Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I Don't Wanna Close My Eyes

I Could Never Leave ((I'm Sorry))

by restinpieceslover 0 reviews

And in that moment I know Bob is silently apologizing to me. And of course I forgive him. How could I not forgive my Bob?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2007-12-13 - Updated: 2007-12-14 - 446 words

((Frank's P.O.V.))

Later that evening I finally stop crying enough to leave the bunk area. I see that Gerard is sleeping in his bunk, which is directly across from mine. I look at him as he sleeps, his breathing steady, his black hair falling in front his pale face. I've never been able to deny that Gerard is pretty, and I know he kind of liked me a few years ago. I kind of liked him, too. Now that I think about it, if Bob had not made the first move, Gerard might have had a chance…..

But now I've been with Bob for three years and I love him way too much to even think about Gerard in such a way. Gerard is my best friend. Always. That's all it will ever be, and quite frankly I think I like it that way.

I walk into the living room area, expecting to see Mikey, Bob, and Ray sitting together, playing video games or watching a movie. But I stop dead in my tracks when I see Bob sitting alone, watching Sleepless in Seattle. Mikey and Ray must have gone out. I am just about to retreat back to my bunk when Bob calls me over to the couch.

I timidly creep my way over and sit next to Bob. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close.

“Frankie?” he whispers, and as I look up at him he plants a very gentle kiss on my lips knowing that they would still be sore from earlier. And in that moment I know Bob is silently apologizing to me. And of course I forgive him. How could I not forgive my Bob?

He wraps the blanket he has around me and I rest my head in his chest as he leans against the arm of the couch. We continue to watch the movie and I feel a small smile creep onto my lips as I close my eyes slowly, readying to fall asleep in Bob's arms for the first time in forever. It's moments like these when I realize why I fell in love with Bob.

I hear sounds coming from the bunk area and I quickly open my eyes to see Gerard hiding in the shadows, his hands clenched in fists of rage. He would not want me to forgive Bob so quickly after what he did to me. Hell, I know Gerard sure doesn't forgive him. So I give him an apologetic smile and mouth him the words “I'm sorry” before I watch him turn around and drag his feet back to the bunk area for yet another night of insomnia.
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