Categories > Original > Drama

Red Is The Rose On Your Coffin Door

by FallsOuttaPlace 0 reviews

My friend wanted me to write i did...hopes she like it!!

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-04-27 - Updated: 2008-04-27 - 438 words

Desiare's POV

"UGH!!!! They should be here by now!!" Shannon looked around in search of a red mini-van. She moved her brown hair out of her brown squinted eyes. I stood there looking, waiting, watching. Shannon plopped down on a bench infront of the school. I stood on my toes looking around the street. Suddenly a red object came into veiw. "THATS THEM!!!" The car stopped and out walked four gourgeous guys. One named Bert walked out. His black hair perfectly strainted. His lip peircing shined in the light. His beautiful honey brown eyes meeting mine. I had only seen pictures of him but he was abosultly beautiful. I looked down ferther. He wore a ill-brown 'The Used' hoddie. His black skinnies holding up his stud belt perfectly around his waist. My head began to scream 'he's effin hot!!'. He smiled at me. The next guy to walk out was Bert's boyfriend Brent`. I looked at his honey-dew green eyes. His purple hair floating in his face. Slight peeks of orange shown. He grabbed Bert's hand and surrounded Shannon in a huge bear hug. He pulled out and waved at me. Flinging his hand down to his jeans. Showing his chipping black nail varnish. Another guy hobbled out of the car. He looked some what like Bert but with blonde bangs. His dark brown eyes full of life. This was John. His red and black swirled shirt combined with his skelaton Jersey gloves. And his black skinnies. The final guy walked out. Max. His ice cryastal blue eyes fixing on mine. He smiled. Red shirt, black tie, baggish jeans, and my favorite energy drink in hand. "H-H-ey" I manged to stummble out. "Ello Lovie" he wrapped his arm around my sholder, talking to me with a slight brithis acent. "God you guys are..." I stopped myself. "So...where are we going?" "I dunno" Shannon moatined towards Adam's Park. We walked down the street. Shannon holding Max's hand. His arm wrapped around her waist. Bert carrying Brent` on his back. And then there was me....and John. My hand accedently swipping across his, he quickly grabbed it. Intertwining our fingers. I looked at him with a slight puzzled look. He blushed a deep scarlet. His brown eyes peeking throw his wind blown hair. "Anyone up for a sleep over?" "The rents aren't home!" Max chimmed in. "Sure why not!" We called Bert's dad to drop us off at Max's house. don't have to like it...Its for her..but I WILL be updating my other ff's SOOONNN!!! so stay tuned in to see what happens!!!

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