Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Broken Hearts And Broken Smiles

You Want Me, You've Got Me, I'm Yours For Tonight Only

by deniiwilliams 3 reviews

My attempt at a sexual rehearsal dinner! =]

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres:  - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-06-01 - Updated: 2008-06-01 - 3867 words

Elizabeth's POV

"Honey bunch. Wake up honey; it's time to get up." I shot up in my bed looking around quickly and trying to gather my thoughts. Yesterday afternoon I had lay in front of my door crying right until 3am. With a severe headache I crawled into bed and slept.

I had completely lost track of time, all I know is today is the evening of the rehearsal dinner swiftly followed by the respective bachelor and bachelorette parties. I had planned something big with the help of Hayley for Cassie and had been looking forward to it immensely, that girl didn't know what she was in for. Any excitement I was feeling for it seemed to have been stolen by Brendon however and no matter how hard I tried to think happy thoughts, they just wouldn't culminate in a smile on my face.

I sat up and swung my feet of the edge of the bed, holding my head as if to hold back the pain and stood, stumbling ever so slightly.

I groaned with every step I took walking out of my door and trudging down the stairs. At the bottom of my stairs stood my dad with an apron (the words Hot Stuff emblazoned in red), Keltie, Hayley and Cassie all dressed to the nines with equally angry faces on. I suddenly started walking backwards but I was no match, they all chased me, even Dad.

I ran into my room and slammed the door putting my back against it for protection. They were banging on the door and to be completely honest it was starting to hurt my back. But still my fate was to be death at the hands of Cassie and I wanted to avoid that if it was humanly possible.

"I'm not mad about the dress." Cassie said, banging on the door. Yeah, right, sure. That's what they all say before they pounce on you liking a tiger and rip out your hair. I saw what she did to Brendon. Scratches add character to his face, whereas mine? No, no, no I'd just look silly.

"I have chicken casserole." My dad said rather randomly. "It's your favourite."

It isn't actually my favourite because I am a vegan. I looked at the clock and was shocked to discover it was 2pm. Who the hell cooks a casserole at 2pm?

"I'll give you a make over." Said Keltie. She expected me to want that? Make - up? 'Nuff said.

"Don't you want to show Brendon what he's missing?" Hayley asked.

I turned around and slowly opened the door smiling ever so slightly at the sight of them tumbling into my room, that was of course until my dad sent the casserole flying and landing on my head. I shook it off as best I could and glared at my Dad who was lying under a pile of my friends on the floor. The tangled heap tried to detangle themselves from the others to no avail and I shook my head amused.

"Well...on the plus side at least we have a reason to wash your hair?" Keltie shrugged, coming out of the heap and kicking Hayley in the nose in the process. She pushed me in the direction of the bathroom before shoving me to the bathroom floor and locking me in.

"You aren't coming out until your hair is washed. And your face! You look like death." Hayley shouted into me much to my annoyance. If only her face was in the range of my hand, boy how I'd slap her. I could hear the others giggling, even dad.

"When I come out you'll see what death really looks like Hayls." I offered before turning on the shower.

Brendon's POV

"Look guys are you sure about this?" I asked for the 100th time. The more I ran through the plan in my head the more ridiculous it sounded. They had me in a suit. Ryan wasn't in a suit, Spencer wasn't really in a suit and Jon? Well Jon was, but he also was the one that was getting married the next day, I think it was pretty much a requirement for him.

"Trust me B, chicks dig guys in suits." Spencer said, patting me on the shoulder and slumping next to me on the sofa opening a can of RedBull. Before he had a chance to take a sip I snatched it from his hands and gulped it down. He looked at me in disgust and I burped in his face.

"Dude, since when did you say 'chicks dig'...?" He shrugged his shoulders and I took another gulp finishing it completely. I shuffled in my seat trying not to make it evident that I was trying to scratch my back. The suit was nice, if you liked that sort of thing, which I really didn't. I felt like one of those weird people, like a perky uncle almost. Don't ask why, it just seemed like a perky uncle suit.

"Seriously Bren, do I have to tape your ass to that seat." Jon said, walking into the lounge and switching on the television. Jon was more of a suit man, as long as he didn't wear flip flops which luckily he didn't. But me? I always felt stupid in the things, and perky. Of course I felt like one of those leering perky uncle, I couldn't help it.

