Categories > Books > Harry Potter


by Somes_Somnium 1 review

'There are two tragedies in life. One is to not get your heart's desire. The other is to get it.'

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Harry - Published: 2007-11-27 - Updated: 2007-11-27 - 510 words - Complete

'Man is a creation of desire, not a creation of need.'

I cannot see the room around me; the gloomy dust clouds uplifted into the air by the lazy castle draught, nor the flickering patterns of shadow cast upon the walls by the dancing candle flames. I do not see them, for my eyes are closed to them.

I cannot feel the discomfort of my body; the hardness of the stone floor beneath me, nor the antique dryness of the slovenly air I'm forced to breath. I do not feel them, for my senses are closed to them.

I see but that which stands before me:

Dark red hair, long and thick. Almond-shaped eyes, brilliant of green. A vision of beauty is she - my mother.

Dishevelled hair, black of colour. Hazel eyes, obscured by glasses. So much like me is he – my father.

And still there are more, of varying difference. Athletic and healthy, stooped and old, standing there side by side. A vision of similarities and differences, of equals and opposites. Yet despite the contrast of physical appearance there's one thing they share in common; they stand before me do they – my family.

I see them, feel them, hear them, smell them.

There before me they stand, with a short few steps I could be by their side. I could embrace them, endeavour to tell them all that they mean to me - what they will always mean to me. I could, for the first time in my life, feel what it's like to be a part of my own family.

A short few steps, and yet so very far away.

I do not move, I cannot move. The vision holds me transfixed. The glassy image of my family in full, waving and smiling, beaming proud smiles. Oh what I wouldn't give to be one of them, to reach into the mirror, to walk through it's surface and join their world.

I stand without thinking and take a step forward.

Then another. And another.

Closer I draw to the mirror's gilded frame, and the family that stands in its surface. One word of it's inscription is clear in my mind, for ever since I first saw it I've felt connected to it.

Erised is that word.

My hand reaches out of it's own accord, something within me breaks free. And with that break so too does the surface, and my hand clasps that of my mother.

Slowly I pass to the other side.

Now I'm where I belong, I'm with my family - for always and ever more. I know now too why I felt that connection, for Erised is Desire.

Let it be known that this is the day that I, Harry James Potter, embraced the madness of the Mirror of Desire.

'There are two tragedies in life. One is to not get your heart's desire. The other is to get it.'


A/N: This has not been beta read and I'm not renowned for my grammar. Please let me know of any errors.
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