Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Girlfriend

If God is a DJ

by jengrey 0 reviews

She missed Jay, fortunately or not, the twisting sensation in her stomach could have been either or.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2008-03-31 - Updated: 2008-04-01 - 996 words

Chapter 20: If God Is A DJ

‘Hey, Atlanta? Have you seen Theresa, Neil or Archie?’
‘No, and I don’t plan on speaking with any of them,’ Atlanta retorted with her head buried under her pillow. ‘Well, I guess I wouldn’t mind Neil as much now, considering. Why?’
‘I haven’t seen them in hours, but I think I know where two out of three could be.’

Back in the club the party was just getting started at 3 am in the morning. Theresa was flirting, dancing, and singing, all completely wasted. Neil was also dancing and singing, though reasonably worse, but it didn’t matter because with his good looks and the blaring music, no one could hear him, but his looks still prevailed through the lights. After much dancing and unaudible singing, the lights dimmed and a spotlight focused on the center stage. A guy with piercings all around each ear and tattoos all up each arm entered the stage and Neil raised his eyebrows at his emo-style jet black hair.
‘Hey guys,’ his voice was rusky and deep, like brandy. ‘So now we have our special Friday night karaoke. Any volunteers?’
‘Laughter ran throughout the auditorium and several men were ushered up t the stage and began to sing. Most of them were awful, but some had little talent.
‘You should go up there,’ Neil said, his words slurred. ‘You’ve got some-some, ’mean it.’
‘Okay,’ Theresa answered, not quite knowing what she was saying.

Outside the club, Jay, Atlanta, and Herry were trying to get in. Eventually, Herry picked up the bouncer and squeezed until the bouncer let them in. They entered and saw a girl with red hair step onto stage and music began to play. She laughed seductivly and hummed along with the music.

‘I’ve been the girl with her skirt pulled high,’ she ran her fingers up her leg and just missed her skirt.
‘Been the outcast never running with mascara eyes
Now I see the world as a candy store,
With a cigarette smile, saying things you can’t ignore,’ Theresa’s eyes grazed the audience and spotted someone with brown hair and wearing a polo shirt.
‘Like mommy I love you,
Daddy I hate you,
Brother I need you,
Lover, hey, “fuck you,”’, and she gave him the finger.
‘I can see everything here with my third eye
Like the blue in the sky,

‘If God is a DJ
Life is a dance floor
Love is the rhythm
You are the music
If God is a DJ
Life is a dance floor
You get what you’re given
its all how you use it...’

She lowered her hands to her waist.

‘I've been the girl - middle finger in the air,’ and she did.
‘Unaffected by rumors, the truth: I don't care,’ she waggled her finger.
‘So open your mouth and stick out your tongue
You might as well let go you can't take back what you've done
So find a new lifestyle
A reason to smile
Look for Nirvana
Under the strobe lights,’ She raised her arms and washed them over the air over her head.
‘Sequins and sex dreams
You whisper to me
there's no reason to cry...

‘If God is a DJ
Life is a dance floor,’ Theresa jumped up and down as the audience chimed in.
‘Love is the rhythm
You are the music,’ she pointed out t the people below her, but her focus was on Jay.
‘If God is a DJ
Life is a dance floor
You get what you're given
its all how you use it...

‘You take what you get and you get what you give,’ Theresa sang as she strutted down the stage.
‘I say don't run from yourself, man, that's no way to live,’ she twisted her hips and popped out her chest.
‘I've got a record in my bag you should give it a spin,’ she spun herself around and raised her hands up in the air.
‘Lift your hands in the air so that life can begin!’

Theresa slowly got quieter as the lights dimmed and Jay’s frown got deeper.

‘If God is a DJ...If God... say If God is a DJ,’ she sang into the microphone and the chiming ended.
‘Then life is a dance floor so,’ she smiled and belted out her tune.
‘Get your ass on the dance floor now!’

Jay pushed through masses of people until he reached the stage, his anger driving him.

‘If God is a DJ
Life is a dance floor
Love is the rhythm
You are the music
If God is a DJ
Life is a dance floor
You get what you're given
Its all how you use it...

He was nearing the edge of the stage…

‘If God is a DJ
Life is a dance floor
Love is the rhythm
You are the music
If God is a DJ
Life is a dance floor
You get what you're given
its all how you use it...'

Theresa’s vision was blurred, her mind feeling like it was moving in slow motion and she could feel the numbness in her tongue and the slurred words it spoke.
‘Jay, what are you—wha—what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at home with your—your books and mom and stuff?’ She thought that was very funny.
‘Theresa you need to get out of here, now.’
‘God Jay you’re so strict,’ she said, running her fingers down his chest to his waist. ‘You—what you need o do is to lighten up. Honestly, you are—you are so glad that you have me to—to guide you or something…’ her voice trailed off into inaudible mumbles that she felt vibrating on her lips.
Without another thought, she vomited all over the floor, chunks flying everywhere. She missed Jay, fortunately or not, the twisting sensation in her stomach could have been either or.
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