Categories > Celebrities > Simple Plan > This is what I live for

This is what I live for

by david_desrosiersbabe 0 reviews

Dillon Watts and her mum, dad, and sister move to Montreal. she makes some new friends. one of her friends asks her out on the first day he meets her. read to find out the rest

Category: Simple Plan - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Chuck Comeau,David Desrosiers,Jeff Stinco,Patrick Langlois,Pierre Bouvier,Sebastien Lefebvre - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-02-16 - Updated: 2008-02-17 - 1681 words - Complete

~Info on me~

Name: Dillon Abigail Watts
Birthday: September, 5
Age: 17
Gender: FEMALE
Height: 5'5
Grade: 12


"why should I mom? so you could yell at me some more?"
"no, because you are my daughter and I said to get back here"
"well guess what? IT AIN'T GUNNA HAPPEN" I yelled back at her
"I am your mother and you will not disobey me" she saiod and came running up to me and slepped me
"don't you dare hit me" I hissed
"i'll hit you all I want" she said and slapped me even harder.
"I'm leaving, so bye" I said and ran.

end flashback

It thas now been five years since I ran from my mom to live with my dad and my step mom and half sister who is four years younger then me.
My mom never came to look for me at all. not even once. the reason why I ran from my mom is because my dad lived in Vancouver and I always
went down to see him in the summer and plus I was sick of my mom always beating me and taking her anger out on me.
so I decided to ask my dad if I could stay with him for good and he said yes. I have now lived with my dad for five years and am now
17 years old. It is November 23rd and We just moved down to Montreal four days ago and my sister Taylor and I start at out new school today.
I am nervous to go to school, not because I am the new kid, but because at my school in Vancouver, everybody always picked on me, and liked to hurt
me because of the way that I dress.

"Dill, are you ready for school?" asked my mum (my step mom but I call her mom and always have when I was around her, even before
I moved in with my dad, her, and my sister. But now I call her mum permenantly)
"yep, I'm ready"
"alright, you and Tay are leaving soon"

I forgot that Taylor and I will now be going to the same school since the school down here goes from grade eight to grade twelve.

"can we go now Dilly?" asked Tay
"I was waitin for you, so yeah, lets go"
"alright" she said and got her shoes on
"bye mum bye dad" we called
"bye you two" said dad
"have a good day at school" said mum and we grabbed out bags and left to school


"move it looser" said Kaitlyn, the schools most popular girl
"yeah move it" said her dumb blonde friend Maria
"why dont you move?" I said to them "I was here first and this is my locker"
"yeah, and whats in it? blades, so you can cut yourself to add more scars to your wrists because you are the biggest looser in the school?"
"FYI I dont cut my wrists"
"sure you dont"
"and you dont believe me why?"
"cause you sure look like you do because you are such a looser"
"you are only saying that because you are probably the one who cuts your wrists but you want them to think that I do because
you want everybody to be your friend"
"I do not cut my wrists"
"you sure look like you do because you are such a looser" I mimicked
"excuse me? what did you just say to me?"
"I said, you are the snottiest little brat, snotfaced, luney in the world"
"I am not a luney"
"yeah you are"
"no she isn't" said Maria
"you shut up"
"dont tell me to shut up" said Maria and shoved me against the lockers
"get away from me" I said and pushed her against the lockers but then there was someone pulling me away from her and punched me in the face
and kicked me then Maria, Kaitlyn, and Marco (Kaitlyns boyfriend) took off

end flashback

"you ok Dilly?" asked Tay "you've been quiet the whole way here"
"what? we're here already?"
"yeah, you ok?"
"I'm fine, lets go to the office and get our schedules"
"alright" she said and we found our way to the office.

