Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Teenagers


by david_desrosiersbabe 0 reviews

read and find out.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-05-19 - Updated: 2008-05-19 - 409 words - Complete

~A few hours later~

I just got off the plane about 20 minutes ago and I just got my bags.
As I walked out into the Warm New Jersey Air (It is July 5th), I found
a taxi cab and I told him where I needed to go and then got in and he took
me where I told him, which was my new House. It was a nice house. It was a bit to
big, it hasfour bedrooms in it. My parents insisted that I get it incase I people stay over.
I thanked the driver, got my bags from the back, and walked into my new house. All my
stuff was already their, still in the boxes of course.

"shit" I cursed to myself and pulled out my cell phone and rung my parents up.
"hey sweety" came my mums voice as she ppicked up.
"hey mum, I'm here now"
"you got their ok?"
"I wouldnt be calling if I didnt" I said with a little laugh
"Its not the same without you here"
"I'll come and visit, or you and dad could come and stay with me sometime"
"that'd be great"
"well mum, I swear I'd love to talk right now but I've got a whole lot of un-packing to do"
"I understand" she said
"I love you"
"Love you to"
"Tell dad I love him"
"I will"
"bye mum"
"Bye Kammy" she said and I closed my phone.

I thought that If I un-pacj now, I can take a look around Jersey later
to see what has changed and waht hasnt.

The next few days (about 2 days) were spent un-packing all my stuff.
I had lots of stuff, considering that I did live on my own
in Vancouver for a year (2 blocks down from my parents. I moved out when
I turned 19) so yeah, I already have the things that I need. well most of
the things I need. I have to go out and buy shower stuff (shampoo, etc..), food,
toilet paper, and some other things that I might just want to buy.

Anyways, I went to the store, that I have not been to in like 4 years
and got the stuff that I needed and some stuff that I just wanted to
buy. So I took my stuff up to the cash register and waited in line. Their
was about 10 people maybe 12. I looked Cashier, and she looked so much like my friend
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