Categories > Games > Ecco the Dolphin > The Metaspheres

Vents of Medusa

by sparky_lurkdragon 0 reviews

The level "Vents of Medusa".

Category: Ecco the Dolphin - Rating: G - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-01-31 - Updated: 2006-02-01 - 506 words

One sphere passed through the Sea of Darkness, passing through the lightless cave unharmed, following its orders until it came to a mass of medusae. For a moment, it became known to one of the medusae, enveloping the clear animal as if eating it. The medusa instinctively tried to get away, and in a few moments it did, losing perception of the Metasphere. The medusa, having no brain and no memory beyond the instincts of its kind, immediately forgot the experience and continued on its way.

But the Metasphere did not know this.

Ecco was glad to be out of the Sea of Darkness, where he could only see through his Song of Sight, but he was still nervous. The Dry Side was a long way up, and his song could see no air bubbles nearby. Worse yet, the way up was clogged with stinging medusae - it would take a long time to rise through them. But, there was something else his Song of Sight was seeing; something even less there than a medusa, something round. Ecco went to investigate, as it was on the way up anyhow; once he could see it with his eyes, Ecco recognised it as a Metasphere.

"How did you get here?" he wondered out loud. "Well... however you did, perhaps you can help me reach the surface before I suffocate. I don't see how becoming a seagull would help me reach the Dry Side quicker, but perhaps you will make me something else this time." Ecco touched it -

- Rise.


Others. Avoid them. Not food.



More vibration.

Painful vibration - faster!

Weaker vibration. Normal speed.


Avoid the others.


More vibration.

Painful vibration - faster!

Weaker vibration. Normal speed.


Rocks. Go still, sink. Rise to the side. Rise up.


Surface -

- and Ecco was a Singer again, head above the surface, medusae around him. He was disoriented, and for a few moments simply floated there, trying to figure out what had just happened. He had touched the Metasphere, and then... and then he had lost himself. He could remember the change, and he could remember rising to the surface, but very vaguely, and with no sight nor sound to go with his memories.

Then a medusa stung his right fluke, and Ecco squeaked and swam away from it, turning back once he was away from it and its fellows. The medusae were rising to the surface and gathering together, the current carrying a few of them away from the general mass at a time. Ecco watched the medusa swarm, part of his mind contemplating them, part of it wandering back to his transformation. At some point the two currents of thought mixed together, and Ecco made a surprised noise.

"I was one of them? One of the stinging medusae?" Ecco watched the medusae go about their nearly mindless business for a little while longer. "...I hope that I never have to become one again." With this general proclamation to the sea around him, Ecco turned and swam on.
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