Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Back To The Future


by GoogleGeek 4 reviews

With Joe's confessions, Cameron's blow-ups and Pete's fake-ness can Patrick create drama too?

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-12-05 - Updated: 2007-12-05 - 1571 words - Complete

Throughout the next week, the atmosphere on the 'Reunion's Are For The Oldies' tour-bus slightly changed. Joe had transformed from this energetic, child-like adult to a depressed lump that slept all day. The only time his hyper side was released was when they were up on stage, doing their thing.

On the other hand, Pete was desperately trying to convince everybody he was fine. Every morning he'd wake up, plaster a big, fake smile on his face and comment on how wonderful the day was going to be. This morning, was no different.
Andy shook his head unbelievably as he looked out the buses window and watched Pete enter Andy and Patrick's bus. His forced grin itched at the corners as he gave them a friendly wave.

"How has your morning been, Pete?" Patrick asked politely. He had meant for that question to come out sarcastically, but sadly he was terrible at it.

"Fantabulous." Pete replied, jumping down onto the couch next to Cameron. Patrick sat on the other side of the bus with his legs stretched.

Cameron frowned. "That's my word."





"Na-huh." Pete shook his head. "I'm sorry to say but I was saying that word before you were born, kiddo."

Cameron looked at Andy and Patrick for back-up but they shrugged. "It's true." Patrick said simply, shaking his head.

"Fine." Cameron hiss, unhappily. For a usually happy kid, he had an annoyed glare in his eye. In a flash he had was right up besides Pete and had started randomly punching Pete in the arm and the stomach.

"Woah, " Pete was taken back. He softly pushed Cameron back. "Kiddo, stop."

Andy frowned. "Cameron!" he pulled Cameron away in the other room, leaving Patrick and Pete confused.

"What the hell just happened?" Pete asked.

"I don't know. What did you do to him?" Patrick asked, jokingly.
Pete opened his mouth in shock. "Me? I didn't do anything!" he retorted, loudly. Patrick's geeky smile obviously didn't occur to Pete that he was joking. "Why does everybody always blame me? I didn't cause all the problems in the world. Just because I look troubled, doesn't mean I make all the trouble. "

Patrick stared at him. "Pete, you know I was joking?" he said slowly. "I really wasn't blaming you." he added, feeling more confused then ever.

Pete squeezed his eyes tightly as he calmed himself. "I know." he opened his eyes as he struggled to put on a happy face.

"Pete, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing." he said, stretching his grin further. "Do you know how boring it is on my bus? I mean, Joe just doesn't talk. I've tried to ask him what's wrong but he won't tell me. It's extremely frustrating. Although, I think I have an idea why he's acting like this." he added quickly, throwing the subject away from him.

"You know Pete, I've tried to asked you what's wrong too but you won't answer either." Patrick explained irritated. "And, yeah, it's incredibly frustrating so why don't you just tell us what's up."

"Patrick, I'm fine." he replied slowly. But, even he could feel how fake he was becoming. He closed his eyes and sighed. "Look, I know I had a little breakdown with Andy the other day but seriously, everything is cool. It was just one of those mid-life things, no big deal." he tried to say it in the most calm and rational tone he could manage.

Patrick threw his hands in the air "You know what, I'm not going to even bother anymore. "

"Well, finally. " Pete joked.

"But, when you are ready to talk, I'll be here." he added, watching as Pete let his head hang down. He didn't want to make Pete feel bad or sad or guilty, he just wanted him to talk. His laptop quietly hummed while it started up. Patrick concentrated his face on the screen and left Pete to think.

Joe woke up, startled. He rubbed his 'fro as he checked the alarm clock next to him. Ten o'clock was way to early for him. He rolled back in bed before the bus jolted to the side again. This time, he was annoyed.

Joe slowly climbed down from his bunk and made his way to the front of the bus. The only other person on the bus was the bus-driver, who was driving at full speed. It was the same bus-driver that Pete had allegedly called a pedophile.

"Where'd everybody go?" Joe asked, grumpily.

"The other bus."

"Oh." Joe stared at through the window. Everything seemed a blur as the bus quickly followed the other one. "Why are you driving so fast?"

