Categories > Original > Drama > Solo Otra Vez


by sCreaMsErenE 0 reviews

they fianlly get to waverly....

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-03-27 - Updated: 2008-03-28 - 2421 words


Anastasia’s Pov

We had arrived in Ohio at “Waverly Place, Recruit for troubled teens during breakes, to keep them safer than home”. What a bunch of sh-

“It smells like pudding” said Ninia.

It didn’t help my mood. We were getting into a taxi that was awaiting us, next to ours, was another one where three boys that were getting off the train were headed towards. I took a double take at the tallest one… Damn!... I’ve got a fever and the only cure is what ever his name is! I turned my head to look away as to prevent my self from drooling. I looked at Teagen smiling but she was staring too at one of the boys too, with out blinking; I glanced back and the other boy with the dark hair but a bit shorter and he was staring at Teagen as he got in but they both looked away like nothing happened and kind of embarrassed (retards!). I started laughing hysterically at what could have been processing in her small naive little head.

“Bahahaha, awe, Teagen, your so cute!”


“Never mind…”

“What ever”

Ninia joined in “maybe chocolate pudding”

“Ninia, your brain is chocolate pudding” I said laughing

Teagen laughed quickly and went into the car. Sheesh. Me and Ninia climbed in after her and it was quiet the whole way there.

Ninia’s Pov

The whole car ride was quiet and I swear I almost exploded! The only noise, if any, was the cab driver singing (badly) to Britney Spears on the radio. To make it worst the more I thought about the pudding smell, the more I craved it, and I was starving. To make things worse, I the cab smelled like old feet most the time. When the cab pulled up to that “Waverly place” place, I burst out of the cab, taking in all the fresh, clean, Ohio air- trees! Holy crap, there’s so many beautiful trees! I love this place. I walked up to the nearest, and most greatest I’ve yet to see, pulled a small piece of bark off, and placed it in the pouch around my neck. It sounds odd, but well yea it is. But I always do it no matter what for as long as I can remember. It was oak; the newest member of my ‘family’. I herd a crunching noise just like the one I had just committed, and took a few steps to the other side of the tree, and there was a boy, sandy, wavy hair with a deer skin-type vest like mine, with bangles and bobbles hanging everywhere; he finished pealing a few pieces of bark off a tree a couple yards away and place them in his vest pocket on his chest. I smiled and turned around and walked back to Waverly, as we nick-named it.

Peter’s Pov

I herd footsteps fading away after placing some bark off a thin oak tree into my vest pocket, and turned to see a girl with beautiful long brown hair bouncing behind her as she walked away. How could she do that. I turned my head slightly to the side as I pondered this; she turned around for a few seconds beaming and laughing with her friends. I couldn’t help but smile back, but she turned around again to continue her friendly quarrel with her pals, about what sounded like pudding or something. I couldn’t help but smile my way back to my cab with my friends. She is so…so…beautiful, like naturally, and her smile, like a cool breeze. How cheesy does that sound? Well its true! It was just so simple but brilliant, again natural… I don’t know… It just flows.

“What are you so happy ‘bout?” said Aiden.

“Uh nothing…uh smells like uh like uh pudding?”

“Um sure… hey- wait, you were getin’ a little looky- loo at them girls weren’t you?”

“No! …Yes… Maybe! …agh I hate when you do that!”

“haha, I thought you were used to it by now?”

“I guess not”

“I guess.”

Gabe butted in “let’s just get in our room before you too start drooling and embarrass yourselves”

“Haha, I know you’ve noticed them too, so don’t sound all surprised, -and its not like you’ve never did that, Mr. Googley eyed”

“Googley eyed? Is that the best you got? Please, you got weak.” He retorted looking down and fumbling with his shoes that were already tied.
Yup, he’s got it…I think, ….. Or he’s just hyper and really hungry and when I say hungry I mean it.
I turned around to laugh with Aiden, but he was gone; I spun around and saw him walking off towards the tallest of the girls with extreme hair, and markers sticking out of her back pant-pocket.

Aiden’s Pov

I strode off, with my signature strut, (usually gets any girls attention) and tapped the girl with marker on her arms, and said very adorable…or it would be if I was girl but I’m not….

“Hey, you should totally let me see your markers some time”

“What!?” she said turning around to face me.

I reached behind her but she stopped me by grabbing my wrist when it was behind her. I continued anyways “your markers” and pulled one out of her pocket

“Yea” she said kind of dreamily. That’s hot… there was a silence for what felt like days but was probly like three seconds while she seemed to analyze or study my physic. I guess she approved because she spoke.

“So you here at Waverly too?”

“Yup… ‘Round my fourth or fifth time here”

“Nice ….Yea well I’m going to go now… I have to stay with hommies- I mean friends”

“What room are you?”


“Were 365…so we’re right next to you then”

“Chill… Well I better go… “

I smiled as she turned around and did the same back to the guys; when I reached back to where they were, I saw Gabriel sitting in the car head down. I pointed to him and looked at Peter.

“He’s bored and you have the key….. Oh yea he’s hungry”

“Ah-ha” I said then opened the door as he looked up and yelled with all my might “get out of the bloody freaking car!”

He climbed out stumbled for a second and looked up again after shuffling his feet
“You’re such a man-whore”


“Never mind I want the key, cuz I’m tired!”

Gabe’s Pov

Yea I seem cranky but it’s only ‘cause Aiden can’t even freaking keep a girl or at least one he truly liked, even though he usually ended it. But now thinking about it, that’s just how he operates, I can’t blame him. And before I knew it we were already in our room unpacking. As hard as I tried I couldn’t ignore the giggling next door. I turned to the window by the desk and saw Aiden trying to climb up the attic thing in the ceiling.

