Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Look Around If You're Guilty


by sleepyfaerie 4 reviews

back to Frankie! will he be found? a bit of Frerard in this one

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2008-02-25 - Updated: 2008-02-25 - 679 words - Complete

Frank's POV

When I came around I was lying in a dark room which, after a few moments, I recognised as out cellar. My head still throbbed from where the hard wood had connected with it, but ignoring the pain I tried to stand up. For a moment the worlds spun round, but pretty soon my head cleared and I managed to stagger over to the door. It was locked. Fuck. She’d done a lot of shit in her time, but this was by far the worst. What the fuck was going through her brain when she locked her unconscious son in a cellar? I sat down heavily, slumped against the wall in defeat. Was she planning to let me out soon, to play it off as some sort of joke or accident? Or would she let me die here? After a couple of days without food or water and with a limited oxygen supply…

I don’t know how long I sat there for; hours, days, weeks? There was no glimmer of light to even let me see my watch. At one point I heard the house phone ring. I rushed to the door; banging it wildly in the crazy hope the caller could hear me. Desperation can really do that to people.

Eventually I heard loud bangs and footsteps upstairs; finally she was back. I’d never thought I would be pleased to say that.
“Mum, let me out!” I shouted. I didn’t care if she beat me for my rudeness, just as long as I was out of here. If only I could see Gerard’s face one more time. I crossed over to the door and pounded my fists against it, repeating my please. “Please mum, let me fucking out of here.” Finally I heard her come to the door.
“Stand back, sonny.” What? That wasn’t her voice that was a man. What the fuck was a man doing in my house? I stepped backwards just in time as the door fell down on the place I had been standing a few seconds earlier. Light came pouring in, temporarily blinding me after the hours I had spent in darkness. But even with eyes closed I knew that it wasn’t /her/, it was someone else. Someone who had found me, someone who had saved me. Someone I probably owed my life to.
Before I had even opened my eyes warm eyes embraced me tightly.
“I’m sorry, I should have been there.” I would have known who it was even without recognising the voice. Someone behind us coughed awkwardly.
“We’ll wait upstairs, come up when you’re ready.” Gerard called out an agreement as the footsteps faded into the carpet. I buried my head in his shoulder, breathing in his familiar scent, trying to control the sobs that were suddenly wracking through my body.
“I’m so sorry, I failed you,” he said angrily. I could feel his self loathing even though I couldn’t see him.

Once I had gained control of myself I pulled away from him and forced him to look me in the eye.
“You didn’t fail me, you saved me,” I told him. We were so close, just inches between us. If I just leant forward… closed that gap… And I did, heaven forgive me, I did it. Our lips fitted together as if they had been made for each other, then they started working against each other in perfect harmony. This was how it was supposed to be. Gerard bit down gently on my bottom lip, causing my mouth to opened a little as his tongue slipped in to lock with mine, He tasted so good, better than I’d ever imagined in all my day dreaming since the day I’d first met him. All too soon her broke away, taking a step backwards.
“We should go up and tell them what they need to know.” His breath wasn’t quite steady, mirroring my own erratic pulse. I nodded, not trusting my voice.
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