Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A FRENCH KIDNAPPING


by XxwhatdotheyknowxX 0 reviews

this is a random story me and my friend accidentally made in class

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2007-12-05 - Updated: 2007-12-06 - 533 words


Me(Erin)and my friend Tory made this in french class...we were talking about something and it just some how turned into this.....then my friend kat desided to join in....both my friends are working on this to so there maybe slitely different verstions of this on other sites

Cast: Erin Stevens, Gerard Way ( and the rest of MCR), Victoria Payne, Kat

[ Erin and Tory having a conversation]

Erin : Okay good luck with that,I'm going to go rape Gerard Way

Gerard:YAY…wait what?![runs]

Erin :[catches Gerard] YAY!!

Tory:[pats Gerard on shoulder] good luck man. She’s aggressive [walks away giggling]

Erin : yeah well your just jealous

Gerard: yeah…jealous of what? [texts Mikey to save him]

Tory:[sitting in a lawn chair eating popcorn] hurry up Erin . I don’t got all day and mikeys gonna be here soon

Erin : your going to watch!...kinky!!

Gerard: Freaks ……where the hell is Mikey!!!

Erin : I heard that [mack Gerard]

Tory:[hits button on remote as Mikey walks in the door and is surrounded by a cage] I’m not going to watch Gerard, I was waiting for Mikey [winks] have fun

Gerard: Mikey! I’ll save you!!

Erin : [on top of Gerard] at least I didn’t put you in a cage[macks squirming Gerard]

Frank: What the hell! Who are these people!!

Tory: Hey Mikey's free to go Gerard, its open, he just apparently likes being in a cage. Oh hi frank! we’re just …. um mm.. having a party![whispers] Erin put some duck tape over his mouth!

Frank: Don’t you dare I have a hostage


Erin and Gerard:[gasping for a different reason]

Erin : Okay, I’m done, who’s the hostage?

Erin : Holy crap! It’s the drummer from Fall Out Boy…uh…what’s ‘is face!

Pete Wentz: its Pete

Erin : I don’t Care you can kill him if you want Franky

Rays and Bob: what the Fuck is going on here?

Bob: Hi Pete!

Gerard: Ray, Bob save us!![looks around] in just a minute [Erin and Gerard make out]

Tory: [Head in hands] of course [Mikey grabs Tory and they make out]

Mikey: i think this is pretty interesting don't you Gerard? [holds Tory's hand]

Gerard: what are you talking about Mikey?!? these crazy girls kidnapped us i doesn't matter how sexy they are!!!! [looks at Erin poking Pete with a sharp stick]

Erin:[smiles and winks sexily] we won't kill you [stabs Pete]

Frank, Ray and Bob: WHAT THE FUCK!!!!

Tory: [sighs, lets go of Mikey's hand and takes stick away from Erin] how many times must i tell you NOT TO POKE PEOPLE WITH STICKS!!!!

Erin: i miss my stick [pouts and pokes Pete with an imaginary stick]

Mikey pokes Tory and she squeaks (like a mouse :) )

Tory: how bout we go for ice cream? treat.

(to Pete)you want a band aid for that or would you rather bleed?

Pete (still bleeding): I'm to cool for a band aid

Erin: loser....YAY ICE CREAM!!!!

ps if you like the stroy so far message/comment so i know that i should post the rest :)
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