Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Listeners


by natzlovesyou 1 review


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2008-03-29 - Updated: 2008-03-29 - 1827 words

Chapter 9
Shows had been good so far. We hadn't fucked up any of them yet, we got there with such energy, giving every ounce of our body and we left the stage completely drained. But it was so good to feel tiredness pulling you down when you knew you did your absolute best. I felt at peace with the world.
"Thank you!" I screamed into the mic, jumping as the drums and the guitars did some final strums. The crowd cheered and I went to the mic once more, almost forgetting what manager had very specifically asked me to do.
"Hey kids, remember to meet us in our merch stand. Autographs, cds, tshirts, gloves, you name it and it's there. See you there!" I said in a sing-song voice before bowing one more time and walking out the stage with the rest of the guys.
"Oh my GOD that was so GOOD!" I yelled, jumping up and down and finally wrapping my arms around Thom's neck, getting carried away as he walked.
All of the guys had beams plastered in their faces but their tiredness kept them from talking just right that minute.
"T, you're choking me" Thom managed to say as we went backstage.
"Oops sorry!"
We walked around, dodging the techs and the people running around doing last minute arrangements. The band that was coming after us wasn't on stage yet and you could hear the impatience of the kids. I pouted, I hated that.
"Why aren't they up yet?" I asked Paul.
"I think I heard someone messed up the drummer's set."
"Seriously? I'd kill everyone if someone did that" Thom said in a hurt tone. "Shit, I'm going to check on my set" he said, worrisome. He went after the dude that had arranged our instruments and started questioning him.
I laughed with the rest of the guys.
"Are we going to change before going to the merch stand?" John asked me.
"Most deff, we're soaking wet" I replied, taking long strides towards our bus before adding,"But quickly, guys. I don't like to keep kids waiting, 'kay?"
"Fine" They replied.
"I hope Thom doesn't take too long..." I mumbled as I jumped the steps up the bus. I started to take my top off as I walked into the bunk area and I placed it on the wooden side of the bunks so it would dry. I took the first shirt I found in my suitcase, which was white and I had painted "Hyperactive" in the center, with stars at the upper left side, a cupcake and an icecream below the words and a bunny on the lower right side.. I took off my ripped leggins and inserted my long legs in a pair of pink lace shorts. I kept the white Mary Janes I was wearing and took a look at my hair in the bathroom. I messed it up a bit more and took some toilet paper to take away the mascara and eyeliner that had gotten screwed up. That was done in less than five minutes. Paul and John were talking about something on the kitchen.
"Guys, come on" I hurried them, snapping my fingers at them as if they were puppies. They nodded and walked to the bunk area.
"I'll meet you there, 'kay?" I stepped out the bus without wating for an answer. The sun almost blinded me. "Shit, my sunglasses" I went up the stairs and walked to the bunk area.
"And did you call Jessica back?" I heard John ask Paul in a low tone.
"No...but I'll swing by her bus tonight or tomorrow...dunno" was Paul's reply.
/Jessica/? Wasn't she the best friend of some band that was doing their makeup? I think she was... I entered the room to find a half naked pair of sweaty boys. My eyes lingered for a second on Paul's bare chest...I shook my head and passed through the middle of them, lowering to search for my sunglasses, hoping my actions had been unnoticed.
"Wheren't you out already?" Paul asked nervously in that beautiful voice of his.
"I forgot my sunglasses" I said, taking out the dufflebag that had my sunglasses in it. I took the first pair I found, big white round ones. Paul's head emerged from the red tshirt he had picked up from his bed. I noticed it had "Homophobia is Gay" scribble on one side. I recognized it as Frank's shirt.
"Dude lend me a shirt" John asked Paul who threw him a greenish one. Paul and I walked out the room as John put on the shirt the way Paul had thrown it to him: inside out. They both took their sunglasses from the counter and we exited the bus. I glimpsed at John's shirt. I laughed at the coincidence: it was the "i'm a monster" shirt.
"What?" John asked, looking down at his shirt.
"Ohh I've always liked this one" he commented as our merch stand came into sight with an overwhelmed Thom posing for a photo with a fan.
"Sorry to leave you alone Tommyyyy" I said in a sugary tone as Thom threw us a "dirty" glance. The next fan was a very tall and skinny girl with violet curly hair. "Hey can I get a picture with all of you guys?" She asked shyly, helding up her camera.
I looked at the guys, which nodded, "Sure thing-"
