Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Life You Created

It's A Boy

by Moonshyne 1 review

Bob finds out about another surprise that awaits him. But will he be happy about it?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-04-17 - Updated: 2008-04-18 - 2000 words - Complete

Mary looked at the shock on Bob’s face. She knew that only two people could have done that to him. One wasn’t supposed to be here for another hour and a half and the other shouldn’t be here at all. Knowing that she probably had the same look on her face, she was betting on the one that shouldn’t be here at all.

Mary walked slowly over to the door.

Bob swallowed hard as he looked again at figure who was a blast from the past. He hadn’t seen that face in over twenty years. It was how he looked back during The Warped Tour in 2005 though a few years younger.

“Bob?” said the figure in front of him.

Bob closed his eyes he knew the answer to his next question but he just wanted to confirm it.

“Who are you?”

“Nate Schechter.”

Bob nearly fell over when he said the name. He knew the answer but hearing it made it become more of a harsh reality. Mary ran to her father and helped him steady himself.

“Hi Mary.”

“Hi Nate.”

“You two know each other?”

“We met last night,” said Mary.

“So am I the only one that didn’t know that didn’t know?”

“I’m sorry Daddy. Kat was supposed to tell you tonight after dinner. Nate here was supposed to wait until we knew if you wanted to meet him.”

Ray ran up the stairs to see what was taking Michael so long. When he got to the living room the answer was obvious.

“What are you doing here Nate?”

“Michael said he was here. I was afraid that he wouldn’t want to meet me, so I came over.”

“Bob we’re sorry we just wanted Kat to be the one to tell you.”

“How long did you guys know?”

“Since he was five years old. You were gone for over a year at the time.”

Bob looked down, “I asked her after Nate was born if there was a chance he was mine, but she said no.”

“Don’t be so hard on Mom, she did what she thought was best for both of us. She saw how much you loved Mary’s mom and didn’t want to interfere,” said Nate.

“I wish she would have told me. I could have been a real father to you.

“Would you have left Mary’s mom if you did know?”

Bob looked down, “No. But I would have been there for you. I would have been there for everything good and bad.”

“How could you? You were gone for over seventeen years.”

“I wouldn’t have left if I knew about you.”

“You’re just saying that,” Nate said sadly.

“No Nate. I did a lot of shitty things at that time and I didn’t want to live after Sam died. But if I knew there was someone else that was counting on me, someone else that maybe could have taken away the pain, or at least lessen it I might not have done a lot of what I did. I know it doesn’t make sense.” He turned to Mary, “I know it sounds like you weren’t enough to save me, but you were part of me and Sam and together we were a family and I wanted that family. But if I knew that there was someone out there that was also part of me, the family would have changed and it wouldn’t just be the three of us.”

“I think I understand when you thought it was only you and me, if we were with Mom our family would have been complete. But if you knew Nate was in our lives then that would have been our family and killing us would have taken his family away too.”

“When did you get to be so grownup?” Bob looked proudly of his daughter. “Nate, Mary’s mom had three other pregnancies and I loved each of those children. I would have loved you too especially if I ever got to hold you.”

Nate smiled and started walking towards the door he didn’t want his father to see the tear rolling down his eye. He was always told his father never cried, so he never wanted his father to see him weak.

“Where are you going?”

“I just wanted to meet you. I’m happy to know things might have been different if you knew about me.”

“Nate I knew I wasn’t there while you were growing up, but I want to be here now. And maybe someday you’ll call me Dad.”

Nate turned around and hugged his father, his eyes were filled to the brim with water. He looked at his father and saw that he too had tears in his eyes.

Nate smiled through his tears, “I thought you never cried?”

“I don’t usually, only when it comes to my children.”

Nate knew at this point his father had accepted him.

“So how’s your mother?”

“She’s doing okay.”

“She and Brian still together?”

“They divorced a couple of years ago. It just wasn’t working out.”

“That’s too bad.”

“Everyone’s cool about it. They still get along great. Brian still treats me like his own son and still is crazy about Izzy, my younger sister. We see him at least four times a week. I know he still cares for my mom.”

“Does he love her?”

“Very much, he’s just not in love with her, nor she with him. Actually she’s in love with someone else.”

“Really anyone I know?”


