Categories > Celebrities > The Used > It's Our Time To Shine

It's Our Time To Shine

by QuitLollygaggin 7 reviews

Jepha. Ehh i don't know what to say. Read it :]

Category: The Used - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2008-04-01 - Updated: 2008-04-01 - 605 words - Complete

I pushed my hair out of my face and strummed another quick cord on my bass. 'Man that felt good' I thought to myself. I loved playing bass. I just want to play for the rest of my life. Just sitting at home, drinking tea and strumming on this beautiful instrument. That was the life.
I looked to my right to see Bert singing his heart out.
"We are the Used!" Bert screamed before dropping his mic hard on the ground. Our set was over. I pulled my bass off my shoulder and set it on the ground gently. I'd never damage it intentionally. I looked to see Dan throwing drumsticks to the crowd. Quinn was repeatedly smashing his guitar into the ground. I laughed and stepped closer to the crowd. I wanted to be them. I wanted to be behind the barrier, that seperated us from real life. That's exactly how it felt. We weren't real anymore. We were put on stage to make them happy. Which of course we did, but was I happy? Didn't my feelings matter to anyone? I love what I do, dont get me wrong. But I'm starting to think we were just doing this for the money. I knew I wasn't. When i see Bert just push his way through fans, it makes me mad. They got him here, they got us here. The least we could do was show them we were thankful.
"Jepha I love you!" Someone screamed to me. I looked down to see a sweaty teenage girl. She stared at me with passion and love. I wanted to reach down to her and just say 'Thank you'. But I couldn't, Quinn was pulling me off stage.
"No wait." I said to him. I pulled myself from his grasp and walked back on stage. I wanted this girl to know she mattered. I reached my spot and looked down to find her. She was still there, she was the only one there. By now, many kids had given up and walked away. Probaly because they knew we don't stick around anymore after sets. I don't know why we stopped. Bert said it was because we became to famous and it was dangwerous. This girl did not like dangerous, what so ever. A smile spread across the teenagers face. I hopped off the stage and stood in front of her. I didn't know if she was going to cry or scream. She took a deep breath and mumbled a small "Hey". I smiled.
"Hey. Did you like the show?" I asked. She nodded enthusastically. "Good, I'm glad."
"I thought you were different." She said hesitantly. This is what I was scared of. I was scared the fans would realize, yeah we were different now. I shook my head.
"I saw you and knew I had to come back," I paused "to say thank you." She gave a questioning look. "People like you got us here, it's the least I could do."
"Can I have a hug?" she asked quietly.
"Jepha! We're going to leave without you!" Dan yelled. I waved him away and turned back to the girl.
"Sure." I said and wrapped my arms around her. I didn't knwo why i was spilling my thoughts to this fan. I think I thought she really needed to know. She really didn't seem like she cared though. She pulled away slowly.
"Thanks," She said "for saying what yous said, it meant a lot." I guess she did care. I said goodbye and I left.

More soon. please review or rate, if no one does I wont continue.
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