Categories > Books > Lord of the Rings > Hostina Quettar


by TarionAnarore 0 reviews


Category: Lord of the Rings - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Other - Published: 2006-02-12 - Updated: 2006-02-13 - 100 words


Keenness and nobility overrode by jealousy and desperation, driving him - them - blindly. They had come to the end of the frayed rope which held what little reason there was left to the mind. But there was no reason now. Had there ever been reason at all? Or had there only been dust and fire and blood, with not enough tears to wash the stains from his hands? The latter seemed to hold more truth, with reason gone and only blood remaining.
No, there must have been some shred of reason, once, or I would not know this to be wicked.
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