but I don’t really think she knows who I am. I hate her but I like her if that makes sense probably doesn’t but hey. I then heard Kylie yell at Mat.
Omfg you arsehole he didn’t do anything wrong. The next thing I heard was a whack and Kylie was on the floor next to me with tears in her eyes holding her red face where she had just been hit. I think I heard Christina gasp but I am not sure. I stood up really angry I don’t care if he hits me but he doesn’t hit Kylie.
What do you want fag? Mat said sneering at me
I want you to apologise to Kylie. I said simply
And why should I do that?
Cause you hit her so apologise?
Or what you gona infect me with your gay gene, a couple of people sniggered
Ok so what are you gona do?
THIS, I yelled and then I punched him really hard in the face (I am not boasting but I am pretty strong you would be if you had to fight off millions of fans all day long) i heard a crack and gasps from on lookers I quickly looked down at kylie who was looking at me with wide eyes. I looked back at Mat who was on the floor clutching his bleeding nose. I then turned and saw Christina looking at me with her mouth hanging open wow she looks hot ! I then felt movement next to me as Kylie got to here feet there was a bruise on her face. I grabbed Kylie by the hand and marched out of the group of people. I walked around to the bins and sat down Kylie sat next to me I was expecting a lecture but she started crying.
Ur Kay are yo u ok? I asked looking at her shaking form.
She sat there for a while so I was about to ask her again when she jumped on top me hugging me really tight and crying on my shoulder. I sat there a bit shocked
G..gee? she said looking up with tears still pouring down her face.
I love you so much you are the bestest friend anyone could have EVER!!!
I grinned at her and she grinned back hugging me tightly again.
I love you to, I said smiling into her hair and I do love her but like a sister nothing more.
We heard the bell ring but we didn’t get up we just stayed there sitting next to each other for over an hour. When I heard the second bell I decided that we should go to lessons mainly because we had art next and I like art.
Kay, I said softly.
No reply so I looked down at her and realised she was asleep AWWW how cute.
Kay, I said a bit louder. She opened her eyes, yawned and smiled up at me.
Morning, she said stretching
Its art so I thought we could go. I said grinning
Yey art I love art lets go, she said all in one breath while getting up and stretching a bit more. She grabbed my hand and pulled me up with her. We walked slowly to art we were a bit late but my teacher miss mulberry is really nice and she doesn’t care if I am late. Kylie has a different teacher because she does like fashion designing and I do like art. So I walked in and started drawing.

Kylie’s Pov
I quickly walked in apologising to the teacher Mrs Lobby and I went to sit down at my usual place at the back. I got out my paints and decided to paint something for Gerard I will design him a jacket or something. I was drawing the jacket when the cheerleaders came in they have practice that runs over into art. They walked over to there usual table, but the girl, Christina I think her name was, that I bumped into today looked over towards me. Embarrassed about my bruise I looked back at my picture trying to concentrate. I soon heard the bell ring. I jumped and looked down at my half finished picture I quickly shoved it into my art folder and walked out ignoring the stares and whispers coming from the group of cheerleaders. I looked up and met Christina’s eyes her jaw dropped at the sight of my bruise. I looked back down and walked out the door. I kept walking until I heard heavy footsteps behind me I looked around and saw Gee run up to me.
Slow down bitch, he said when he reached me.
Sorry I just had to get out of there you no.
Awww poor little Kay, he said while hugging me.
I grinned at him and we walked down the corridor and out into the field. It was lunch I had bought a lunch today for both of us because gee always forgets cause he’s stupid. We sat down on the grass and I got out the lunch bag. I gave gee his cheese sandwich and grabbed my own.
AWW thanks Kay, gee said hugging me lightly
Don’t worry
He smiled and started eating. I bit into my sandwich and grinned I love cheese. I had just finished my sandwich when I looked at gee he looked really agitated.
Gee you ok?
Urm why not
Because someone is looking at me?
Who? he jerked his head to his left.
I looked around to see the group of cheerleaders, mat and his jock friends all glaring at me and gee.
Oh dear, I said grinning slightly
Oh dear indeedy, he said shooting me a worried look.
I looked back at them and saw Christina lean into mat and say something she then pointed at me. Oh hurrah now they are all looking at me how absolutely spiffing.
Gee I need to speak to Mrs Lobby you want to come? I don’t really I just want to get away from the stares. But I want to finish my drawing for gee WOO excuse
Alright, we got up and started walking towards the art dep.
I suspected that mat might be following us but when I turned around I saw know one FEW. We walked to my art class room but it was empty.
Oh well I guess she’s not hear damn I wanted to finish my work. I said pouting
What about miss mulberry’s room. Gee asked pointing to her class room
Yeah I love miss M lets go
I grabbed his hand and dragged him into her class room. We burst into the class room and looked over to see miss M sitting at her desk.
Gerard and Kylie what can I do for you? She asked looking up from her work.
Can we finish some work please? Gerard asked
Of course you can oh and Gerard your work I the lesson was fantastic but you might want to out line the moon more and oh my kylie what happened to your face.
Oh I fell off my skateboard.
Oh well I hope it heals off you go sit where ever
Thanks miss M, gee said grinning. He strolled to the back of the class room and sat down I followed and sat next to him I pulled out my drawing and started work. I had soon drawn a black jacket and a black shirt and some black trousers. I hoped he would like it. I looked over to his chair but he wasn’t there. I had felt him get up and sit back down while I was drawing but he always came back. He better not have left me cause if he has he is getting a slap. I then heard a clatter at the sink, I looked around and saw gee washing his brush and pallet and getting a new water pot he looked over and smiled at me I grinned back and looked back down at my work. I then glanced at gee’s picture my jaw dropped. It was amazing, set in a grave yard a tree stood its leaves falling to the ground underneath it lay a grave stone and to the right of the tree was the moon it had a few white rimmed clouds just passing over the side. In the middle was a girl dressed in a wedding dress her hair and veil were being blow sideways by the wind. Her dress and veil were ripped and worn. She was looking blankly forward while tears fell from her eyes. (Based on a pic I drew) I stared at it amazed. Gee came and sat down.
OMG GEE THAT’S AMAZING, I yelled he jumped and fell off his chair spilling his water all over himself.
He got up and glared at me his hair was dripping and his eyeliner had run his top was also soaked.
Thanks for that Kylie, he said crossing his arms over is drenched stomach.
I looked at him for a second and then I burst out laughing.
NOT FUNNY. He yelled at me pouting I HATE YOU
Love you to.
Come on Mr Matthews or Mr Way what ever you prefer you better get dry.
He shook his head and glared at me again. He walked up to the desk.
Miss M can I go to the toilet. He asked she looked up and gasped
What happened Gerard?
I spilt water down me, he said while looking at me and pouting.
I giggled
Of course you can go and kylie you can go with him.
We both walked out of the classroom.
I hate you, gee said looking at me
SORRY but I was looking at your picture and it was amazing and well I just told you in a loud voice.
It was not amazing
IT Was

Gerard’s Pov
KYLIE there is no way that drawing was good it was a piece of CRAP.
“I’m going to go to get dry you go back, I said pushing open the toilet door.
“but I wana come with you, She said pouting.
“In to the guys loo’s you perve, I grinned.
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