Categories > Anime/Manga > Loveless > Tragic Accidents

Chapter 8

by Inudork08 0 reviews

Seimei is happy when Ritsuka wakes up, but sad because Ritsuka doesn't know who anyone is! Is this another one of Septimal Moon's plans?(Chapter not yet finished.)

Category: Loveless - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Kio,Ritsuka,Seimei,Soubi,Yuiko - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2008-02-24 - Updated: 2008-02-25 - 831 words

Soubi ran over and held Ritsuka down as he thrashed and kicked.

“Let go of me!”

“Ritsuka calm down! Seimei is your older brother! I’m one of your friends!”

“No! I don’t know any of you!”

“Then who do you know?!”

“He knows me.”

Seimei broke out of his frozen state and looked up at Septimal Moon who stood in the doorway.

“You belong to me Ritsuka. These two are your foes. They try to kill you all the time.”

“She lies Ritsuka! Don’t listen to her!”

“Are you going to listen to someone who has spent their lives trying to kill you?”

“No. Get off of me you killer! Get off!”

Soubi backed away shocked at his harsh words and stood dumbstruck next to Seimei.

“That’s right. Now come on Ritsuka, we’re leaving.”

Ritsuka got up, being sure to tear out the IV and other tubes. Ritsuka weakly got up and stumbled over to Septimal Moon. She held her arm out and Ritsuka clung to her like a lost child.

“Come now child, let’s go home.”

Ritsuka nodded and disappeared with Septimal Moon.

“No…he’s gone.”

“Don’t say that! Snap out of it Seimei! We are going to get Ritsuka back! You got it? We’ll wait until Kio can go home and then we’ll go after him okay?”

“You’re right. I won’t lose my little brother!”

The next day Soubi and Seimei helped Kio get into the house and then set out to find Ritsuka.

Ritsuka stood there as he admired his new outfit in the mirror. Septimal Moon stood there smiling at Ritsuka. “Now you are home Ritsuka darling!” Ritsuka ran up and hugged Septimal Moon. “Now come Ritsuka. Let’s get you set up for your killer’s arrival. Are you ready?” Ritsuka nodded and followed Septimal Moon.

Soubi and Seimei stood in front of the building where Ritsuka and Soubi had rescued Seimei. “He could be in there, are you ready?” Seimei nodded and followed Soubi into the building.

“I was wondering when you were going to come.”

Soubi and Seimei looked at Ritsuka shocked as he stood there dressed in black and a collar firmly around his neck. Their eyes got even wider when they saw black wings flapping behind him.


“Yes, and they’re mine. If you get close enough maybe you can touch the real feathers.”

“Did…Septimal Moon do that to you?”

“Do what? She had these surgically put into me. Now I can fly!”

Ritsuka flew into the air and looked down at Soubi and Seimei, his black wings flapping slowly.

“That’s right. He wanted them.”

Seimei and Soubi’s head spun to look at a young girl wearing a miniskirt and a tank top. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail that went down to her waist.

“Who are you?”

“I am Loveless’ partner. My name is Celes. Are you ready for this Ritsuka?”

“I am if you are Celes.”

Celes took a big breath and looked at Soubi and Seimei.

“I’m going to cut apart the body, if only a small portion. I’m going to severe his bond!”

Seimei and Soubi were bound in chains as Ritsuka flew above Ceres. Ceres smiled up at Ritsuka, like a little girl that has done something magnificent.

“Good job Celes! Look out!”

Ritsuka pushed Celes away, intercepting Soubi and Seimei’s full attack.


Celes ran towards Ritsuka, trying to get to his face.

“Can you hear me Ritsuka?”


Ritsuka lied there, a lump of leather straps covering every inch of his body. Then a sudden flashback made Ritsuka shake.

“No! Ritsuka!”

Celes fell to her knees and tried to hold Ritsuka down.

“I remember now…”

Celes sat up, confused.

“What are you talking about Ritsuka?”

“Septimal Moon has been lying to us… Those two people over there are my friends and the one with the dark hair is my brother…”

Celes watched as Seimei and Soubi walked over to the lump of leather and Soubi released him.

“I’m sorry you guys…”

Seimei lifted up Ritsuka and hugged his little brother.

“Septimal Moon has been lying to both me and Celes the whole time.”

Celes walked over and held onto Ritsuka’s arm.

“It’s okay Celes, this is my brother, and my friend Soubi. We can trust them.”

Celes slowly nodded, but still gripped Ritsuka’s arm.

“No! How did he remember everything?!”

“I guess I just sort of remembered somehow Septimal Moon.”

“No! I will be back for you! Just watch and see Ritsuka!”
Septimal Moon left and the place started to crumble.

“Quickly! Everyone run outside! Hurry!”

Celes tripped and Ritsuka picked her up and quickly ran to the exit. Once everyone was out they all watched as the building crumbled to nothing.

“Everyone is here right?”


“Ritsuka? Celes?”


“Run Celes! Get away! She’ll get you too!”
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