Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Payment


by Lyanvis 0 reviews


Category: Naruto - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-05-22 - Updated: 2008-05-22 - 833 words - Complete

The Uchiha's will was breaking, and he was all too aware of it, but what more could he do? His body ached, and burned with need, and letting go of pride.. he begged for cruelty. For pain, for torture. His gentleness was murder.

Hearing the younger one plead was far too entertaining to end so soon. With hips still unmoving, he continued the gentle nips along shoulder and neck. How far would the Uchiha go to feel that pain again? He would take matters into his own hands--no longer withstanding Orochimaru's rule over him, he rocked forward, to send the serpent back on the carpet--but made no move to reverse their roles.. Oh no. with his knees at the snake's hips, he began his own bone-grinding motion. Orochimaru didn't fight it, letting his back rest against the carpet. He just laughed, low and dark. He'd driven the previously stoic one into the closest thing to a breathless frenzy he'd seen from the younger one. Raising one pale leg, he pressed knee against Itachi's back, pushing him foreward. A slight lift of his hips would assist in throwing him off balance to fall foreward. But not before he'd demonstrated proper force. Only then, did Itachi let himself tumble, gleaming framework resting over the man's with a heaving chest. Taking Itachi's wrists in his hands, flipped them again. This time, using his new grip to hold the other to the floor. He pressed his lips to those that had crooned out so many angst-filled songs. As he pressed down with bruising force, he forced his tongue inside.

And it was reciprocated with fervor, Itachi's mouth molding moving with the curve of his captor's lips, his stomaching arching up to bring them together--it was not, by any means, an attempt at escape. With expert skill, he set to tasting Orochimaru's mouth, reopening the wound on his tongue, and letting the copper flow in the mix. Orochimaru's thrusts became more erratic, faster. He could feel the tension building. He pressed down hard on Itachi's wrists, his breathing becoming ragged between their lips. Itachi only urged him on, twining his legs about his waist so that his heels and calves could pressure into his backside, adding force to each pistoning motion. If he'd expected a dull lover, passive lover, he had gone to the wrong man. Dull, passive, obediant. He'd grown far too bored of all of them. Itachi was something he hadn't had in far too long. Responsive. Aggressive. Each thrust now produced a low groan, deep in his throat. Itachi embraced it, swallowing down the man's moans as though they were the sustenance he thrived on, testing his own control by clenching the muscles around his shaft.

It was the sudden tightening of muscles that sent Orochimaru over the edge. He gave one last, hard thrust, exploding deep inside the young pop star, the noise in his throat streaching out. Itachi fell still, letting the heat radiate off his form, and absently kissed his benefactor on the line of his jaw.

"Was it good for you?" Orochimaru was still for a few moments, his breath still coming in short, ragged gasps. As his breathing calmed, he sat up, pale face still flushed. Twisted grin still in place.

"I'll be expecting you to stop by my house tomarrow afternoon for another payment."

"Plan on giving me a key?" Itachi was once again the smug, aloof diva, laying back in an onyx halo of dark hair, which had come free from the bind. Orochimaru took his time untangling himself and releasing Itachi. As he turned to retreive his discarded pants, that long coat draped over him, the serpent glaring at the young star. Orochimaru didn't bother putting on his pants just yet. He pulled a small, white card from the pocket, holding it between two fingers toward Itachi.

"The gate code is on the back. I expect you at three, sharp." Itachi, completely at home with his nudity, rose up from the carpet and onto his knees, eaching out to accept the card with an arched brown. Nothing could quite match the figure he cut--even now.

"..I'll get there when I get there." Orochimaru slipped into his pants, turning around only once they were on.

"I doubt even you can pay the price of tardiness." He reached for his shoes.

"You'd be surprised." Itachi handed them over, looking, primarily amused. it was a distant emotion, but one nonetheless, upon his smooth, handsome countenance. Orochimaru slipped his shoes on, amusement plain on his features.

"I was gentle with you, here." Once he was satisfied with his footwear, he snatched up the sunglasses that had fallen off in their battle on the floor and started for the door.

"Well damn, I'll make sure to be late, then." Itachi blew a kiss, and then rose himself. Orochimaru pulled the door open, looking over his shoulder.

"Three. Sharp." Was all he said. He stepped out, closing the door before Itachi could respond.
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