Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Haunted 3

The Vision, Which Made the Decision

by joelmaddensbabigurl 0 reviews

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Published: 2008-03-04 - Updated: 2008-03-04 - 795 words - Complete

Ch. 9
The Vision, Which Made the Decision

Billy laid on his bed in the hospital morning rising, the light shown on his face, his eyes closed tightly and he opened them weakly looking around he sat up rubbing his eyes, “Gah…” He mumbled

A nurse walked in and looked at him, “Oh! You’re awake! Great! Well, I need to inform you, you are leaving today!” She said cheerfully

Billy blinked looking at her his site blurry, “Wha?” he asked

She walked up leaning down half way yelling in his ear, “You are leaving!” She said pulling the blanket off him

Billy jumped when she pulled the blanket off and looked down at it then at her

“Right! Meet me outside the door!” She said cheerfully

Billy looked at her glaring like and sighed nodding, “Right…” he mumbled and waited for her to leave

She crossed her arms and walked out, “Mental people.” She mumbled

Billy hit the bed tears going to his eyes, “She can’t do that! I can’t believe she did that! She would understand if she had her fucking father after her!”


Billy froze and looked over

In a dark corner you saw something sitting on the floor, its skin rotten and its hair a mess, blood fell from it making a puddle around it

Billy eyes widened, “No…” he put his hand to his chest his breath getting taken away, “Go away…”

It started to stand up falling against the wall

“Why me…”

It leaned down and jumped forward at him

“Ah!” Billy screamed covering his face

Nothing happened

Billy opened his eyes and looked around, “Nothing… wha…” he gasped

He ran out into the hall struck with fear and just kept running

“Hey!” The girl yelled

Billy looked back and his eyes went wide

That thing stood behind the nurse

“Get away from her!” Billy screamed

It reached for the nurse

The nurse blinked, “What are you…” She grabbed her chest gasping for air

Billy backed up, “Go away!” He screamed

The nurse fell to her knees then toppled over to her side

It stood there its head facing down looking up at him

“Rick go away!”

Rick stepped over the nurse and started walking slowly towards Billy

Billy screamed covering his mouth, he spun around and took off running down the hall, he took off down the hospital steps crying

Second floor

Billy stopped looking around, “What the…”

Everyone in the hospital was laying down on the floor or anywhere

Billy’s eyes widened as he realized, “They’re all… dead…” he mumbled


Billy spun around

Rick was walking down the steps slowly his cold dead eyes watching Billy

“Don’t kill me! Please daddy!” He screamed and backed up

Rick kept walking slowly taking no notice to his plea

Billy spun around and took off running again, he ran up to the elevator and started pressing the button, “Hurry up! Come on!”

The elevator got to the floor and the doors opened

He ran in and started pushing first floor

Rick got in front of the window of the doors when they closed

“Ah!” Billy screamed and fell back

The elevator started going down

Rick watched him while it went down

Billy sat up leaning on the wall of the elevator, he hugged his knees looking up

The bell dinged and the elevator doors opened

Billy stood up and walked out of the elevator, he looked around

People weren’t moving, they were dead to

Billy started walking, he got up to the entrance


Billy stood up straight and looked back

Rick stood there looking at him coldly

Billy’s heart sake, “D…D…Daddy?” he mumbled

Rick grabbed him

Billy started pulling, “Don’t please! I don’t want to die again!” He screamed

Rick pulled Billy down letting out a holler

Billy sat up in the hospital bed breathing heavy, he looked around

Everything was the same way

He put his hands on his chest closing his eyes, “It was a dream…” he said to himself, he looked at the calendar, he gets out of the hospital that day… in the afternoon

That afternoon

Billy walked of the hospital, he finally got out of the hospital, He looked around suspicious as if he knew he was gonna get out that day, he shivered and looked down thinking, “I need to go to the house. Without Hilary and Mandy…” He looked up and screamed up at the sky, “That’s right! I’m coming back dad! You better be ready! Cause I’m going to get rid of you once and for all for everything you’ve done!” He took off running once again heading to Waldorf Maryland

Hey guys PLEZ REIVEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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