Categories > Original > Humor

This is the Story of A Girl

by kimbolee 0 reviews

Category: Humor - Rating: PG - Genres:  - Published: 2008-04-12 - Updated: 2008-04-13 - 171 words


Okay, so there was this girl, and all these other people made fun of her a lot because of her name. Her name was Olive Barrymore Gabriella Yvette Nock. But people just called her OBGYN. She cried a lot. No one liked her. Then she got a haircut and people started to like her a little. But then they found out her mom's name was Gabriella Yvette-Nordstrom Ophyr, and they called her OBGYN, daughter of GYNO. So then they didn't like her and made fun of her more. Then she got a dog. Then people started to like her a little. But then they found out her dad's name was Samuel Evan-Xenithe Yod, and they liked her a lot. Then people loved her a lot and called her Olive. Then she was happy. Until her dog died. Then no one liked her again. And then she got a car and they liked her again. Then she had to move to Kentucky and everyone liked her because they were hillbillies.

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