"May I help you girls?" asked the lady at the from desk
"yes, we are new here" I said
"Dillon and Taylor Watts" said Taylor
"ahh yes, right here" she said getting our schedules and handing them to us "here you go"
"thank you"
"no problem"
"bye" we siad and left the office

"what do you have?" asked Tay
"lets see... Social Studies first period, Science second period, P.E third period, English fourth period, and Math fifth period. how about you?"
"mine is way different then yours because I am in grade eight and you are grade eleven"
"But what do you have?"
"well mines isnt that much different then yours"
"oh sorry, I have.... Math block one, P.E block two, Humanities block three, Science block four, and art block five"
"where is room A112?" I asked. more to myself then anybody
"I dunno. lets go and look"
"what room do you have to go to first?"
"lets find mine. alright, we are by room A115 so we arent that far" I sadi and we started walking
"A112, right here"
"well i'll see you later, gotta go to my class now" she said took off

Finally she's gone. My sister can get annoying very very easily. Anyways, I walked into my classroom and took
a seat at the back where nobody was sitting. The bell rang a minute later and then this really cute boy sat down in
the seat next to me and the teacher walked. Another bot sat down beside the cute one and they started talking.

"is their anybody not here today?" asked the teacher and the cute bor put his hand up
"I'm not" he said
"very funny David" she said "I see that our new student has come today" she said and pointed to me "you are Dillon Watts, right?"
"yep" I said shyly
"welcome to my class Dillon"
"Dillon, why dont you tell the class a little about yourself so that we can get to know you?"
"please, stand up. you dont have to come to the front of the classroom, just stand where you are"
"alright" I said and stood up" hi, I'm Dillon Watts, I just moved down here to Montreal from Vancouver, umm.. I love music
punk rock, not rap. umm.... i love it here so far and yeah" I said and I sat back down
"thank you Dillon"
"no prob"
"for todays class, we will be reading about the Aboriginal on page 143 in your textbooks, and you will be working with a partner
for the questions. and no David and Pierre, you are not being partners because all you do is goof around and never get your work
done. David you can share your textbook with Dillon and you will be her partner. Pierre, you are gunna work alone so that yoyu can get
your work done without David bothering you"
"but Mrs. Low, David and I are always partners" said the Pierre dude
"not today Mr. Bouvier"
"not buts Bouvier"
"class, get to work" she said and David brought his desk next to mine and Pulled out his book
"I hate socials" he said
"me to"
"I'm David"
"Dillon" I replied nicely
"nice to meet you Dillon"
"you to"
"so, why do you hate Socials?"
"its just so boring, you?"
"same reason, and plus its hard for me"
"whys that?"
"I have ADD so its hard for me to pay attention"
"and he's funny to" said Pierre
"bet your ass I am"
"his ADD is the total beauty of him"
"work Mr. Bouvier, Mr. Desrosiers, and Ms. Watts, dont talk" said Mrs. Low
"but we have to talk to get our work done with the questions" replied David
"I dont have patience for today Desrosiers"
"fine fine" he said and started reading

~After first class~

"what class do you have next?" asked Pierre
"you have class with meeeee, yaaaaaaay" said David
"I have Science to, but not with you two"
"we better get to class" said David
"see you two at break" said Pierre and walked off
"Pierre has Mr. Lenkman for science. Mr. Lenkman is very strict and I am so happy that I do nor have him" he said as we reached the class
"hey man" said a guy that was about my height with sandy brown hair
"hey Seb"
"today is a Sub"
"Seb this is Dillon, Dillon, this is Seb"
"hey Seb" I said
"hey Dillon" he said nicely
"I'm gunna skip class, who wants to skip with me?" said David
"me" said Seb and I
"yay alright"
"JEFF, CHUCK" Seb yelled down the hall and two boys came our way
"hey dudes" said the one with no hair "who's this?"
"this is Dillon, Dillon this is Jeff and Chuck"
"hey guys"
"hey Dillon"
"Dillon, Seb and I are skipping Science, wanna skip to?"
"can't, Mr. Lenkman said that if I skip one more time he's gunna call my mom and then I'm gunna get grounded and not be able to hang out
with you guys after school" said Jeff
"I dont skip David" said Chuck
"oh yeah, I gorgot that you dont"
"we better get to class, Chuck"
"see you guys later, see you Dillon" they said
"see you" the three of us said
"where shall we go?" I asked
"lets go to the courtyard"
"which way is that?"
"this way" said Seb and we walked to the cortyard

The rest of the day went by pretty fast. I found out that David and I had all our classes together.
Socials= Pierre, David and I
Science= David, Seb and I
P.E= Pierre, Jeff, Chuck, Seb, David and I
English= Jeff, Chuck, David, and I
Math= David, Pierre, Seb, and I
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