Categories > Anime/Manga > Yu-Gi-Oh!

If You Find a Girl on the Street

by AnetteChase 1 review

A young girl from America runs away and finds herself at the mercy of the YGO gang. Rating to be safe/for later chapters.

Category: Yu-Gi-Oh! - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Drama, Fantasy, Humor - Characters: Yami Yugi - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-01-31 - Updated: 2006-01-31 - 836 words

If You Find a Girl on the Street


Okay, this fic idea came from a series of weird(and true!) dreams I had, and so I turned them into a story. Chapters 1-5, 6, and 14 are all either entirely from the dream or inspired by the dream. Please don't run off yet! There will be some shonen-ai in later chapters, but there will also be some non-shonen-ai as well, so please don't run away! Anyways, I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! or any other series, be it anime, book, or manga, mentioned in this work. I do own Danielle/Anette and Firesong.

Oh, by the way, Anette is NOT me. We just happen to be similar... -_-'


Yugi to Yami

/Yami to Yugi/

[Ryou to Bakura]

[[Bakura to Ryou]]

:Anette/Danielle to Firesong: (OC's)

::Firesong to Anette/Danielle::


Prologue - Leaving Home

::Danielle...are you sure about this?::

:Perfectly.: Danielle Smith, a seventeen year old girl from a small town in Texas, replied. :You know that I can't stand this place any more.:

::But...Clayton? And Hope? What about Sierra and Zak?!::

:I'm leaving it all behind. Someday, maybe, I'll come back I doubt I will, but I might. I hope I do.:

::You know once you leave, you probably won't be coming back.::

:There's a chance I might. Now, let's do this.:

::Ke'chara...I wish you would reconsider...If you insist, however, we must switch.::

There was a flash and Firesong, Danielle's yami, was standing there.

::Sleep, hikari.::

"Setsuna, the Guardian of Time, I call upon you!"

There was a flash and the green-haired Senshi of Time was standing there.

"Is it time?" the yami asked.

"Firesong...she's too young, she's not ready."

"Damn it , Setsuna! Danielle cannot stay here! It's tearing her to pieces! Do you have any idea how close I came to loosing her? Do you?!"

Setsuna put her hands out in front of her. "The situation is very complicated right now. If she left, the situation would worsen."

"Send us to where the other yamis are."

The Guardian of Time stared at the silver eyed yami. "Are you nuts?"

"No. They are the only ones who could possibly understand her. Besides, isn't the Pharaoh's hikari a duelist?"


"And aren't all three of the other hikaris near her age?"

"She's nearly a year older than two of them, but yes."

"So why do you ask if I'm nuts?"

"Because Bakura would just as soon kill her as look at her!"

Firesong smiled. "You don't know them very well."

"You haven't seen any of them in 5000 years!"

"Liar. I saw the Pharaoh on television just yesterday."

Setsuna stared at her. "Do what?"

"Yeah! The whole Battle City thing. Great tournament, wish we coulda been there... Anywho, could you find a way to get all her papers and legal shit over to wherever we're going?"

"Sure. Why not?" Setsuna said sarcastically before sighing. "Oh, and just so you know, you two will be in Japan. Try not to just dump the language in her head like you did Spanish."

Firesong blushed lightly, but otherwise remained as she was.

Setsuna summoned her staff and opened a portal. "Here you go. Domino City, Japan."


:Firesong...I've been walking around on these streets for weeks now... I've hardly ate, had little to drink, and I feel like crap! Where are we supposed to go?!:

""Patience, little one::

Before she could reply, Danielle fell to the ground and a golden bracelet fell off of her wrist.



Jounouchi Katsuya and Honda Hirato turned into the alley, taking a shortcut to the Kame Game Shop.

"I wonder if Yuge's Jii-san's got anythin' new?" Jou asked.

"I don't care about the cards, "Honda said, "I care about the food!"

Jou laughed. "Yeah, dat's pretty important, too!"

"Hey, what's this?" Honda picked up a golden bracelet.

"Lemme see. Looks like a Millennium Item ter me. We'd betta ask Yuge - Holy shit!" Jou ran a short distance to see a girl laying face down on the ground, in tattered clothing.

"'Ey, lady! Wake up!"

The girl opens her eyes groggily.

"C'mon, Honda. We gotta get 'er to a hospital - "

""The girl said weakly.

Jou nodded. "Let's see what Yuge can do."

Honda lifted the girl onto Jou's back and the two friends made their way to the Kame Game Shop.


"Jii-chan! Come here, quickly! I need your help!"

Sugorukou Mutoh entered the main room of the living area of the game shop. He saw his grandson, Yugi Mutoh, in there with two of his friends and a girl that he'd never seen before.

"And she said not to take 'er to th' hospital. I didn't know what else to do!"

"Maybe she's an illegal immigrant?" Sugorukou suggested.

"Hey, Jii-chan? Is it okay if we let her stay here for a while?"

"I don't see why not. We need to get her cleaned up a bit first."

Yugi blushed. "I'll call Anzu."


I hope you enjoyed...

Anette Chase
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