“What the hell are you trying to do?”


“Screw you”

“No dude that sharpie girl is next door and that this” he said pointing to the attic passage way “shares above their room too, so we can see them or talk to them-“

“Or turn out all the lights……go under the covers…..shut the door…..and show ‘em a new glow in the dark toy you found in a cereal box!”

“No!” he said very childishly

“Then get down here”

He reluctantly came back down careful to put the ‘lid’ back on the passage thing.

Teagen’s Pov

We woke up the next morning after settling in; when I got up and dressed to go to breakfast with Ninia, we found that Anastasia was already gone. Odd.
We took a few steps out the door and into the hallway, after locking the door, only to finally find Ana’…entwined tightly with the marker tattooed guy…uh Aiden I think… And no it wasn’t ‘huggy’ it was the whole chip bowl. I gave a small but audible cough and they broke apart

“I’m busy you ho!” she said laughing but not letting go of him.

We all left, laughing, to breakfast while Peter was already there.


Gabriel’s Pov

I was laying under the oak tree farthest into the park; it was more like a forest because there were so many trees and crap. I always try to find a tree to climb or lay under to think or when I need to draw. I herd laughing and I looked up to see everyone coming out of the building… naturally since I wanted to be alone (its not that common but when I want to think it is), I climbed up the tree with my sketch pad. They weren’t out there for a while but Teagen stayed behind and in the grass a little yards away playing with something in her fingers. I had my thought… it took a while later till I eventually fell out of the tree after falling asleep. I hit the ground with a crash and a bang. Teagen looked up startled and shoved what ever she was holding in her pocket.

“OUCH! Mo-fo! Gah! ....I’m ok”

“Where the hell did you come from?”

“Well actually, when to people love each other very much, they-“

“I didn’t mean that, I meant how the hell did you drop from the tree?”

“Oh well, uh the tree …I fell asleep and I woke up when I hit the ground.”

“Never mind” she said about to help me up, but instead I just rolled over to hide the paper and doodles from her sight and flung them under the flap of the note book. She looked taken back; I felt really stupid and awkward, kind of embarrassed.

“Uh sorry, I’m good, thanks”

“Alright, well I’m going to go now, so try not to fall asleep in any more trees.” She said smiling and walking backwards towards the door

“I can try.” I said back staggering up.

She turned, swung open the door, and disappeared behind it. Once she had I waited a few seconds then followed. I glanced at my watch, it was 7:45 pm; how the heck did it get so late? I was in the tree for like two hours!

I went up to dinner, but apparently it ended so I went up to the room, where, to no surprise, Peter was doing hand stands while Aiden was playing darts with the ceiling. But he stopped when he saw me come in

“Where the hell have you been?”

“I fell asleep”


“A tree?”


“Yes! Gawd! Lea’ me ‘lone!”

We laughed as Aiden was started to crawl up into the attic and beckoned us to follow him. We crawled a few feet to where the other room’s attic entrance was, and knocked. Nothing. Then Aiden yelled “Hey ho!”

Anastasia replied “Hey skank!”

“All of you get up here!”

“Fine, damn it we’re coming up”

Aiden turned and whispered something to peter, Peter went back down the hole (new name for the entrance) and brought up an empty beer bottle and a case of full beers. The girls came up and turned on the lights but Aiden told them to dim it.

“Alright, here’s how its going down… we dudes are bored… you hoes’ are ugly and desperate so we’re going to drink till your hot…. No just kidding, we are playing spin the bottle since we’re all dead bored”

Peter’s turn “here are the rules: one, we take turns, the girl or boy that gets pick have to kiss the spinner with the person that spinned the bottle. No guy on guy or yea, guy on guy crap, but if it lands on that than re do it. Also, if you absolutely refuse to, then you chug a beer in one minute…… oh yea, when we run out of beer we can play ‘truth or dare’”

Anastasia grabbed the bottle and spinned it. It landed on Peter.

“Sorry but uh I want the beer” she said grabbing it and drinking it with her eyes closed and finished surprisingly quick like a pro.
It was Peter’s turn and it landed on Ninia so seven seconds later they resurfaced. It was my turn and it landed on Aiden and he wiggled his eyebrows jokingly so I scooted back a few inches but then respun. It was Teagen.

Teagen’s Pov

Shooooooot. No, this wont be awkward at all.
“Teagen!” Yelled Aiden


“Kiss ‘em or beer”

Ninia’s started on “she doesn’t do good with beer… usually”

“Oh shut up… fine” I finished quietly.

I turned facing Gabe, but didn’t move, till someone pushed me.

Anastasia’s Pov

Haha she hates me! I pushed her into Gabriel and their lips met for several seconds; Gabe’s hand moved towards Teagen’s but she withdrew her whole body, looking down then around and scooted the bottle towards Aiden’s direction who was next to her.

After that, we had a few more tries but moved on to truth or dare; Teagen left early because she was ‘tired’ and a few minutes after that so did Gabriel because he something to do apparently. Around another half hour later since we kind of forgot about them leaving, we decided to see what happened to them. When we open the lid to our hole no one was there. To the other hole, we saw Gabriel’s arms around Teagen, her face on his chest, both sleeping.

“Awe!” everyone whispered at the same time.

It was sweet. Teagen never really has been ‘close’ to anyone for all the time I’ve known her….I’m guessing it was the same with Gabe, after what Aiden told me about Gabe’s last relationship I’m happy for them… it was like silly juvenile pre-k love. It was cute. Usually I was the one with the guy or with guy problems; on this subject I know most guys I will ever meet wont be close to ‘the one’ but right now I think Aiden’s the one…he’s different. I just want this one to last.
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