Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Listeners


by natzlovesyou 2 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2008-04-01 - Updated: 2008-04-02 - 982 words

Chapter 11

I felt my pulse rate increasing fastly seconds alter Frank was reside me. I remember the last time I had been in that bunk had been in between Paul's arms and both times were so divergent from one another. Frank's presence caused more than the usual feeling of having hot water against your bare body. It was so much more than that. I wanted to caress his face, his whole body. His lips seemed to scream for mine as they mumbled incoherent words in the profoundness of slumber.
I had pulled him in bed by the wrist just seconds ago and his body had accomodated to mine inmediatly, without any sweat. This made me nervous. It really did. It might sound stupid, and childlike but this little things scared me. See looked so...flawles. As if it was meant to be.
But the thing is, it wasn't.
There couldn't be a most fucked up, blemished relationship. And I wasn't even meaning that kind of relationship....
My head was spinning and my intoxicated body wasn't really helping much. I sort of rolled so that I was facing the lower part of my bunk. I tried to calm myself, thinking of anything but the man beside me. This seemed familiar for some reason...
I remembered a dream I had had not long ago. I had gone to a carnival, and I had ridden a merry-go-round. Of all the idyllic white horses with golden manes and shallow eyes I had chosen the beaten up pink horse with patches and band-aids all over but with the sweetest gaze I had ever seen painted on his ceramic face. This thought calmed me somewhat and I decided I felt good enough to turn to look at Frank one more time before falling asleep. I openened my eyes sharply and turned around.
My breath got caught up in my throat.
He was staring at me fully concious.
"That explains it all" He muttered, giggling lightly.
"What explains what?" I demanded to know.
"You had this serious expression on your face and I was thinking that it was so weird for you to sleep in such an uptight way..." He trailed off, looking intently into my eyes.
I squinted my eyes at him, "You were thinking something else. You're a sucky lier, Iero." I uttered.
He smiled sweetly, "Yeah, I was about to try to get you to relax" He confessed. My left eyebrow instantly went up in the international motion of sarcasm combined with inquiry.
His expression turned grave and then he shook his head and was about to turn around when I grasped his chin to make him turn around,
"Tell me. What were you going to do?" I asked, keeping my tone of voice down."Why do you want to know?" He asked, unabe to look at me. I pressure increased and his eyes focused on mine.
"I want to know if I can trust you or not" I lied.
It was his turn to snort, "You already know what I was going to do"
My mouth fell open slightly, "No I don't. I wouldn't be fucking asking if I did you moron" I verbalized, my irritation getting a hold of me.
"Fine..." He surrendered and was about to open his mouth to explain but then he closed it shut, seeming to change his mind. He looked at me,about to speak, and then paused again. I opened my mouth to demand for an answer once more but then his left hand went to the small of my back, pressing our bodies together and lifting my shirt so that his hand rested on my bare flesh and his right hand went to the back of my neck, directioning my head towards the path that ended in his lips. This was all done both gently and roughly, combination that's only done when there's lust and love combined.
Our lips crashed, I didn't even hesitate in responding. He bit my lower lip and I bit his, our tongues played endlessly...his hands played with my flesh and my legs went to either side of him, causing a pressure agains the hardness that could be felt even with the thick layer of denim and probably some boxers that covered it. My hips increased the pressure agains his and his his hands multiplied it. As our lips continued to profess their desires he started to move his hands lower down my back, caressing my legs and ass. His kisses travelled my jawline and stopped on my neck, bitting the tender flesh, causing an explosion of pleasure inside of me. I was about to call out when his hand covered my mouth and his eyes opened in alarm. With some difficulty due to the low bunks he rolled on top of me, with his hand still over my mouth. He continued to kiss and suck the soft skin of my neck and it was my turn to press his body against mine fervently. He released my mouth and I kissed his lips, playing with his lip ring.
Then I heard a sound. I stopped instantly. The sound started to increase, and I recognized it as John's alarm.
"Shit" I mumbled and gently pushed Frank off me.
He looked at me with a questioning look as I went into my usual sleeping position: the oh so famous croissant, my face sort of resting in his chest.
I passed a hand through his face delicately and then closed my eyes as I heard John grumble to get up.
Frank then understood what was going on and faked sleep as well.
Oh goodd!!Will someone discover their little 'action' just before??What would be paul's reaction when he discovers one of his best friends has been sleeping in a very tight space with his ex? :O REVIEW AND YOU'LL FIND OUT SOONEEERR!!!!
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