Categories > Celebrities > Simple Plan > Behind Closed Doors

Date Nights and Late Nights

by Medusa 1 review

Category: Simple Plan - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: David Desrosiers,Patrick Langlois - Published: 2008-02-26 - Updated: 2008-02-26 - 1746 words

Date Nights and Late Nights

It’s Friday, we’re in Salt Lake City, Utah and I’m so nervous I haven’t been able to sit still for five minutes…even when Chuck was giving us a lecture about personal hygiene…I was pacing the floor, like a maniac. My first date with Mr. Frank Iero is tonight at eleven o’clock…late I know but it’s after the show.

I seriously need to chill out…this isn’t the first date I’ve ever gone on, I’ve been on plenty so why is this one fucking me up so much. Pat was calm and collected…why was I the one with the hyperactive tendencies?

I’ve looked at the same outfit five times…I really need to get off this bus

I jumped out my bunk…I was surprised that I sat still to be able to type that. Running into the parking lot, I pulled my phone out my pocket.

Leonie, where are you? Am x

The reply came back seconds later

I’m Backstage. Y? x

I’m coming to get you. X

I ran all the way there as a way of giving myself something to do. I flashed my pass, ran down the long corridor towards 30 seconds to mar’s dressing room and practically knocked out Jared’s brother- Shannon I think his name was.

“Leonie” I breathed

“Amelia, what’s wrong?” She asked, pushing Shannon out of the way to get to me

“I’m freaking out about this date” I explained as she pulled me into a hug

“Aww…hunny” She laughed, she must have signalled to Jared because we left the room seconds later “Lets go get some fresh air” She smiled pulling me back along the corridor

Outside, I took a huge calming breath and slumped against the building.

“What’s making you freak out?” Leonie asked, lighting a cigarette

“I don’t know. I’ve never been this nervous before a date. I’m never nervous infact” I sighed, pushing my hair out my face and realizing, I’d come out without my sunglasses

“Maybe…it’s because your going out with some super hot?” She suggested


“Do you think he’s as nervous as I am?” I shading my eyes to look up at her

“Nah, guys never admit to being nervous” She smiled

“I remember when Jared and I went on our first date…we’d known each other for ages before it mind you but he still got nervous. He was shaking when he came to pick me up and the first half hour he stuttered every sentence” Leonie smiled and took the last drag of her cigarette

“What happened after that?” I asked curiously

“I tripped over a loose piece of pavement and ended up in the emergency room with a fractured knee” She looked down at me and laughed “Broke the tension though” Stubbing out her cigarette she offered me her hand

“Omg,” I laughed “Was it not awkward?”

“Nah, we talked about the worse dates we’d ever been on and had 60 cent coffees’ that tasted like tar”

I smiled; she’d made me feel better. I was less nervous and now all I need to do was get showered and dressed.

“Wanna come back to the bus and help me get dressed?” I asked her as we looked over the parking lot

“Yeah, sure. Let me just go and tell Jared”

I watched her go back inside and looked back across the parking lot, to see a figure running towards me. David, I’d know that run anywhere.

“Hey, little Pat” He smiled stopping in front of me

“Hey Davey”

“You ok? You seemed weird earlier” He asked leaning against the wall next to me

“Yeah, I’m okay, this date tonight had me a little messed up but it’s all sorted now”

“Good” He smiled, hugging me “Hope you have fun on your date tonight” He said to the top of my head because I was so much shorter than him

“Thanks, Davey. Have fun at tonight’s show” I replied, stepping out of the hug

“You’re not going to be there?”

“Nope, got to get dressed” I smiled, rubbing my arm slightly…it had suddenly got cold

“Oh…I forgot it takes girls four hours to do what a guy could do in 15 minutes” He smirked

I made to slap him playfully on the arm but he backed off.

“Cya later, Am” He smiled before running inside

“Cya, David” I waved even though he was long gone

Moments later, Leonie walked out the door.

“You look sad” She said stopping next to me

“I was just thinking” I told her but didn’t elaborate and she didn’t push me for an answer

“Where is it you’re going tonight?” She asked changing the subject

“I’m not sure, probably a late movie or something. Not many places are open at eleven o’clock”

“Cool. I’m so excited for you” She smiled jumping up and down

“I’m excited for myself” I jumped up and down with her

“What should I wear?” I asked as we skipped to the bus

Hyper activeness was restored and we carried on for two hours trying on every outfit I had brought with me, which was no easy task because I had brought my whole closet, which was huge at home.

