Categories > Books > Lord of the Rings > Hostina Quettar

Give and Take

by TarionAnarore 0 reviews


Category: Lord of the Rings - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Other - Published: 2006-02-12 - Updated: 2006-02-13 - 100 words


She gave him everything. First she offered companionship, and they formed a friendship. Then she gave him her heart, and they were betrothed. She gave him her soul, and they were wed. She bore his children, and they became parents. She laughed and cried, created and taught. She felt joy and love and contentment. All of this she shared with him. And for a time, he gave back to her. He made her laugh, and gave her joy.
Can one be too generous?

Now it seemed she gave, and he took, but it was never enough. Nothing was enough anymore.
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