"Is the blazer really necessary?" I tried again. Shirt, tie and slacks I could make work but a blazer was way too over the top. Like I have stated a million times, a blazer made the suit far too uncle-ish.

"Cass said you had to look smart. It's her plan, her idea not mine, I have no say." He too sat down on the other side of me. "Sorry dude."

"Someone's whipped." I mumbled stealing the remote from the table before Jon got the chance. I flipped through the channels smugly, resting the television on the discovery channel.

"Someone gets laid." I heard him mumble back.

Elizabeth's POV

"Voila." Keltie said, with one more flourish of her blusher brush. I felt ridiculous; they had me in yet another freaking dress. I had worn more dresses in the run up to this wedding than I had probably ever worn in my whole life. The dress was semi pretty though, it was a little black number, and I had a cardigan chucked on top unlike last time.

They had me heels too, kitten heels though. I was proud that I had learnt to walk in them in the small space of one hour. They were sort of nice too...if you like that sort of thing. They were simple black heels.

The thing that scared me most of all however, was the blasted make - up. I hated make up with a burning passion. It made me feel fake and not to mention clowny. Yeah, clowny really is a word in my dictionary.

The sounds of 'wow' issuing from Cassie and Hayley suggested that the 'make over' was a success. I didn't want to look in the mirror out of fear of seeing something I didn't like staring back at me.

"Go look 'tard head." Keltie said, dragging me up by my hands and pushing me in front of the mirror. I definitely liked her; I definitely, definitely liked her. Anyone who could call me 'tard head and live to tell the tale? Amazing.

I walked over to my mirror with my eyes closed and stood.

"3...2...1" Keltie counted, the other girls looking on in amazement. Well I guessed they had those doe eyed constipated faces that women are meant to reserve for christenings and weddings. I guess I didn't get that girl gene.

"Open!" They all shouted simultaneously. I couldn't believe that was me staring back. My hair had been straightened out to my shoulders, my arms didn't look fat for once in their awful life and my shapely hips looked just like that. Shapely and very very inviting. The shoes gave my legs some much needed toning. If I wasn't me I'd totally...

"Fuck me." I whispered in amazement. I couldn't believe what I was seeing was a reflection of myself.

"I can think of someone who would want to." Cassie said smugly, I went to slap her arm but without looking away from the mouth watering image before me. Oh, Keltie is good.

"Is sex all you ever think about?" I asked, still mainly focusing on the image before me, my mouth falling open in awe after my sentences.

"It's all you think about too and you know it!" Cassie said, yet again smugly.

"That isn't me." I ignored her and pointed towards the mirror. That didn't look anything like me, well it did but only like a better version. If I knew it was possible to look that nice

"Who is it then?" Cassie asked.

"Must you always be sarcastic?" I retorted.

"Only when necessary." That girl. Didn't know when to shut her trap.

"I look..." I said, unable to finish my sentence.

"Stunning?" Keltie offered with a small smile.

"Amazing." Hayley said with a massive grin.

"Breath taking?" Cassie suggested poking my side.

"...Pretty." I finished content in my summery. "I look pretty."

Brendon's POV

"Look, guys are you sure about this?" I asked looking in the mirror; I looked like a prize idiot.

I felt like a prize idiot, I felt like I looked like a prize idiot, I knew Ryan wasn't coughing but rather sniggering at the fact that I looked like a prize idiot and yet here I was, brushing the invisible dust off of my shoulder trying to ignore the fact that I looked like a prize idiot. As you can see I decided I no longer looked like a pervy uncle but rather a prize idiot.

"The blazer just has to go." I said, taking it off and tossing it over the back of my vacated chair. "I look like Elizabeth's Uncle Timothy, and that dude was a fucking weirdo."

I looked around the room nervously just in case she heard me (which was rather silly because she was no where near me).

"Are you gonna stop acting like a chick so we can get going? If we're late Cass is gonna -" I cut Ryan off by pushing him towards the front door.

"Well cut your retard talk so we can go." I said, rolling my eyes and grabbing my house keys.

Elizabeth's POV

We turned up at the restaurant ten minutes late. Mainly because (in the wise words of Keltie) we had to be fashionably late, keep the guys waiting. Keeping the guys waiting I could understand, keeping Cassie's parents waiting was one thing that I just couldn't comprehend. That was like toying with a lion's food right in front of it, suicide.

