Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The Crack Of Night, The Death Of Dawn

Chapter eleven

by xxACoalminexx 5 reviews

Sorry for the lack of update. Here you are though. Evangeline finds out something about "Lucas".

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Published: 2008-01-22 - Updated: 2008-01-23 - 1271 words

Yes, so the reason for my lack of update-ness was that I was working on my story over in the My Chemical Romance section. I didn't even remember this until GossipGirl left a comment. So I'm soooo sorry for making you guys wait like that. I probably lost a lot of my readers too. I deserve that for being a bitch. But anyway, onto the story!

I gulped down the giant lump in my throat. I wasn’t sure if I should believe him. Seriously, I trusted him once and he drugged me. But oh, he looked so honest. His eyes were wide and his lower lip was jutting out slightly. He leaned over a pillow and rested his head on my knees. I did something I seemed to be doing a lot recently—I melted. I made up my mind that I would believe him.—again—and hope for the best. If worse came to worst, Peter could probably handle things.

I heard a loud groan from William, “You just can’t stop trusting him, can you? No matter what you find out about him, you just don’t care! Why is that?”

“Well maybe you should stop reading my mind so much!” I glared, “And anyway, even if I trust him, it doesn’t mean I won’t trust you.”

He rolled his eyes and backed away, “Honey, there are an uncountable amount of things wrong with that sentence.”

I sighed. There was so much I wanted to think about. But I couldn’t knowing that William would take advantage of his power. It annoyed me so much. Thankfully, my genius mind hatched a mini-plan. I started thinking with all my might. I should get my own TV show made for being forced to go through this. I even thought up a theme song: Peter, Peter, Peter, Peeeeturrrrrrrrr! It would probably be a huge hit. I’d have millions of dollars. And I could pay myself out of this vampire shit...except, of course, I’d keep Peter. He was so hot; with his slick black hair and beautiful complexion. His lips were so soft. The feeling I got when kissing him was simply amazing. I wanted to go back to that moment in time and just feel him holding me again. And oh—

“Stop it!” William hissed disgustedly “You’re despicable! I’ll leave, okay? I’ll go out and talk to Brendon. Think what you want. It’s not like you’d ever like anyone but your precious little Peter anyway. You’re just like all those other girls, obsessed, when you don’t even know him.”

He gruffly got off the bed and stomped out of the room. I sighed, half with something other than relief. My plan had worked but I was far from “seducing” him, as Peter’s plan had been. And now, I was not sure I even wanted to carry out that plan. If what William said was true, then Peter was to blame for this whole thing. That didn’t change the situation, though. William was obviously still going to call Lucas, whoever he was. As much as it felt unfair, I knew I’d have to continue with Peter’s stupid plan. Yes, I admitted that it was stupid. William probably knew what it was already. But I had to give it a shot for “the sake of all things good in this world.” I snorted. What the fuck was the difference between good and bad anyway? Both the dandies and the vampire hunters used violence to stop their problems. I wished I knew more about this Lucas person

I flopped down backwards onto the bed, sighing again. Nothing left to do but wait for William. I stared at the cracks in the ceiling for a while. I even went as far as identifying a shape that looked like Peter’s face. What could I say? William was right, I was simply obsessed. After what seemed like forever, I heard footsteps lead into the room. I sat up, expecting to see William. Instead, I saw that one short guy...Brendon? I quickly backed up against the headboard, trying to move back more.

He shut the door behind him and grinned, in a wicked looking way, “Hello there, darling. How are we doing today?”

I didn’t reply. In a flash, he was by my bedside. My brain was urging me to scream, but my voice box was defying its orders. I just stared with a terrified expression.

“Awww, you are so adorable when you’re scared. But how about when you scream?” His head was beside my neck in a fraction of a second.

I did not even have a chance to react. I wondered if he had super speed or something of that sort. How did he move so fast? His hands gripped my shoulders and pinned me up against the headboard. This was it. I had gotten on William’s bad side and now, he had ordered Brendon to turn me into one of his bloodsucking fiends! I shut my eyes and hummed my theme song to myself. Maybe Peter would hear me from down in the dungeon and magically bust out of there to save my life. It would probably be a hit with all those cliché fans. I wouldn’t mind it either. My heart pounded as I felt Brendon’s lips on my neck. I finally found the power in me to scream for my life.

The door slammed open, suddenly. Peter! My hero! But no, it was William my hero.

“Brendon! What are you doing? Didn’t I tell you who she was?!” he yelled frantically.

He ran over to Brendon and pulled him away from me. Brendon squealed as William shoved him towards the wall.

“B-but, boss, you said you were angry. I just wanted t-to please you, sir.”

“You fool! Do you realize what might happen if you turn her? This Lucas’s...” he stopped and looked at me hesitantly, “Daughter...that we’re talking about. Get out!”

Brendon darted out of the room, but William had already said the climax statement. Daughter! He had just called me Lucas’s daughter! But that was father’s name was Mark. I looked at William. His back was to me, although he turned around as soon as he felt my gaze.

“Are you okay, Evangeline?” he asked, as if he had not just stated the discovery of the century.

I didn’t bother to answer, “Lucas? Me? Daughter?”

He closed his eyes and let out a short breath, “Sleep. Just lay down, rest your eyes, and go to sleep.”

“How the fuck do I sleep?” I squeaked, “My father whose name was Mark, not Lucas, has been missing for over two decades! You just told me...I don’t know what...something important! I need a better explanation than ‘Sleep.’”

He nodded and rested his hands on my shoulders. He gently pushed down so that I slid down onto my back on the soft mattress. His chocolate brown eyes were hypnotizing, identical to his voice.

“Tomorrow, I will tell you. But sleep, Evangeline, just sleep. Close your pretty eyes. Relax. Sleep.”

After much attempts at rebellion, I closed my “pretty eyes.” Halfway through my drift off into dreamland, I felt William get up. But, even in my dazed state, I remembered the plan. And plus, I really wanted to say what I was going to say.

“Wait,” I said drowsily.

I heard his feet shuffle, “Yes m’love?”

“Lie down with me.”
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