Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Delilah and Julius scenes


by The-one-and-only 4 reviews

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2008-05-10 - Updated: 2008-05-11 - 290 words

«You think i’m a jerk?» asked Julius.

Delilah started looking in the cupboards.

«When did that happen? When did I become a jerk?» he asked in a loud tone.

«Well, arg, as soon as some girl goes googoo eyes for you, you just run off!» shouted Delilah.

They both were mad.

«What?» shouted Julius. «Googoo eyes girl? What are you talking about, who’s googoo?»

Delilah couldn’t take it anymore.

«Arrrgg! Zoe!» yelled Delilah. «Zoe, okay! Like, ever since she showed up, you’re far away Julius! Really really far away ...» she calmed down. «... almost gone...»

«Okay, woah woah woah. Dee, let me set a few things strait...» he said.

«I’d love you to, but not yet...»

____ Later On____

«Wait, I want you to set me strait first. » said Delilah, putting her hand on her shoulder.

«Look...» said Julius in a soft voice. «There’s nothing between me and Zoe, okay? Nothing.»

«She likes you. » stated Delilah.

«And I like you, Delilah.»

«But, I thought you changed your mind.»

«What? I’ve always liked you... Delilah, that’s all I do, every minute of every day is like you… and like you and like you, and like you more.» said Julius with his voice raised.

Delilah smiled.

«Well, I like you too Julius.» she said.

«So, uhh... let’s do something about it.»

«Kiss me... jerk.» she said smiling.

She put her arms around his neck, and he put his arms around her waist.

They stared into each others’ eyes, and started moving their faces closer.

All of a sudden, someone flicked a switch, and this liquid came out of the sprinklers from the seeling, all over Delilah and Julius, leaving them frozen… their lips inches apart.
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