Categories > Original > Drama

Drip, Drip, Drop.

by x-kitycatlok-x 1 review

How one child's life turned upside down.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-03-29 - Updated: 2008-03-29 - 649 words - Complete


The crimson blood gushed out of the slice on her thigh, down her left leg. She watched as the very same crimson red blood glimmered on the shiny razor blade that she held in her right hand. "A slice for me and my sadness."

"You're special. You mean everything to me. I wish you could stay my daughter forever."

She raised her right hand and brought it down on her left thigh with such force that she half expected her leg to be sliced off. Instead it left a deep cut next to the first, this also dripping blood. "A slice for the lies you told me."

She cringed as he brought his fist up and smacked it across her already pink cheeks, making her head twist to the left and her brown hair flip around, covering her pale green eyes.

Another slice to her left thigh, next to the second cut. "A slice for the never ending pain you caused me and the scars that will never fade."

"Babe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sleep with her... Don't tell your mother."

Fresh tears were now streaming from her pale green eyes, flooding down her cheeks, pink from already crying too much. Yet again, she brought the glimmering razor, now thick with her blood, down and cut down next to the previous slices. "A slice for the cheating you never ceased."

"You're a worthless slut that will never mean anything!"

She was growing light headed, but this still didn't stop her. She knew she wouldn't faint. She never did. The cuts no longer hurt. They were being welcomed. She sliced again."A slice for the emotional instability that will never leave me."

She watched as this man was thrusting in and out of her mother, who was tied up on the bed, gagged. The little girl could tell that the mother was trying to scream, but couldn't due to the gag.

She grew sick with the thoughts flooding through her head. She wanted them to go away forever. For now, these cuts would have to do. She brought the razor down to her thigh once more. "A slice for the pain you have caused my family."

"I love you, son..."

She closed her eyes for a moment, the tears now becoming almost unbearable to control, and yet they were still silent. She opened her eyes again and slammed the razor blade down onto her thigh yet again. "A slice for the manipulation you seemed to accomplish."

"I'm so proud to be a part of this family. I will never cause any of you any harm. I promise..."

The last cut. The pain was slowly coming back to her, but she still did not stop. She had one last cut to make. "A slice for the early days when we actually believed what you said. When you actually kept your promises... A slice of disbelief that we actually believed you when you said you loved us. A slice for our stupidity..."

Louisa Emily Sproughton, aged 12 years old, merely washed herself off, walked back into her room and hid away her razor blade for the next time she'd use it. She climbed into bed and admired her new cuts before turning off the light so that the word UNWANTED! that had been carved into her thigh could no longer be seen. She fell asleep and had the nightmares that had been haunting her most of her life.

That nightmare being the story of her life. The scars she cannot rid herself of. The scars that fade in time, but the emotional scars that will linger forever. The memories that will never be forgotten, no matter how hard she tries. Will she ever get over it; we will have to see in time. For now this is her life. This is how things turned out.
This is life...
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