Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > 100 MCR oneshota


by x_vampire_angel_x 1 review

inspired by mcfly 'she falls asleep part 2'

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-04-22 - Updated: 2008-04-22 - 844 words

She wishes she could be loved by him as much as she loves him. But she knows that he never will, yet still she carries on hoping that one day, he’ll turn to her and hold her head in his hands; smother her in kisses, whisper sweet nothings in her ear. Maybe he will, maybe he won’t, but she might never know, for by the end of the day, she could be gone.

I’ve probably made the best decision of my life so far, splitting up with that evil cow. She was always leeching off me, asking me to buy her everything and anything, and she’d throw a tantrum if I didn't.

I’ll go and talk to Kat, she always understands me, but she has been acting weirdly recently... Like when I asked her if she wanted to come to the cinema, she practically jumped at the chance. But then again, she is practically my best mate, and I can always talk to her, whether it’s about a girl or job problems.

She might as well be my sister; I talk to her so often. If I didn't know better I’d think that my brother would be jealous if he didn't get on with her so well.

Kat’s not only kind, she’s pretty good looking too, short brown hair flicked out at the edges, deep blues eyes and a gorgeous smile that is so true, unlike some people I can think of.

I just don’t know if I could go out with her though, what with her being so close to me.


That was Kat again on the phone. Poor girl is so desperately in love with Mikey that if he even smiled at her in a loving way I think she’d snap at the moment. I s’pose I’d better go see her and calm her down.

The sad thing is Mikey still remain oblivious to her adoration.

She’s become so messed up; it actually scares me to see her like this. She really loves him, I can tell by the way she talks abut him, and about her broken heart.

I’m so worried.

I just hope I’m not too late.

She tried to tell him once, making it seem like a silly joke, yet his reaction runs through her mind day and night, every time she sees him. ‘Kat, you’ve got to be joking!’ She knows he didn't mean it like that, but that phrase tore her heart in two, and destroyed her.

Kat’s bound to be home, I mean it’s 10 in the morning, she only ever gets up at half nine.

She lives at the top of the block of flats me and Gee live in, but it’s just her and her cat Mixi.

Usually I ring her before going round, but all I got was the busy tone, so she must be in.

Wait. Something is up. The handle of the door is tuning, but something is blocking it. I can see a bit of the hallway through the gap...

Sh*t. Kat’s lying on the floor, the phone is in her hand, she looks unconscious.

I’m calling Gee, he’ll know what to do.

She flutters between consciousness and the darkness, and few a few seconds sees the door rattling frantically, she hears people crying her name, willing her to be ok, as if she could just cough the pills and the bottle of whiskey up. In return she mutters ‘goodbye Mikey’, and then the darkness washes over her, covering her as a blanket, and she is at peace.[//]

‘she falls asleep and all she thinks about is you
she falls asleep and all she dreams about is you
when she's asleep the air she's breathing is for you
are why she wants to live
she's not got that much more to give

she sits alone, on her phone
and she's calling about her broken home
and I don't know what I should say cause she's crying
and feels as though she's thrown it all away
she won't last another day

you're climbing the stairs, unaware that she's hurting
bad and lying very still on the floor by the door
but it's locked 'cause she was hoping
you would come back for more
but it's too late to realize you've made mistakes

she falls asleep and all she thinks about is you
she falls asleep and all she dreams about is you
when she's asleep the air she's breathing is for you
are why she wants to live
she's not got that much more to give

please save me
I've been waiting,
been aching far too long’

she falls asleep and all she thinks about is you
she falls asleep and all she dreams about is you
when she's asleep the air she's breathing is for you
are why she wants to live
she's not got that much more to give

please save me
I've been waiting
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