Categories > Celebrities > Beatles


by sidewinder 4 reviews

George could use one... (Drabble)

Category: Beatles - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: George Harrison,John Lennon - Published: 2008-04-16 - Updated: 2008-04-16 - 100 words - Complete

On his way to the airplane lavatory, John stopped in front of George's seat. The poor kid looked paler than a ghost, while Ritchie snored away blissfully beside him.

"You okay, mate?"

George blanched even whiter as turbulence rocked the jet. "I hate flying."

"Come on, then." John unbuckled George's seatbelt and yanked him up.


"To the loo. Best thing for you right now is a good distraction."

"What kind of a...oh!" George realized suddenly, color returning quickly to his face as he blushed and smiled.

"Ssh! Keep yer voice down. Don't want to wake up the innocents."
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