Categories > Anime/Manga > Weiss Kreuz > drabble folder


by Bladderwrack 0 reviews

RanxSchuldig. Challenge: New Year's drabble exchange.

Category: Weiss Kreuz - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Aya, Schuldig - Published: 2006-02-04 - Updated: 2006-02-04 - 100 words

That was then and this is something else entirely; but still when he looks at Ran, what he sees is a sword. Taut, taut, /tendon-blood-muscle-flesh/. He's drawn to that power.

What's curious is that Schuldig hasn't even had to do anything. Ran went out /looking/, looking for someone not remotely like his sister.

Ran doesn't recognize him, and then he does, expression passing from vulnerability to confusion to resolution without pause. He's disciplined, Ran, no getting away from that.

Ran says, /'shit'/, low and whistling. Then he shifts grip a little and continues, pressing fingertips in hard enough to bruise.
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