I didn't mind being a little bit late; I really wasn't in the mood to exchange pleasant words with the likes of Brendon in light of all that had happened. He had indirectly rejected me twice, once is a shame but twice is just pure embarrassment. When the car finally stopped outside the restaurant I took my time with getting out of the car and walking towards the door.

I could practically feel everyone rolling their eyes as I forced them to keep stopping and waiting for me. Eventually Cassie got bored of it and grabbed my arm and harshly pulled me into the restaurant.

"We have a reservation for Mr and Mrs Walker." Cassie said, as we got to the bar. I smiled slightly at the sentiment. I knew Cassie for being strong minded and she'd always said that if she ever got married she would have a double barrel name so to hear that made me realise how much she was willing to give up in the name of love. A surname meant more to Cassie than to most but she was willing to make changes in the name of love. She loved Jon and Jon loved her to. Ah, to be loved. The Lucky Cow.

"Follow me." The man said, leading us towards a table. As we got closer I saw that many people were already there. Cassie's parents were reading the wine menu, Jon's parents were reading the starters menu, Jon and Spencer were deep in random conversation and Ryan was attacking the basket of free bread with amazing vigour as Brendon looked on in disgust.

Oh my God, Brendon. My heart stopped in my chest and my breath caught in my throat as his eyes locked with mine. He looked absolutely breath taking. So breath taking I felt myself going dizzy and I realised that I actually did stop breathing. I exhaled and took the only open seat beside him, trying to look anywhere but at him. I couldn't help it though. Just occasionally (if every four seconds or so counted as occasionally) I would glance up at him to find him looking at me. I'd turn away and immediately blush bright crimson.

I looked around the table looking for his date but there was no one I didn't know in sight. Being late wasn't cool, how dare she? Note the sarcasm because I had in fact been very late. I wanted to ask, but I didn't want to act like I cared so I busied myself with the starter menu.

"I figured if you didn't have a date, I didn't need one either, right? We can be single together." Brendon whispered in my ear, apparently reading my mind. I threw him a smile of acknowledgment and then continued staring down the menu. Everything was written in French, a language I didn't speak a word of so I decided to pass on the starter and attempt to join Ryan in the bread basket attack.

I reached my hand out to grab the basket and Ryan growled with a mouth full of bread.

"Sharing is caring fucktard." I said, snatching the basket and picking out a roll. I started picking at it, realising that I wasn't really hungry.

"Are you going to eat that?" Ryan asked, holding out his hand.

"No." I said, chucking it in his face, disgusted that he caught it with his teeth. I now had nothing to focus on so instead decided to just watch the table cloth. The waitress came over and started talking to us in really bad English adding a slight bit of French in every so often. Cassie had ordered me a salad for a starter and I just smiled thankfully.

I found it difficult to string together a sentence because I could feel Brendon's leg softly brushing against mine through the soft silky material of my dress. I looked at him quickly to find him smirking into the menu.

Two can play at that game I thought, slipping my shoe off.

Brendon's POV

I felt a foot sliding up my leg and my smirk froze in its place. I glanced over to Elizabeth to find her looking forward at Cassie and Jon talking quietly to each other. She bit her lip innocently but I knew otherwise. She pulled her hair around to one side exposing her neck to me teasingly, as if she knew I longed to just attack it with kisses right there in front of everybody.

This was one thing I had forgotten about her. Although most of the time she was painfully innocent, she could use it to her advantage so well. Most of the time it was a child like innocence, naivety almost. But sometimes - just sometimes - it was purposeful. She knew exactly what she was doing and the effect it was creating.

When she wanted to be, this girl was the word tease personified.

She nodded her head as Hayley spoke to her, feigning interest and playing with her salad. I knew her better than most, she never ate salad. I'd always been amazed by the amount she'd eat and she'd always do the same thing. She'd pat her stomach and say 'this chub isn't in my genes, y'know. It comes from actually eating.' That's one of the other many things I love about her. She's amazingly real. Nothing about her is done to impress others because she's just a down to earth and extremely honest girl. That and a tease, of course.

Ask me at any moment other than this and I would have told you that I loved her. That just one glance her way made my chest swell with pride to say I had once called her mine, that she gave my life purpose, or that living without her was like living without oxygen. Although I'm sure deep down I still do, at this particular moment I didn't love her.

The feeling that was pulsing through my veins wasn't love.

It was lust.

