Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cheaters

Cheaters All Round

by oxycontin_genocide 2 reviews

Gerard finds out about Dia's evil doings and gets payback. Read and Reveiw please

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-01-08 - Updated: 2008-01-09 - 1458 words - Complete

It was 7am when I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock buzzing on my bedside table. I got up and did my usual things, drink a Milo, shower, tame my wild black hair, it may be short but it’s still highly dangerous, did my teeth and got ready for school. I was dreading the moment I would have to tell Gerard that his girlfriend was cheating on him with his own brother.

I said goodbye to my brother and gave my dad a kiss on the cheek. Mum must be at work already. As I walked out of my front door I looked up at the sky, it was covered in gray clouds. The sky feels like I do. I wanted to run back inside but my legs just kept going forward.

As I arrived at the Way’s house I saw them sitting on the step laughing. I felt really bad that it would be my fault that they may never have brother moments like this again.
“Hey Ell” the Way brothers said in unison. I just replied with a fake smile.
Mikey hugged me but I didn’t hug back.
“What's wrong?” he asked
“Stomach ache” I lied.
“Aww Elly has a tummy ache. Oh and the weather report said it’s gonna rain so I am driving us to school,” Gerard came up and rubbed my stomach. I just crinkled my nose at him.

We arrived at school and Dia walked up to us and said hi. I noticed Mikey look away when Gerard kissed her.
“Come fellow classmates we have drama now,” Mikey talked in a very posh voice, which caused Dia to laugh.
“See ya Gerard,” I said as we turned to leave.
“She talks!” Mikey’s voice changed to a fake surprised one. Again Dia giggled. I wished we could just get to class and get it over and done with so I can get away from them. As I had hoped drama passed quite quickly, all we did was watch a DVD.

It was now second period, the art room was close to canteen so I could see if they where there before taking Gerard and making a complete fool of myself. All I had to do in art was design a superhero. I called mine Halloween Savior. The bell rang and I was getting nervous. I walked out of class just in time to see Mikey going in the behind the canteen’s general direction. I fast walked to check Dia was there as well and she was so I quickly ran to our spot under the trees.
“Hey Ella! You’re running. Tummy ache gone?”
“Your stomach ache. Is it gone?”
“Oh yeah, thanks for asking”
“Its ok, why were you running?”
“Hmm, no reason,” I was gonna work it into the conversation…slowly.
“This book is very interesting, you should read it” Gerard held up the book he was reading, it was called The Nightmare before Christmas. It was the one he was reading yesterday.
“Yeah, maybe.”
“Ella, what's wrong? And don’t say nothing ‘because I know there is something.”
“You’d probably not believe me… or hate me.”
“Ella, how could I ever hate you? And don’t change the subject,”
“I… I…” I couldn’t tell him so I decided to show him.
“Spit it out.”
“I can’t tell you, so I’ll just show you,” I got up and started walking, Gerard followed closely behind in complete silence. We arrived at the corner just before the back of the canteen when Gerard whispered, “What are we doing here?” I pointed to around the corner Gerard moved and I followed, he stopped dead in his tracks and I moved to his side, he had seen it, his brother and his girlfriend, betraying him. Dia saw us out of the corner of her eye and pushed Mikey away. ‘To make it look like he was the culprit’ I though to myself. I looked up at Gerard, he looked as if a bus had ran him over, and I could see tears welling up in his hazel eyes. He grabbed his sunglasses and put them on, he walked backward slowly and then turned around and fast walked away. I gave Mikey and Dia a disgusted look and pursued after Gerard.

Gerard was heading to his car, he had gotten in. I followed and sat hidden in the back, hoping he hadn’t heard me get in. Occasionally I looked up to see what part of Jersey we were in. At last after roughly 10min of driving we arrived at a strange building I didn’t recognize. It looked like an old warehouse that had been out of use for a long time. I got out of the car and just followed silently, staying hidden at all costs. Gerard entered through the door on the side. When I entered the building I discovered a bed, couch, television and some other basic needs stuff. Gerard was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I walked over to him and sat down. He looked up. His eyeliner was running down his face.
“What?… How?…” he mumbled
“I got into your car. You obviously didn’t notice,” I pulled him into a hug, he just cried into my shoulder.

By the time I had got Gerard to calm down and stop crying it was 9pm. We had been talking about why Mikey and Dia would do this, we could never figure out why.
“Thank you Ella.”
“For what?”
“For being here, comforting me, for being such a good friend. I don’t know what I did to deserve a friend like you, but whatever it was, I’m glad I did it.”
“You’re my best friend and I’m always gonna be here for you, no matter what.”
“Can you come home with me, if I go alone I’ll probably strangle Mikey,”
“Yeah, okay.”

The drive back to the Way’s house seemed longer then coming here. I looked at the time on my phone; it was 9:45pm. Gerard got out of the car and I just followed quietly. He walked up to his room and sat on his bed. When I sat next to him he hugged me. After a few minutes he let go and then kissed me on the lips. I was surprised at first, but he was such a good kisser, I didn’t dare break it off. His tongue grazed my bottom lip I slightly opened my mouth and allowed him entry. He slowly broke off the kiss to catch his breath. He then kissed me again and started to undo the buttons on my top. He had taken off my top in seconds and I removed his. He kissed me on my neck and then kissed me slowly all the way down to the side of my belly button. He carefully removed my skinny legs then threw them to the floor. He rolled over to beside me and I took this as my cue to remove his skinny legs. As I did this I rubbed the inside of his thighs and then moved my hand up to his crotch he let out a small moan. I then moved up and kissed him softly, he rolled me over so he was on top and undid my bra. He kissed my neck again and he eagerly removed my underwear.
“You are so beautiful” he whispered in my ear. He then removed his boxers and we were both fully naked. I rolled him over so I was on top and started kissing him near his belly button, he started to grow as I got closer to his crotch. Gerard let out another small moan. He rolled me over and spread my legs apart.
“I don’t want to hurt you too much so I’ll just enter slowly,” Gerard started to enter. I accidentally dug my nails into his back because it hurt so much. He then fully entered me and I had to bite my tongue to stop me from screaming out in pain. After a while the pain subsided.
“Harder” I whispered as the pleasure of this experience grew. Gerard started to thrust harder and after a little bit he exploded, seconds after I came as well. Gerard rolled to lie next to me and we were just catching our breath.
“Woah, you're amazing,” I rolled over so I was on my side, facing Gerard.
“I can say the same to you,” Gerard kissed me on the lips. I laid my head on his chest and played with his fingers until my eyelids became too heavy.
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