Categories > Anime/Manga > Full Metal Alchemist > Rain


by WanderingGrayWhisper 0 reviews

An Elric brother's thoughts on October 3, 1910.

Category: Full Metal Alchemist - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Characters: Alphonse Elric - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-02-03 - Updated: 2006-02-04 - 471 words

Eh, the world kinda sucks right now in my opinion. Quirky little thoughts found their way onto a Microsoft Word document and this is whatcha get.

The rain. Ever since the young Elric could remember, it was welcome. Rain was completely natural, no strings attached. And sometimes, natural was the best you could get.
Just don't tell Winry, or she'll start rambling about "synthetic" this and that. Loser machine junkie.
But everyone has something that makes them happy, and to this Elric, it was the rain. His brother always complained about it: It smeared transmutation circles and matted his hair down in front of his eyes, although it did embarrass Colonel Sarcasm to be useless. But to Alphonse Elric, the rain was a blessing, a wet one perhaps, but a blessing nonetheless.
And rain was also handy, as it proved on that day. October 3, 1910. The rain was able to chastise the peals of flame that licked up into the sky. It was able to blend in with Edward's tears, so that it didn't look like he'd been crying, and his precious dignity would not be touched. The rain did almost nothing for Al, though. It could not hide his tears, because he could not cry. It could not give him the delusional thought of himself being "cleaned from all bad", as people often described the feeling of rain rolling from the heavens onto them, because he could not feel. The least Al could do, as he watched his brother attempt to shield his tears and Winry try to stop hers, was to be thankful for the rain, because he still held both common sense and sight, and the rain would make the flames die down so that the Elric's fire wouldn't catch onto some unsuspecting, undeserving grass, and he was also thankful for the pretty show that they gave him.
The raindrops almost danced in the firelight, as the flames danced too. It made Alphonse want to run and twirl and jump like they were, jump for joy, but...
Somehow, it also made him want to run and twirl and jump right into the fire and burn, and the thought that it would just melt him until Ed fixed him, which he would do without even thinking, didn't help this queer want. It made him want to do it more.
Al's famous common sense kicked in right then, although it was indistinguishable from his wanting. All his common sense did was remind him that he was metal, but that once he was fully human, he could want to do this and at least be consoled by the fact that he could.
And Al thought right then, watching the flames jump and twirl and lick the sky clouded with smoke, that he would get his body back, if only to destroy it.
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