Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Drowning lessons

9- "I hate it when I'm right..."

by bashfullovesbob 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-02-28 - Updated: 2008-02-28 - 315 words

Amy woke me up with a worried look on her face.
"Frank, Ray thinks there's something wrong, put your seatbelt on. Pass it on" i woke up Bryony,
and she in turn woke up Mikey, Lauren, Gerard, Sarah, Bob and Daisy (who were sleeping like
babies, probably after all the embarassment of almost being left behind) Everyone secured
their seatbelts. I suddenly knew what Ray was talking about. It was jerking around all over
the place, and now i was really worried.
"Oh shit Ray, you're right" Bob said
"I hate it when i'm right" Said Ray. He looked petrified, and his knuckles were white from
clinging onto the seat. From across the row, i could see Bob's hand silently slip onto Daisy's.
I thought i could use this situation to my advantage, and thought to myself, if we're all
going to die, i may as well make my feelings known. I clapsed Bryony's hand as hard as I could.

. . . .

He's holding my hand. This may well be the best day of my life. I thought to myself. Just
at that moment, there was a horrible jerk, and all the lights went off. Sarah gasped, and an
announcement came over the airplane.
"Please can everyone remain seated and calm. We are being forced to divert the plane due to
technical difficulties."
"Oh shit..." Said Gerard. We were all panicking thinking the worse, but after twenty minutes,
although the plane was still jerking about all over the place, nothing horrible had happened
and the lights had come back on. We were all starting to relax a bit, yet i noticed that i was
still holding Frank's hand. He hadn't let go and i didn't want him to.

. . . .

"Ladies and gentlemen. Please do not panic. Stay calm and put on your life jackets which are
underneath your seats. We are being forced to make a sea landing."
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