Elizabeth's POV

I didn't know what had come over me. I had this sudden urge to just show him what he was missing. He wanted to play his little game then I was going to beat him at it. This wasn't about love anymore and at that moment I didn't feel like the sweet innocent girl whom I always tried to be. He made me feel like I could be anything I wanted to be.

I wanted to be bad.

This was the thought that crossed my mind and caused me to match his smirk with my very own. Everything I had done so far had been deliberate, every move he had made so far could be described as accidental so I waited. I slid my foot down his leg and back into my shoe, breaking all contact. And then I waited.

Like clock work it only took four seconds until one of his hands was under the table, resting softly on my knee. I looked around at the faces of everyone around the table who were clueless as to what was going on. I was talking now talking to Cassie about nothing in particular as the main course arrived.

I once again picked at my meal with my fork, thanking God for my left handed status and reached my right hand under the table, resting it on his. I knew he was thinking that this was a little cute thing that I was doing, that I couldn't keep up with the sensuality of it all. He was completely oblivious to the fact that I planned to up the ante.

I laced my fingers in his so I could have full control of his hand and slid it under the skirt of my dress. I looked over to him and smiled sweetly though what was happening under the table told a completely different story. Once his hand reached the middle of my thigh I let go, waiting to see what he would do. Instead of moving his hand he ran his fingers across my bare thigh. It was his turn to smile innocently at me.

His hands were getting higher and higher and I was finding it so much harder to keep my eyes open or my mouth silent. His hand slid around my thigh and I squeezed my legs closed tight. I could feel myself getting wetter but I didn't want him to feel it too. I didn't want him to know he had that effect on me, not yet.

I took his hand and rested back on his own knee before 'accidentally' brushing my hand against his crotch. His eyes were focused forward as he stared at the wall intensely, trying to stop himself from doing...God knows what.

"Brendon? Brendon, are you alright?" Keltie asked, coming out of her conversation with Ryan and looking directly at Brendon. He nodded his head, trying as hard as he could to remain calm, trying to keep his breathing steady as I continued to massage him through his trousers.

Brendon's POV

"I'm fine." I breathed. "Just a bit...warm in here."

"Really? I feel quite chilly actually." She said smugly, laughing as I rolled my eyes. The main course was finally over and I realised she hadn't touched a piece of it for her hands had been busy.

I was once again forced to share a menu with her. Usually this would have made me feel awkward to say the least but now it made me feel euphoric. I wanted her now, I needed her now. It was taking all of my energy just to keep from having my wicked way with her right on the table, in front of everyone. I wanted nothing more than to rip the clothes from her body.

"What do you want for desert?" I whispered in her ear, my hand finding its way between her thighs. I pushed her underwear to one side, sliding two fingers into her velvety opening. I had one hand resting on the back of her chair and the know exactly where. I watched her biting down her lip hard in an attempt to not make a sound, felt her hips moving in an attempt to get my fingers deeper inside of her. Her jaw was eventually tight, and if I didn't know any better I'd say she was angry. But I did know better, she wasn't angry. She wanted me too.

She put her hand under the table, pulling my fingers out of her and holding my hand in hers.

Elizabeth's POV

"You." I whispered back into his ear, discreetly flicking the lobe with my tongue and pulling away before anybody noticed.

"Erm...guys." I breathed, trying to keep myself under control with a decent amount of success, trying to hide my excitement of it all, but most of all trying to stop the throbbing feeling between my legs at bay.

"I think I left my phone in my bag. I'm just going to go check the cloakroom, Brendon?" I turned to him. "Do you mind helping me look for it?"

Without giving him a chance to answer I pulled him up out of his seat and dragged him in the direction of the cloakroom.

We weren't going to find my phone (which was in fact safely in my coat pocket) and he knew it, he knew that I knew that he knew it. He knew I wanted him, I knew he wanted me, even if only for tonight, even if only in this sudden onslaught of lust. We had a mutual need.

And, I thought as I dragged him towards the cloakroom, I was about to fulfil this need.

A/N: I'm sorry I took so long but exams have been LONG. I hope this chapter makes up for it. Tomorrow I have two three hour long exams and I haven't revised a bit. Failure here I come.

Hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. I always feel weird writing sexual stuff but I threw inhibitions away and thought fuck it.

Reviews and Ratings make me go OOOOOOOHHHH - Sorry if it's rude to ask, but I never claimed to be anything but! =]
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