Bob often wondered how Kat was doing. He only had two loves in his life, Kat and Sam. Each was different in their own way. His love for Sam was the stronger of the two, more intense and more passionate. Bob was happier being with Sam, but she was gone now. He had his string of one night stands and relationships that went nowhere like the one he’s in now. And at the end of each one he always wondered what his Kat was doing and thought about how much he missed her.

Around six Christa and the girls walked in with pizzas followed shortly by Michael, Lyn-Z and Jamia. By the time everyone finished eating the doorbell rang. Bob answered it.

Kat looked at Bob and her heart skipped a beat. He looked good, real good.

“Hey,” said Bob.

“Hey yourself,” said Kat.

“Nate’s here.”

“Ooh, I was supposed to talk to you about that.”

“So I hear. Can we get out of here?”


Frank turned to Ray, “Bob just left with Kat.”

“I hope it all goes well.”

Bob took the keys from Kat, and they drove to a park overlooking the city. He got out of the car and Kat followed.

“Let’s take a walk.”

Bob grabbed her hand and they slowly strolled by the river.

“He seems like a great kid.”

“He is. I was surprised that he was there, though I shouldn’t be. Since the day we told him he’s wanted to meet you.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? I asked you point blank.”

“Because it wasn’t fair.”

“Wasn’t fair to who?”


“Like it was fair to you? We both got drunk that night. I really missed being with you and things got out of hand. We both have should have shared the responsibility.”

“It wasn’t how it happened Bob. I planned it. Emo showed me the schedule and when you were playing next in Chicago. He said he might do a get together the night before. I thought nothing of it until I was marking my period and noticed that I would be ovulating at that time. We had broken up six weeks before and I was a little desperate and crazy I guess. I went off the pill and got an aphrodisiac, I slipped it into your drink that night. By the end of the night you were all over me and it didn’t take much convincing for you to make love to me, several times as a matter of fact. I had some fantasy that when I woke up we would be intertwined and make love yet again, but you were gone. I stopped at the Metro that night and I along with everyone else saw how you reacted when Sam walked in. I knew then we were over. Less then three weeks later all my fantasies sorta came true I was pregnant. I knew you were back in Chicago so I wanted to meet up with you. I went to the mall to buy something new and fantastic. It wasn’t everyday you tell your ex-fiance you’re pregnant with his child. Out of the corner of my eye I saw you two. God Bob you were so damn happy. I never remembered you being that happy with me.”

“I’m sorry, Kat. I really did want it to work out with us.”

“It just wasn’t meant to be. I cried my eyes out that night. The next morning I called a clinic, I just wanted the baby out of me. If I couldn’t have you I didn’t want it. On the way there I realized something by keeping the baby I did have you. At least part of you and through him we would always be together. Brian met me for dinner a few nights after, we became close friends when you went missing. He asked if I had been crying and I told him everything. He proposed right there and promised to keep my secret. We got married and Nate came along I never counted on him having blonde hair and blue eyes. I thought he would look more like me. We had you all convinced. Well not all of you, Frank was starting to get really suspicious. We hid Nate from everyone for a while, until a chance meeting with the guys told the whole story.”

“Why didn’t you tell me after Sam died?”

“I was going to at Frank’s birthday party but Nate got really sick. Everyone probably thought it was another excuse, I know Frank did. I was in Chicago a few months later and stopped by your house with Nate, but there was another couple living there. I guess Ray was there a few days before. When we told Nate about you it broke my heart to tell him we had no idea where you were. That was almost six years ago. I know I have no right to ask you, but could you spend some time with him. Maybe some day you could love him, if not I understand.” Kat looked down with tears in her eyes.

Bob stopped walking and faced her. He put his curled forefinger under her chin and lifted her head.

“I think I already do. I know I feel a really strong connection to him.”

“That’s all I wanted.”

“Is it really Kat?”

“No,” she said as she trembled.

Bob brought his lips closer to hers. “I never stopped loving you”, he whispered just before he kissed her.

When they finally broke apart Kat said, “I love you too Bobby.”

On the way back Bob held Kat’s hand as he drove kissing it every now and again. He began thinking less then thirty hours ago he thought he had created the perfect orderly life, but now everything is upside down and full of chaos and he was happier than he had been in a very long time. Not only did he have his friends back, his daughter didn’t hate him, he now has a son and a woman he loved more than anyone else except for Sam. Little did he know at the house his life would take another change in direction.
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