Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The snow is falling down on me.

The perfect world.

by emovampire 3 reviews

Shortest chapter ever!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2008-04-26 - Updated: 2008-04-26 - 224 words

hahahah shortest chapter ever!
i'll have a large explaining chapter next. yay.
review or i'll kill you all!!!!

"Get out of here?" This makes no sense. I must be dreaming.
" Yeah, You can't stay in here when there's nothing wrong with you!" He's smiling a smile that says 'I know more then you'.
"But....." I can't think of an excuse.....
He's grabbed me by the arm. I'm suddenly lifted off the bed.
"I'll take you to my home!" He's really enthusiastic.
"Now this may come as a shock.Close your eyes".
The last thing i see in the room is the nurses and doctors calling the police.
"Take a deep breath in"
"And breathe out as much as you can".
............................... No air left in my lungs.
I feel his arms wrap quickly around my waist.He pulls me into a swooping kiss.
I feel strange....It feels like i'm being pushed forward.
Now it is painful. It's like being pushed through a rubber tube. I can't breathe!
I'm going to black out soon....
"Aaaaaand breathe in"
i take deep gulps of air.
I open my eyes to find a small clearing. It's over looking the ocean.
"W-Where are we...?" This is all too confusing.
Frank is still holding me.
He lightly kisses me on the cheek and looks up.
"Welcome to my World".
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