Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Where the searchlights find us

Chic N' Stu

by GerardWayRocksMCR 0 reviews

That little prank of throwing Gerard into the lake had some negative effects on the whole band...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2008-01-18 - Updated: 2008-01-19 - 387 words

There was a small sniffle and then a huge sneeze as Gerard Way tried to grab the tissue box in time but didnt make it. That damn "fall" into the lake made him sick... not a flu, but a cold that was as bad as one. He could barely breathe, let alone sing, which was why he wasnt jamming onstage at the very moment.

There was a knock on the door to his room. "Come un en" Gerard said, his nose so stuffy he couldnt even say "come on in" right. He sighed as the door opened. "Hi mum. Whets ap?" Donne smiled. "oh, nothing, just got you some warm soup. Just because my sons a rockstar doesn't mean I cant give him some chicken soup!"

Gerard smiled before grabbing a tissue. "Thenks mum. Damn it thugh, i dent knuw whi all of tha meds erint whurking. I hat heving to telk leke thas."

Donna smiled and set the tray down on her sick sons lap. Leaving the room, Donna shut the door behind her, leaving Gerard alone with his soup. ' damn it! i sound like... like... like a sick person! I cant talk at all without it coming out all wierd. Well, at least i can write some songs.... maybe i can finish up that other song im working on... i dont have any other time to do it i guess.' he thought to himself. He lay there in bed, his black, scruffy hair rather messy and laying over his eyes, his black polish rather chipped. As he lay there, he was not awair of the person hiding under his bed. The girl. The FAN girl. Eventually, Gerard fell asleep. Hearing the snores, the girl crawled out and smiled at the sight of Gerard fast asleep. Maybe this would be a bit simpler than she thought.


haahahaha! thats right! Gerards sick, and a fan girl found her way under his bed! i have no idea how i came up with that- pretty sucky plot though. I have no idea why she was there, what shes doing, and what she will do next chapter. i have to wait like the rest of you until i get an idea! oh yeah, for those who dont knnow, Chic N' Stu is a System of a down song.....
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