"Sure, Amanda" I said cheerfully, circling the stand to stand beside her as the rest of the guys did. I handed the camera to the girl that was helping us with the money and she snapped it."Thanks so much!" The girl squealed after buying our LP and asking for signatures. The rest of the day went that way, until the line infront of our stand finally dissapeared. The sun was about to set, leaving the place in a pleasent light.
We walked together around the remaining merch stands, saluting at the band members fumbling with their boxes and last minute sells.
"I'm in the popcorn and video games mood, wadda ya think?" I asked the guys cheerfully."Mmm didn't we agree to go to that band's bus today for drinks?" John asked. I could see Paul's eyes consider him for a second, before glancing at me, patiently waiting for my reply.
"Oh right. Guess we can't take it back."
"Can you make pancakes today? I'm in the mood..." Thom asked in a childish voice.
"Yes, but whoever eats gets to do the dishes. You know how I hate that" I replied, not fully concentrated on the words I was saying, but on the guys insistance on going to that band's bus. John and Thom were asking me something but I didn't get, their voices sounded so distant: as if we were on either sides of a football field.
They repeated their question: it had something to with blueberries and chocolate chips.
It wasn't long before the pancake-making, pancake-eating, dish-washing was over and I was bending over the small sink, applying glitterry black eyeshadow on my eyelids carefully. I had already applied a thick black line with my liquid eyeliner. I closed the small black eyeshadow and dropped it on my duffle bag. I extracted a small container and placed the lid in front of me. It released white glitter on my finger and I applied it on the sides of my eyelids, almost touching my eyebrows. I applied an extra layer of hot pink lipstick and inserted all of the makeup into my duffle bag. I washed my hands and towel-dried them. I took a look at myself in the mirror: My hair was straight and teased to look like sexy bed hair. I had an oversized black shirt that had the words "FUCK OFF" emblazed on the front in big white bold letters which I had turned into a short dress. I had my striped rainbow leggins underneath and I kept my white Mary Janes. From my neck dangled about five necklaces of different lengths with key, hearts, crowns, and charms of the sort. My ears had simple white stars pressed against the skin. My fingers were covered in rings and my right hand had a black strip.
"You guys ready?" I asked loudly as I came out of the bathroom.
Thom had a black shirt under that grey and purple clandestine hoodie with a pair of ripped black jeans. John had a thin forest green shirt with a V neck and a pair of skinny jeans.
"Tanith" Paul started to ask, pronouncing my name slowly, but he stopped after, looking at me."Er, have you seen my black zip up blazer? The one that goes to the side and has pins on the bottom pocket?" He asked, regaining composure as his eyes lingered over me.
"Yeah, it's....I'll get it for you" I went back to the bunks and extracted the jacket from the side of his bed. I handed it to him and he covered a white shirt similar to John's.
"'Kay, let's gooo" I said as I bounced off the bus. I followed the guys towards a relatively big bus. There were people around it already, bottles in hand. I sniffed the air and smiled. Whoever this Jessica was she couldn't compare to the guy I was going to be with: Jose Cuervo. I said my respective hellos and searched for José. He was under the claws of a petite woman with short, black, curly hair whom the guys went and said their hellos. She had smiled a toothy smile and I heard them call her Jessica. I pouted. She had José.
She had José, she had Paul, and the other two where drooling over her.
"Hey Tanith, want to do some shots?" I heard someone ask me. I glared at the guys and turned to see some guys from a band I kind of liked.
"Sure. I'm always up for shots" I replied eagerly, sitting on the gravel beside them. The one who had talked was filling my shot glass to the half.
"Hey, I'm no pussy" I said, tilting the bottle that was in his hand until it filled the shot glass completely.
"You sure you can handle that? It is tequila." The guy said with a huge smile.
"Oh yeah, I can" I said, grabbing the salt that was around and forming a half moon in the space between the side of my hand and my thumb. I took the shot glass in my right hand and swallowed the first of many shots to come. I heard the distant chatter of the guys, and Jessica's chirpy voice that started to sound awfully similar to a Japanese girl's until I didn't hear anything around me anymore. I think I tried to stand because I realized it was late. I didn't feel anything below me. I just remember finding everything extremely funny....
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