Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Only Think In The Form Of Crunching Numbers___x

Chapter 34: I’ll Keep Singing This Lie

by VikkiMole 0 reviews

‘Shut up’ He growled, kicking out at me, almost hitting me off the bed, ‘I kind of have a plan.. Mikey quit it’

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2008-01-06 - Updated: 2008-01-06 - 1141 words

To take my mind off of my misery I decided to go find someone more miserable than I was. Walking down the corridor of the hospital, passing people who were vaguely familiar. I’m sure I met that guy in the elevator a few days back or that nurse she took my blood once I think. Nobody I really knew. That was until I turned into the ward. Frank and Taylor were both sat on the uncomfy chair next to the bed. Well, Frank was on the chair and Taylor was on his lap. Mikey was sat cross-legged on the bottom of the bed. He waved when I walked in. Gerard looked very stupidly happy which made me feel, if anything, worse.

‘Pete’ Gerard’s grin was pretty annoyingly wide, ‘You will not believe this’

‘Hey... Gerard’ I answered, bewildered ‘The nurse got you on painkillers buddy?’

‘No!’ He called, a little too loud ‘Come here...’

‘Hi Mikey,’ I tapped him on the back, he blushed, ‘Hey Frank... Miss. Scott’

‘My name’s Taylor’ She yawned, lying back against Frank, ‘But hey, doesn’t matter’

‘Sorry...’ I apologized, ‘I’m just so used to calling you that’

I dropped myself down on the bed next to Mikey who scooted over for me. I sighed.

‘So...?’ I asked Gerard who was still waiting with that smile, ‘What’s the news?’

‘May first’ He answered, beaming

‘Right...’ I was confused

‘Her birthday’ Gerard nodded, ‘Rebecca’s birthday... I figured, you managed to win Patrick on his birthday.. So maybe I can win her?’

‘Totally’ I agreed, ‘So what’s the plan?’

‘Uhm..’ Gerard shrugged and sighed, ‘I don’t have one... But good looks and charm helps right?’

He grinned so hard that if we were in a movie I’m sure a small flash would appear at the bottom right hand side of his mouth followed by a ping. I snorted.

‘Well,’ I hooted, ‘They would help... But I wouldn’t know where to find any of that now’

‘Shut up’ He growled, kicking out at me, almost hitting me off the bed, ‘I kind of have a plan.. Mikey quit it’

Mikey was tickling the bottom of his feet through the sheets and smiling to himself, looking all innocent. I laughed, maybe the younger Way brother was more devious than first impressions have you believe. He stopped temporarily and went back to picking at his jeans.

‘So, what’s the plan?’ I repeated, tapping the tray across the bed

‘Well...’ He hung his head down, ‘There’s a slight flaw... Mikey quit it!’

‘Right...’ I smiled, ‘And the flaw is?’

‘I don’t know where she lives’ Gerard exhaled, staring evilly at Mikey before shouting, ‘Quit it!’

‘Make me’ Mikey smiled from the corner of his face

Gerard huffed, letting air out through his nose like a bull. He raised his fist but instead of hitting his little brother he tapped Frank on the shoulder.

‘Fraaaaaaaank’ Gerard whined, ‘Make Mikey stop doing that!’

‘Ask your mother’ Frank grumbled, dropping his face into Taylor’s back

Gerard blinked for a few seconds before staring at Taylor.

‘Taaaaaylor’ Gerard whined, ‘Make Mikey stop!’

‘Mikey’ Taylor said plainly, eyes on him, ‘Stop tickling him before I put you over my knee, naughty boy’

‘Hunny!’ Frank cried, ‘You can’t trade me in for a younger model already!’

‘Watch me’ She wrinkled her nose and shuffled around in his lap, Frank yelped

‘Jesus’ Frank bit his lip, ‘Your ass is so damn boney’

I phased out by then, looking around the ward, my eyes falling on a male nurse floundering around. Now, I know better than the next guy that gays are not all pink and powder-puff but this nurse was so flaming it kind of embarrassed me. He was shrieking and waltzing, his arms flapping around constantly. Joking with the patients and saying random dirty innuendoes to the rest of the staff. I rolled my eyes, turning back to Gerard who was at this point holding Mikey in a head lock.

‘Hey... Hulk Hogan’ I sighed, making him stop for a minute, giving Mikey a chance for a sneak attack, ‘I have an idea’

Getting up from my warm spot on the bed I strode over to the male nurse and leaned up against the wall next to him, smiling coyly.

‘Excuse me doctor’ I put on a fake smile in my shameful attempt at flirting

‘Actually,’ He scoffed, but still looked flattered, ‘I’m a nurse’

‘Oh,’ I nodded, ‘Never would have guessed’

‘Well’ He gushed, mock shyness, ‘Can I help you young sir?’

‘Yeah,’ I began enthusiastic but then pretended to rethink me request, ‘Never mind... I’m not sure you could...’

‘You’ll never know unless you ask sweetie’ The nurse was scarily interested, made me wonder how the hell he was falling for my apparent charms

‘Okay...’ I forced myself to blush, ‘Well, I have a friend who works here and she’s been quite poorly lately...’

‘Oh, that’s a shame’ He nodded, entranced

‘Well, I wanted to have some flowers delivered to her house but...’ I shrugged

‘What’s wrong?’ He placed a finger to his chin and cocked his head to the side

‘I don’t know her address’ I sighed, ‘It’s quite embarrassing really... But... Do you think you could find her address on the system? For me... Please’

‘Well...’ He considered it, grin playing on his lips, ‘Anything for a handsome boy’

‘Oh thank you so much’ I hugged him, maybe playing this up a bit too much

‘It’s no problem,’ He laughed, but didn’t stop me

‘You know,’ I clicked my fingers, looking at his name tag, ‘Nurse. Ross.. You’re a swell guy’

‘Well shucks..’ He smiled, tottling over to the computer just outside the ward.

I glanced over at the four friends I had left to assist Gerard in his sad but sweet quest. All four of them were looking at me like I was a crazy person. Nurse. Ross, or Ryan as he told me to call him, returned in no time at all with Rebecca’s address printed out. I told him that I couldn’t thank him enough, he didn’t answer but just sighed and nodded. Launching myself back to the spot I’d left, which was cold by now, Gerard instantly grabbed me and started planting kisses on my head.

‘You. Are. A. Genius.’ He dotted each word with a kiss as I struggled out from his grip

‘Off.. Off... Off..’ I scratched at his hands until I finally got him to release me, ‘Please, please, never kiss me again’

‘I mean it you know,’ Gerard beamed, reading the address, positively glowing

‘So do I’ I rubbed at my head like his kisses burned
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