"Because you and your fucking friends take too many fucking stops." The bus-driver replied, keeping his eyes peeled on the road.

"Sorry." Joe mumbled. "What's your name?"

"Chuck." he said. "And no, I don't fucking touch little kids."

Joe raised an eyebrow. "Thanks for adding that."

Chuck rolled his eyes. "Your friends the other day were making up fucked-up stories." he explained.


"I don't know their names." Chuck snapped back. "One of them looked like a fucking queer though."

Joe couldn't help but laugh. "What do you mean?"

"Well, he had all this eyeliner shit on." he explained. "No offense to you or your friend but it looked fucking disgusting."

Joe shook his head and sighed. "Pete's not gay." he said. "Was there anyone else saying stuff?"

"Yeah." Chuck nodded. "A chick, think her name was Michelle or something."

Joe's heart sank. "Mel." he corrected in a quiet voice.

"Yeah, thats it." Chuck agreed. "She seemed like a nice girl until she accused me of being a rapist."

"She is a nice girl." Joe defended. "And she's pretty and she's funny and she's really good with Cameron and she's a hell of a lot smarter then I am." he added each detail in a dreamy tone as if he were a teenage girl talking about her crush.

"You two in love or some shit?" Chuck asked, winking.

Joe's throat tightened. "No." he replied, his voice wobbly. "Just friends."

"But you like her, yeah?" he asked, turning the heavy bus around a narrow corner.

Joe sheepishly nodded. "Yeah." he smiled shyly before it got wiped off his face. "But she's got a boyfriend." he added, his tone of voice lower.

"Oh yeah, the old love triangle." He nodded, understandingly. "Can't say I've never been there. What's the other fucker like?"

Joe shrugged. "I've never met him." he said sharply. "But, I bet Mr.WhateverHisFaceAndName owns a huge mansion and a nice car. And, I bet his hair is nowhere near as good as mine."

"You know what I'd do?" Chuck asked, feeling sorry for Joe.


"Wait." he offered. "That Mel chick will come around and find some sense. And, if she doesn't, she's not even fucking worth your fucking time."

Joe nodded his head as he digested the advice. "You know what," he said, biting his lip to form a sort-of half smile. "That was,like, really helpful. Thank you."

"Yeah, well it was the only advice I got. so don't come looking for fucking more." he replied.

Joe smiled wide as he lay down on a near-by couch. He stretched his legs out and felt happy for the first time in days.


"Now, Cameron, I want you to go back in there and apologize to Pete for hitting him." Andy finished his lecture as he sternly looked his son in the eye.

Cameron pouted as he stood still. His gaze met Andy's glare and reluctantly, he gave in. "Okay." he huffed, marching back into the other room.

Mel looked up from her mystery novel as Cameron tapped Pete on the shoulder. She was sitting in Patrick's old spot until he got up and rang Amy. They had been on the phone for a while so Mel didn't really feel to bad.

"Pete," Cameron started, keeping his guilty face down. Pete looked up from his own laptop and waited. "I'm sorry for hitting you."

Pete smiled, feeling a little sorry for Cameron. "Thanks Cameron for saying sorry." he said. "I think you left a bruise on me."

"Really?" Cameron's eyes lit up. He knew it was bad to want to leave a bruise on somebody but, he couldn't help but be a little excited.

"Yes, really." Pete said.

Mel smiled as she out down her book. "Really?" she mouthed, making sure Cameron didn't say.

Pete shook his head back in reply. He was bruise free and feeling fine. Well, fake-fine anyway.


"Awwh, you know I miss you everyday." Patrick said into the phone.

"I bet I miss you ten times more." Amy replied.

"I doubt it." he giggled. "You know, after we leave Florida we've only got a couple more stops and then we're done."

"I know, I can't wait to see you again."

"Me neither."

"Hey, wait, I'll be right back." Amy said as she put the phone down.

Patrick held his cell-phone close to his ear as he patiently waited. He could hear Cameron in the other room so obviously he had calmed down. Patrick wasn't exactly sure what had set the little kid off but it sure was rare to see him to start punching people.

"Patrick," Amy said into the phone. Her voice was high and shaky as she held her breath. "My water just broke."


Ha, I'm so cruel.
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