Categories > Original > Poetry

A pretty pricetag

by yourloverusts_onme 0 reviews

A poem about how it feels to not be on your boyfriends/girlfriends perioties. It's pretty sad.

Category: Poetry - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-04-15 - Updated: 2008-04-16 - 122 words

I can still smell you on me
all we are is illegal
all I am is the backseat
I am such a pretty price tag.

I can still smell you on me
the bruises you left are engraved
feed me roses, send me home
I am such a pretty price tag.

I can still smell you on me
bottles to bottles
what laughter once meant
I am such a pretty price tag.

I can still smell you on me
your best friend around them
nothing but your prize
I am such a pretty price tag.

I can still smell you on me
perfume to wash the hate away
I will stay silent for your love
I am such a pretty price tag.
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