At nine, we had finally decided on an outfit that according to Leonie was smoking hot. The outfit consisted of skinny black jeans, a black tube top with pink heart all over it and pair of pink flats.

“Are you sure about this outfit?” I asked for the thousandth time

“Yes” Leonie stressed, not looking away from the video game she was playing “Go shower” She smiled

I left her to the game, shouting Die! Die! At it and went for a long hot shower.

Getting out the shower, half and hour later. I heard my phone bleeping from my bunk; I quickly dodged discarded shoes and clothes and dived into answer it. 1 message

From Frank

Just thought I’d text you, just off stage. Bye. X

I squealed and jumped up smacking my head on Chuck’s bunk.

“You alright?” Leonie asked looking at me from the doorway

“Fine” I mumbled, clutching my head

“What we’re you squealing about?”

I thrust the phone at her and tightened the towel that was around my body.

“Sweet” She sighed handing the phone back to me

“What time is it?” I asked sitting in my bunk

“About ten” Leonie replied looking at her watch

“I have exactly an hour to get dressed and meet Frank at his bus” I was shaking again

“Chill out. Everything will be ok” She smiled, leaving the bunk area again “I’ll be killing zombies if you need me” She said shutting the back area door

I dried myself off, put on some clean underwear and put some music on. I was dancing in a circle with my eyes closed when I heard clapping. I opened my eyes slowly to see David standing in front of me.

“Cute” He smiled looking me over

I was frozen to the spot as he walked back off the bus. I quickly through my top and jeans on before anyone else came onto the bus…I was buckling my shoes when my phone started ringing - it was Pat.

“What’s up?” I asked putting him on loud speak so I could finish getting dressed

“She’s not her, Amelia” He panicked

“What?” I said putting some eyeliner on

“She said she’d meet me at the gates but she’s not here” He said breathing deeply

“Are you serious?” God Pat was so dramatic sometimes “What time did you say you’d meet her?” I sighed

“Half ten”

“Pat, its twenty five to eleven…she’s only five minutes late. Maybe she got caught up with something. She’ll be there” I promised, Pat was being rather girly about this whole affair

“Okay” He replied sheepishly and hung up

And he says I’m dramatic. I finished my eyeliner, fluffed my hair a little making it look presentable, pinned my fringe back with a bow and smiled at myself in the mirror.

I opened the door to the back room and just missed the portable controller aimed at my head.

“Oops Sorry” Leonie smiled “Wow, you look awesome”

“Positive” I asked twirling round

“Of course” She hugged me “Now, go get him tiger” She growled

I growled back and smiled as she wiped an imaginary tear of her face.

“My little girl is all grown up” She muttered

I skipped down the bus, grabbing my purse as I went. My stomach was in knots as I walked across the parking lot. We’re am I meeting him again? Oh that’s right, his bus. What time is it? I glanced down at my watch, 10:55…I wasn’t late and I wasn’t too early. I knocked on the bus door and waited.

I looked around and sighed before knocking again. Ok, not to panic, he’s probably in the shower…I’ll try his cell.

I placed the phone to my ear and listened to the dial tone and then the sound of it ringing.

“Hello” A male voice said…defiantly didn’t sound like Frank


“No, Mikey…one of Franks friends” He explained “Franks in the shower…he says that he’ll be five minutes”

“Okay” I smiled “Bye” hanging up, I tapped my foot on the ground and guys say girls leave everything to the last minute

I had been waiting 10 minutes when I seen someone running across the parking lot towards me.

“Sorry I’m late…we had a stupid meeting with our tour manager and he kept going on and on” Frank explained stopping in front of me “Wow…you look amazing” He commented looking me over

“Thanks. You don’t look so back yourself” I smirked, he looked amazing too wearing black shirt with some black pants and his hair was sitting perfect

“You wanna get something to eat before we go the movies?” He asked as we started walking across the parking lot to the exit

“Sure…I haven’t eaten all day” I sighed as he grabbed my hand as we crossed the street
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