Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Seasons Change but People Don't

all of our moves make up for the silence

by only_infinite 3 reviews

The silence the rest of the way to school was suffocating me.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Published: 2008-04-01 - Updated: 2008-04-01 - 384 words

As promised I am posting today. Sorry for he very long long long time since the last update. But life grabbed me by the throat and wouldn't let go. So here you go. If it seems kind of short it probrably because it kinda is.

I pulled up into her drive way and gave a quick honk. I didn’t know what to do with myself so I played with the radio station while I waited. It was all I could do not to close my eyes, I was so tired. After the nightmare I couldn’t get back to sleep, and ended up writing shitty lyrics for the rest of the night.
A slam of the door signaled that she was heading over to the car. But after the way I hung up on her the night before, I didn’t expect it to be the last door that she took out her frustration on. She stuck her head in the passenger window,

“First of all Wentz, if you ever hang up on my again, I’ll make sure that you no longer have the ability to repopulate,”

Did, I mention she’s kind of scary when she’s angry? I nodded my head and apologized as she slipped into the seat beside me tossing her messenger bag into the back seat.

“So what was it about?” she asked as she strapped herself in.
She rolled her eyes, knowing that I was trying to avoid the subject, “The dream smart ass,”
I mumbled “Nothing, “As I started the car back up.
Her cough sounded oddly like bullshit.
I pulled out of her drive way, “Look I’m sorry that I woke you up, but it was nothing, really.”
“Are you always not able to go to sleep after nothing?”
I didn’t think she would by it, “Look not today Ash. Just leave it alone, I don’t want to talk about it. I heard her huff in her seat as she crossed her arms and began to watch the trees flash beside us. In my heart I knew that she as always just trying to help. But I just wasn’t ready.

The silence the rest of the way to school was suffocating me.

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